
Chains of Obsession

Warning... (R-18) Excerpt. "Caress me, embrace me, but never dare to leave me," "Consume me, dominate me, but don't dare anticipate affection from me," Character Introduction. Female lead. Angel, a shy human, holds her kin and cuisine in high regard. Sweet and seemingly flawless, she is about to cross paths with her polar opposite in Alice. Her adoration knows no bounds, starting with her doting parents and extending to her cherished books. And let's not forget her insatiable appetite, despite her petite frame. A Perfect Daughter, A Perfect Loving being . BUT CAN PERFECTION TRULY EXIST? Male lead. Alice, a dangerous predator with insatiable desires; His passion lies in the art of combat, reveling in triumph over any adversary who crosses his path. His existence is a thrilling dance of surprises, concealing his true nature beneath a veil of cruelty. He abides by the creed of kill or be killed. Blessed with a physique beyond reproach, a flaw gnaws at him, rendering him the epitome of imperfection. What unfolds when a treacherous vampire encounters an introverted human? How will these polar opposites live their destined union? Discover the enthralling tale of a desolate vampire entwined with his introverted human mate.

_Kitto_ · ファンタジー
88 Chs

What ?

Alice and Angel .

Alice saw she didn't reply and that made him angry to the point where it just made him angry and he asked " Are you sure you are going to keep your mouth quiet?".

Angel answered " I don't want to eat anything, just take me home, I have no appetite".

Alice this time with disappointment" You are just making me angry, it's better be an answer I want to hear Sweetheart or else you are just going to see the worst of things you surely not going to like".

I would love to do something that may turn your answer into Yes! And your face in disgust with tears .

How about not spoiling your image? It's already tainted and just tell me what you want to eat because today you surely are not going to cover your pretty face .