

In a world much differently than yours lives a girl in the most unfortunate of circumstances. She had lost it all. Everything she had and was. Her home in shambles. Her parents gone without a word. Her mind lost in the void of endless darkness of her depression. What hope does she have that anything will change or get any better than what it is now? How much worse can her life possibly get. Maybe with this state of mind is how her story begins. In the hell she will call home, a vampire's den.

I dont want to give away too much in the beginning because i have big plans for this novel. it may seem depressing at first but tings will get better. This novel is a fantasy version of my own life to help me cope what i have been through. Though the scenes will be stretched to fit it being in a vampire fantasy world,it contains my emotion and how i actually feel. It is my way of coping. writing makes me feel good and i love it when people read my work . please enjoy

Ravenia_Boneicreators' thoughts