
Chakra System

Aditya, a crazy battle maniac who yearns for fights and battles, is living a boring, monotonous high school life. One day, he receives a pendant from an old man, which activates a system named the "Chakra system" and there are practitioners other than him in the world? He receives an invitation from the Grand Academy of Practitioners but is asked not to reveal his true powers. Nonetheless, that was his plan. Only a dim-witted protagonist would reveal their power to everyone. But he has other plans... #please share your opinion about this novel if you like it. Thanks! https://www.instagram.com/atreya.nk

AtreyaNK · ファンタジー
16 Chs


The old man observed Aditya's indifference towards the pendant's reaction. He had possessed that pendant for a long time and had never truly believed in its supposed powers or the stories of his ancestors. Doubt always lingered in his heart, for the human mind cannot accept anything without convincing evidence.

Yet, humans cannot ignore their curious nature either. What if the pendant held some truth? What if he had been punished for neglecting his duty? What if there was a reward for fulfilling his responsibility? Often, people entertain mythical or metaphysical stories for the thrill or out of fear.

However, now the pendant danced in the palm of Aditya's hand, akin to a dog wagging its tail, refusing to part from its owner as if it possessed a life of its own. The old man still couldn't believe his eyes, but what shocked him even more was Aditya's unwavering confidence in owning this mythical object and his indifference towards the absurdity of the situation.

Perhaps Aditya was truly destined for greatness and had known his capabilities from the outset....

"Wait! Yo! Young lad!"

The old man called out, as his hand waved vigorously in front of Aditya's face.

"What? This dimwit was frozen from the shock, and here I was contemplating noble philosophies and his marvelous destiny of the future. I feel foolish now and calmed down because of it." 

The old man exclaimed, his voice tinged with astonishment.

"Lad, are you there?"

Seizing Aditya's shoulder, the old man shook it vigorously. 

"Waaaa! What the hell is this? Does it truly possess powers? Wait, are these kinds of fantasies actually real?" 

Aditya shouted, his voice filled with disbelief.

"You're not astonished that you're the owner of that pendant? Furthermore, you listened to my noble story and duties without believing them?" 

The old man inquired, his eyebrows arching inquisitively.

"Then, do you believe I bought into your ancestral delusions or something? I am simply bored and seeking to pass the time with conversations about my foolish fantasies. But why is it dancing and emitting some magical light? And if those fantasies are real, of course it will acknowledge me as an owner. Who is more worthy than I am? I am not doubting that part." 

Aditya remarked, his grin smug.

Aditya pondered whether magic was indeed real, never questioning his potential as the protagonist in fantastical realms. His narcissism knew no bounds, yet he had finally achieved his childhood dream. Observing Aditya's confidence, the old man's eyebrows arched in surprise.

"Ohh... I forgot something! There was an ancient scroll my father gave it to me asked to deliver along with that pendant. I will bring you to a place this evening. I will go and do my work now." 

The old man said, tapping Aditya's shoulder as he bid farewell.

In the wake of the old man's departure, Aditya stood rooted to the spot, a silent sentinel in the courtyard. Time ebbed away like the sands in an hourglass, yet Aditya remained unmoved, grappling with the tumultuous torrent of thoughts swirling within him. It was as if the very fabric of reality had undergone a subtle shift, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Aditya stood there for an hour like a statue, unable to comprehend what is happening. It was just like any other normal day when he arrived at school and was kicked out from the class like always. However, what happened just now literally changed his life and knowledge.

Upon gazing at the pendant, a surge of both excitement and confusion enveloped him, leaving him incredulous about the events unfolding around him. 

"Let's head back to the classroom first. I'd rather not endure another round of reprimands" 

Aditya murmured, making his way towards the familiar confines of his learning space.

As he approached the classroom door, a voice greeted him from the threshold. 

"Yo! Look who's coming!"

 It exclaimed, accompanied by a smirk. 

"It's curious how even an orphan can manage a smile, despite lacking a place to call home" 

The voice added, gesturing mockingly toward Aditya.

In a swift moment, the entrance to the classroom transformed into a scene of confrontation as four boys swiftly encircled Aditya, obstructing his passage into the room.

"Did you see Vinay? His hairstyle is such an embarrassment to our classroom." 

A guy mocked Aditya while attempting to touch his hair.

Aditya's upbringing was within the walls of an orphanage, his home since birth. Amidst the daily struggle for breakfast, luxuries like owning a comb for grooming never crossed his mind. Concerns about appearance, such as hairstyle or skin complexion, were distant concepts, far removed from Aditya's reality.

"Oh, really? I thought the barber did a good job this time!" 

Aditya responded, evading the guy's hand by slipping downwards.

"Is he dumb or psycho? Hey! Did you forget to bring your brain with you?" 

Vinay shouted at Aditya, grabbing his collar. 

"Let's go! We'll take care of him in the evening like always!" 

He said to a guy on his left with a smirk, then moved ahead while patting Aditya's shoulder.

"Hey! Today's going to be interesting!" 

A guy behind him exclaimed with excitement as they all left.

Aditya encounters this type of bullying frequently. Despite being an orphan, his carefree nature and attitude never give away his orphan status. However, it's not like his appearance matches his demeanor. Aditya usually wears old, rugged, and donated clothes. In some rare instances, if a substantial monetary donation occurs, he might enjoy donning a new shirt, as long as there's extra money beyond what's needed for maintaining the orphanage and securing basic needs.

However, that doesn't mean Aditya can't fight. He absorbed knowledge beyond his years in martial arts and essential life skills from a young age, driven by his aspiration to emerge as the protagonist in fantastical events, engaging in battles and adventures. During his childhood, he frequently escaped to the nearby dense mountain, teeming with wild animals and venomous creatures, spending days there in a manner even adults wouldn't dare.

Search teams often spent days scouring the area for him, only to discover Aditya reveling in the dense mountain like a seasoned camper.

why does he choose to remain silent? Perhaps it stems from the understanding that confronting bullies physically offers no lasting resolution. While he can engage in fisticuffs to defend himself, the battleground shifts when familial and societal positions are at stake. This realization dawned upon him at the tender age of seven, a pivotal moment etched in memory.

It was a typical day at the playground, Aditya relishing the rhythmic sway of the swing when abruptly thrust to the ground by another child. Reacting impulsively, Aditya retaliated, reclaiming his spot on the swing. However, the other child's mother, albeit silent during Aditya's fall, unleashed a torrent of curses when he pushed her child back. Aditya became the target of her vitriol, labeled an orphan, his parentage questioned in a barrage of disdain.

The incident spiraled out of control, summoning the director of Aditya's orphanage to the forefront, only to endure insults hurled in his direction. Subsequently, Aditya faced expulsion from the school, a fate perhaps averted had parental figures intervened. In a different scenario, both parents would have dismissed it as a childhood squabble or engaged in a brief disagreement to diffuse tensions.

Since that tumultuous day, Aditya relinquished the impulse to retaliate, channeling his energies into the realm of fantasy, a sanctuary from the harsh realities of confrontation.