
Chainsaw Man: Survival System

Be trained as an experienced person in murder and war, cold-blooded and analytically minded; His soul is transmigrated where demons instill terror in human hearts... Or maybe not? The bounty hunter, Moon, is betrayed by his most frequent and profitable client. His spirit that wandered through eternal torture will be sent to the universe of Chainsaw Man, where he can test his skills and his new survival system in this dark world, and he can also learn about lust thanks to a particular control demon.

DoctorWho1 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Demon of Murder

N/A: This chapter was a bit short, why?, the script I wrote for two months of this fanfic was deleted, I tried to recover it but I couldn't. This chapter is all I remember about a part of the script deleted, I need to take two days to be able to write the next two chapters and be able to bring you this amazing fanfic. Thank you very much and please forgive me.

I must also thank @mister_black_cat. Thank you very much for this idea! The fanfic will help a lot, today we present the Demon of Murder!


Denji and Makima.

Their cold and murderous looks.

"Here we go!"

With great pull force from the traction of his chest. His head was broken in half and a chainsaw was sticking out of his brain. The arms separated to let out the same chainsaws as in his head. His mouth exhaled steam and showed his teeth like steel, his tongue also shooting as he surveyed his surroundings.

"Do we help her?"

Makima's partner suggested as he stood in front of her to protect her.

"No... Outside of here, my job is to educate the dogs I pick up from the street and no one should get in the way of my work."

His icy voice and stern gaze, this made his companion leave so as not to be another victim in the battle that would take place now.

"Miss, are you sure to fight with that boy? He, without outside help, was able to kill thousands of zombies, he was even able to kill an A-class demon"

"I won't repeat it again... Long"

Those same icy eyes returned to action. Makima's other companion followed his companion out of the basement, he also didn't want to end up like zombies.

"Then no one interrupts us anymore?"

"Are you seeing someone else?"

Denji smiled and with great speed rushed to attack Makima. His chainsaws spun with hunger for blood, and as a good owner, he would fulfill that wish.


A fist...

Direct impact on the face...

A big collision...

His body was thrown until he collided with several containers near him, his mouth spit out blood, and his bright eyes momentarily faded.

"I give you another chance Denji. Become my pet and I swear I will fulfill all your dreams... Now, what do you think?"

"Heh... Gyjajajaja!"

The long twisted tongue came out of his mouth, licked every drop of blood staining his face, and his eyes flashed with sadism.

"It was a good blow, but it will be much more complicated to kill me and the answer to your question. No. I offered you a much more acceptable contract for you, I will work as a demon hunter but without obeying all your stupid orders."

He removed all the debris from his body and rose to continue the fight that would determine his survival.

'I need to break that superiority towards me, if I do, he will be able to obey all my orders'

A calm but angry smile appeared on Makima's dazzling face. She was a woman of firm complexity and it was very difficult for her to lose her composure, but that demon with whom she struggled made her lose patience little by little.

"You are being a very bad dog..."

"I already told you that I am not a dog!"

He ran very angrily towards Makima, he would not fall for the same trick, he would avoid Makima's next blow, and hit his cut.

"It's useless to try Denji..."

Another punch was approaching his face, a single centimeter about to impact...


He moved his head just in time for the trajectory of the blow, Makima's face showed impression, and he saw that a chainsaw was about to cut off his right arm.


His arm was cut off by the same Denji who smiled superiorly at Makima. The arm fell to the ground, and his blood surrounded everything.

"Hahahaha! What did you think about it?"

She smiled sweetly.

To Denji's surprise, the limb that was cut off by the floto along with all the blood, the blood formed a rope on his arm and joined his body again. Makima was back as usual.

"That's cheating! It's not fair that you use that skill of yours!"

The chainsaw pointed at Makima, let out a little laugh, and also pointed at Denji with his fingers in the shape of a gun.

"This is a battle for domination, no one dictated the rules, or am I wrong?"


Before he went out again to attack, he felt a danger instinct nearby. I had to dodge to the right


An explosion of invisible energy crossed wings of the lucky Denji who dodged the attack in time, a concrete column was destroyed along with heavier objects that were in the same position of the attack trajectory.

'But what the hell?! That thing is too dangerous! If it weren't for my demonic and enhanced physical abilities, that attack would have killed me'

With a huge jump, Denji stepped out of Makima's vision. She smiled amused, the roles had changed and now they were Cat against mouse.

"Is it over so quickly? And I thought this would be an entertaining struggle."

Their golden eyes that were now fierce were desperately searching for their prey. His nose was moving like a cat's, and the smile on his face increased.

"I can smell you, you can run but don't hide Denji"


In a pile of stone rubble was Denji hiding, his saws made no sound so as not to alert Makima, and his breathing was controlled.

'Fuck! Is that woman normal, how is it possible that she can have a big smell?'

I had to contain my fury to go attack that woman, I didn't want to take another blow and if I managed to connect some of my attacks, she will simply heal.

'Wait a minute, he said it has a big smell?... I have an idea'


While Makima was looking for Denji, her nose was moving violently and that was a sign that Denji had changed position.

"You are becoming very rebellious, because you hide from your owner?"


In the direction Makima pointed, thousands of stacked objects were thrown.

"I have you..."

In a speed blur, Makima moved towards a human shadow that was behind a trash can. A punch approached the shadow, but was it a mannequin?



A blade was on his neck, his blade close to cutting his throat, and behind him was Denji in his human form with a zombie body on his back.

"It's over..."

"How did you do it?"

