
Chainsaw man: The Gun devil

As the Gun Devil, I was consumed by a singular purpose My transformation into this relentless force of destruction brought with it a newfound power a fusion of human and firearm. I became a living arsenal

Hellopeople1222 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs


The cold metal seeped into my flesh, an intense surge of energy coursed through my veins. The world around me seemed to blur, the sounds muffled as if I had been transported to a different realm. In that moment, I could sense a profound connection forming between myself and the bullet. It was as if we were bound together, intertwined by an unbreakable bond.

And then it happened. My body began to change, transforming in ways I never thought possible. The bullet's power surged through me, granting me abilities beyond my wildest dreams. I could feel the essence of the bullet merging with my own being, reshaping me into something more.

My limbs grew stronger, infused with an otherworldly vigor. My senses sharpened, allowing me to perceive the world with newfound clarity. And as I looked down, I realized that the bullet had become a part of me, embedded within my very being.

I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest as I faced my adversaries. The transformation had taken its toll, distorting my once familiar appearance into a grotesque fusion of man and firearm. Dark veins pulsed beneath my skin, marking the ominous manifestation of power coursing through my veins.

My hair fell loose around my face, framing my eyes that now held an intense, almost feral gaze. The presence of the gun devil was undeniable, its mark visible between my eyes. The cold steel of an M1911 pistol protruded from my flesh, a constant reminder of the sacrifice I had made to gain this formidable power. The hammer of the gun pressed against the back of my head, a chilling symbol of the deadly force I now embodied.

But it didn't stop there. As I looked down at my left arm, I could hardly recognize it. Flesh and bone had given way to the mechanical form of an M4 assault rifle, melding with my very being. The metal components merged seamlessly with my augmented limb, granting me unmatched firepower and versatility.

With each movement, the machinery within me whirred and clicked, a chilling symphony accompanying my actions. As I flexed my arm, the M4 responded in kind, ready to unleash a storm of bullets upon my enemies. The weight of the firearm felt strangely natural, as if it had become an extension of my own body.

I adjusted my stance, the guns embedded in my body humming with an otherworldly energy. The M1911 pistol protruded from my face, its cold metal blending seamlessly with my features. The M4 rifle, fused with my left forearm, pulsated with power, ready to unleash a storm of bullets upon the Dragon Devil.

I tightened my grip on the triggers, feeling the weight of the guns and the power they possessed. With a surge of determination, I unleashed a relentless hail of bullets towards the massive beast. The deafening roar of gunfire filled the air as hot lead tore through the space between us, tearing into the Dragon Devil's scaly hide.

The impact of the bullets sent tremors through its massive frame, causing the creature to stagger under the onslaught. Each round found its mark, carving deep furrows in the Dragon Devil's flesh and eliciting guttural roars of pain.

As the echoes of gunfire subsided, a moment of eerie silence enveloped the battlefield. The acrid scent of gunpowder lingered in the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood and the faint scent of smoldering embers. The Dragon Devil's massive form loomed before me, its scaly hide glistening in the dim light, a testament to its formidable power.

Its piercing gaze locked onto mine, and in that chilling moment, I felt the weight of its malevolence pressing down upon me. The creature's eyes, ablaze with a sinister crimson hue, bore into my very soul, its wicked intent emanating from every fiber of its being. The sheer magnitude of its presence was suffocating, a reminder of the merciless adversary that stood before me.

I could see the remnants of my earlier onslaught etched upon the Dragon Devil's body. Scorch marks marred its scales, evidence of the bullets that had found their mark. Yet, despite the injuries inflicted upon it, the creature stood defiant, its hulking form radiating an undeniable aura of power and resilience.

With a snarl that seemed to echo from the depths of the underworld, the Dragon Devil's voice cut through the silence like a blade. "Looks like one is still alive," it hissed, its tone laced with a mix of disdain

It lunged forward, its massive claws swiping through the air with ferocious speed.

Dodging the Dragon Devil's swipes and evading its fiery breath, I skillfully maneuvered to gain a better vantage point. The guns on my body became an extension of my will, their firepower synchronized with my every move. With each pull of the trigger, I unleashed a symphony of destruction upon the formidable foe.

As the battle intensified, I tapped into the deep well of resolve within me. Every bullet that left the barrels carried with it my determination to protect and my thirst for victory. The Dragon Devil's scales cracked and splintered, blood seeping from the wounds inflicted by my relentless assault.

But the creature fought back with ferocious tenacity. Its immense wings buffeted the air, sending gusts of wind that threatened to knock me off balance. Its fiery breath roared forth, forcing me to take cover behind debris and dodge with lightning reflexes. The battle had become a deadly dance between predator and prey.

With each passing moment, the intensity grew. The air crackled with tension as the guns on my body continued their unyielding assault. Sweat dripped down my brow, my heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of the battle. The Dragon Devil's strength waned, its movements growing sluggish under the onslaught of bullets.

And then, in a final act of defiance, I unleashed a barrage of firepower so fierce and unrelenting that it became a storm of destruction. The guns on my body blazed with an otherworldly radiance, their ammunition depleting with every squeeze of the triggers. The Dragon Devil howled in agony, its once-mighty form crumbling under the onslaught.

As the echoes of the battle subsided, I stood amidst the wreckage, my body trembling with exertion and my breath ragged. The guns on my body fell silent, their barrels smoking, as I surveyed the fallen Dragon Devil. The beast, once a fearsome foe, now lay defeated, its threat extinguished.

I exhaled deeply, the weight of the battle lifting from my shoulders.

"finish me off" As the creature's ominous words pierced the air, an eerie silence fell upon the battlefield. Its voice, a chilling blend of gravelly growls and sinister whispers, carried an undeniable aura of malevolence. The very sound seemed to reverberate through the air, resonating with an otherworldly presence.


Its voice, laced with a venomous edge, spat out its words with calculated malice. "Is this the best you can do? Are you too feeble to even muster the strength to en-"


a cloud of acrid smoke billowed out, temporarily obscuring my view. As the haze slowly dissipated, the gruesome aftermath of my shot revealed itself. The creature's head was a macabre canvas of splattered blood, an abstract painting of violence and destruction. Its once fearsome features were distorted, marred by the brutal impact of the bullet.

"Shut up"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hellopeople1222creators' thoughts