A little laughter came from his teeth, and a little reddish glow appeared in his eyes. In a swift motion, Denji kicks Makima's legs to make her lose her balance.

"Your nose. I assumed that if I hid my smell from you with a zombie body, I might attack by surprise, you mentioned it... No one dictated the rules of this fight."

Makima was kneeling on the ground, her arms held by Denji and her butt in the air.

Her eyes were full of rage but strangely they were also full of Lust, it was the first time anyone had mastered her, and a light light came on in her head. He had to play together with Denji, he had to earn her trust and love for her, it was simple.

"I hate to admit it, but you win"

"Hahahaha! Yes, I will finally be able to have a normal life!"

Denji hit the air along with several cheers towards him. His eyes began to close, and his body began to fail.

"Hahaha... P-Pochita, I will fulfill our contract, just wait a little..."

Makima stood up and took Denji in her arms, could no longer remain conscious, and fell into Makima's arms.

"Don't think you are superior to me, you are a perfect specimen for my collection, besides... You have something inside you that belongs to me, something I have longed for for a long time."

His soft fingers swept over Denji's hair soaked with the zombie's blood, he smiled, and quickly called his co-workers to take Denji to clean up his body and put him in his car.

"You will be a difficult puppy to take care of, I just have to offer you whatever you want, and your confidence will grow towards me"




In the demon-hunting public service car, Denji and Makima were in the back seats, and Makima's companions were driving the vehicle towards the demon hunters' headquarters.

"Miss Makima, it's not to invade your privacy, but what relationship do you have with that guy?"

The voice of one of Makima's companions echoed in the car. Denji slept peacefully on Makima's shoulder, and while he slept, Makima held his hand.

"Co-workers, why the question?"

Makima responds with a smile but with an air of seriousness, apparently she didn't want to talk about it.

While Denji was sleeping, he bit his lip hard, in one movement abruptly took his stomach tightly, and thousands of beads of sweat accumulated all over his body.

Everyone became worried, and the driver braked the car to check his health. This was not normal...



"Q-What the hell do you want from me?"

This was something that bothered me a lot. While unconscious, I was teleported to this place with immense darkness, and in front of me was something calling itself The Demon of Murder.

He doesn't have a defined appearance and, while talking to him, he could take different forms as he pleased. These can range from other people to inanimate objects. Right now he is not with me, but I feel a great presence flooding my body.

—You... Get me out of here now human, if you don't fulfill it I swear I will kill you...

His voice sounded distorted and very dark, my body became too tense which caused cramping, and a lot of fear was present in my brain.

"Y-Ya told you that I don't know how you got here! T-I'm telling you the truth."

Fear wouldn't let me speak, I just wanted to get out of here and be able to breathe the light air outside.

—Your... How can I assure him that he is telling the truth? That system of yours I have not seen at any time.

"I don't know how to show it to you... Seriously, believe me, if I die, you die."

Silence flooded the whole place...

"Ghaaaaa! Stop now, please, this hurts a lot!"

Immense pain appeared all over my body and a terror I had never felt appeared in my brain. Imagine a thousand needles stuck in your body and bloody images appearing simultaneously in your brain... It was something I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemy.

—You, kill me?... Hahahaha! That's the best joke in the world, I'm the demon of murder, I represent the fear of being killed one day

"I understand! But please stop with this suffering!"

Let out one last cry of suffering...

It was all over. I no longer felt pain and the bloody images disappeared, my body hurt too much, and my mental health was almost broken.

—I will make the contract with you, I realized that you tell the truth as I felt a greater force than mine

His voice sounded nervous. He finally believed me, thank you very much system, you are my savior!

"G-Thank you... So what is the condition?"

—.... Your hands

Again silence flooded the place. My hands, it's weird, I guess, but who am I to judge.

"Okay?... Then let's make the contract."

Did I offer my hand to the Devil? Darkness?, it does not matter, I just want to get out of this darkness and be able to eat something, my palate is very much in need of food.

—I want you to use your hands to kill the demons we encounter, so I see that you are going to work as a demon hunter, so I want you to use your hands to give me those demons as a sacrifice. Don't ask why

His voice sounded neutral but when he mentioned demons, did he get angry?, it was something very strange but I guess he will have his reasons.

"I see... Then I will grant you permission to use my hands to kill every demon that crosses us, you in return will lend me your skills to help me, Deal?"

Expect an answer from this intangible demon, but nothing...

—Done. I will lend you my assassination skills to help you.

The extreme cold surrounded my hand, a mass of energy passed through my body, and I felt that my hands were no longer working. Apparently the devil took control of them.

"Then I guess my hands now belong to you..."

—You're right. Now go, I will only help you when we kill the other demons.

The space between us began to break, thousands of cracks appeared, and an immense light invaded my poor eyes.



"Denji, wake up! How are you?"

Makima's voice echoed in my ears, I watched as everyone looked at me with concern.

"What happened?..."

I tried to move my hands but it was simply impossible, they did not respond, they were also very cold.

"I appreciate you feeling good. While you were sleeping, your body started having very extreme seizures, but now you're fine and that's what matters"

Makima's voice sounded soft and worried. I'm not going to fool myself, I can tell when someone lies and when they don't, and Makima knows something about what happened to me.

"I thank you. Could we go eat? I'm really hungry."

Makima gave a tender smile.

"Sure! I will take you to eat whatever you want, I will pay."

"Thank you?..."

At least I would have food, I guess. Right now I have two contracts; Pochita and the demon of murder... I will fulfill all contracts, I want to have a normal life...