
Chains of Heaven

Being reborn with hardly any memories of his previous life a boy suffered his entire early years on the hands of those who should be his family. After being thrown away he decides not to take revenge, instead he decides that he will do all he can to help others who are suffering, to face the greatest challenge the world has to offer. Change the world to a better place, stop the wheel of suffering that the world is on. For that he will face many enemies, create allies, and much more. - Harem; - Characters from other anime-verses; - MC with some gifts and items from other franchises; - Accepting suggestions for inheritances and other ideas as long as they are related to: A) Most animes; B) Coiling Dragon; C) Desolate Era; D) Martial World; E) Soul Land and associated worlds; F) Martial God Asura; G) Perfect World; H) Heaven's Path Library; I) God of Slaughter; J) Spirit Realm; K) Otherworldly Evil Monarch L) Long Live Summons; M) Ancient Strengthening Technique; N) World Defying Dan God; O) Shura Wrath; P) Emperor's Domination; - AU of ATG with some characteristics of other Wuxias.

kingCH · その他
54 Chs

Chapter 2

As the boy walked forward he found a small animal. It was a simple rabbit but the boy did not care, he dived at the rabbit and narrowly managed to catch it, without hesitation or a second thought he broke it's neck and started eating it, fur, skin, and all. His hunger was just too much for him to handle.

After he managed to eat a lot he almost vomited as his body couldn't handle that much food, but at the last moment something in him 'clicked' and the excess of food was taken from his stomach before he vomited it and just, well, vanished.

'Oh, so this is how that one works. I guess it is no surprise I never figured that one out before, after all, I never could eat all that much back in the clan.'

This is what the boy thought as he considered one of the four things in his body.

The Grandmist Spirit Bead from Martial World. It looks like a pill and the Grandmist Spirit Bead can forcefully wrest away and swallow the blood vitality of all life. Moreover, it possessed the ability to condense all of this blood vitality into Grandmist Spirit Bead essence that is basically a pill to either use to cultivate the body or to recover from injury.

This bead, like the other three treasures, are all stored in the boy's body. For him to activate the Grandmist Spirit Bead he must either be using his own energy to do, which for him right now is simply impossible or by doing some special action.

In this case, the action is by eating beyond what his body can handle. When doing that with meat the excess meat is taken to the Grandmist Spirit Bead and when he desires it he can take it out and eat the resulting Grandmist Spirit Bead Essence to improve. He can either use a pill frmed like this to recover his physical strength or to improve his body or even add the bloodline of beasts to his body in a perfect way, what for others would need thousands of years to be done he can do instantly this way.

"Heh, to think it was something like that. Really, it is not even funny how broken this is." The boy said to himself as he now could stand firmly on his two legs and seemed a bit refreshed.

As he now could stand properly he noted how he had taken perfectly well the energy of the rabbit in question. He also had taken the Grandist Spirit bead and ate it to recover his energy better.

Now being able to move and with his head no longer killing him from hunger he could now think about what he was to do.

On one side he wanted to change things, on another, he could see how trying it by himself would not only be hard it would be outright impossible. One person has a limit to how much he or she can do. He would still try, but he is not stupid.

Sighing the boy could only think on what his first step should be. There is a mountain of things he wanted to discover right now but he first needs to reach a town, preferentially one with a martial sect or something along those lines even if it was a weak one.

He only needs a few minutes at their library, after all, not to actually enter and be part of the sect.

He kept moving forward for about half an hour when the sound of a storm approaching got to him. It was getting quite loud and close so he hides underneath a small tree in the forest, it was a small one surrounded by big ones so any thunder would aim at the bigger trees instead of the one he was underneath.

As he waited for the rain to pass he heard shouts of people fighting and roars of profound beasts not far away. As he saw this he waited as he could not enter this fight, he was far too weak right now.

After a good while, the sounds stopped and he decided to go and take a look, even if only to see what had happened. Arriving at the scene of the fighting he noticed how both sides seemed to have injured one another and would likely not survive long there.

The profound beast looked like a big blue snake with horns and it was curling up, even at this instant, around what seemed to be an egg. On the other side, five people wearing similar clothing in green were also injured, trying their best to eat medicine to recover. However, when the boy saw that he turned his attention to his mindscape, he stood in what seemed like a gigantic and unending library with barely any books inside. as he looked at the meager few books there he noticed one about those people, indicating their condition, their flaws, and the medicine they were taking.

'This, this will only make them die faster!' The boy thought to himself as he moved, he moved before he realized it and approached the injured cultivators.

"What you want? Do you want to kill us for what we have? Because, if so, don't bother. Even as we are now we can kill a regular person like you easily." A man with a gruff appearance and with blood on his face grunted at the boy as he got close. The boy flinched at that but in his mind the memories of how a proper society should be echoed in his head.

In a proper society, people should help one another.

Deciding to not care about anything typical of this world where one would leave these people to die without a second thought or just kill them off for whatever they possess while calling themselves righteous, the boy spoke up.

"Y-You shouldn't eat that pill right now. It would be too much and kill you if you do that." The boy said before pointing at another person that was groaning in pain and seemed much weaker. "His body should be able to take the medicinal energy of that pill better and he should also recover faster." As the boy finished speaking the old man grunted and was about to retort when a much older voice spoke up.

"Oho, and why would you say that? It surely doesn't seem so considering that the gentleman you are speaking clearly seems much better physically by comparison."

"That is because his Lieque point is injured slightly, if he takes this strong medicine it would be released from this point and considering how close it is to blood vessels it would be released in pressure there and break those blood vessels and possibly have the energy travel those blood vessels to his organs or even his heart, killing him." The boy answered.

"Very well, but what of the clearly more injured boy. He is younger and his injuries are clearly much larger, shouldn't he be more worried?" The old voice asked.

"Not really, his wounds are serious but there are enough openings due to his wounds that any excess energy will be liberated by his injuries and during the liberation, the medicinal energy will partially linger in his open wounds and help close them." The boy answered. This time the old voice chuckled.

"Interesting, really interesting. To think these people would be lucky enough to find two doctors instead of only one, they really are quite lucky." As the old voice said that an old man came forward, he smelled heavily of medicines and was wearing simple tunics and looked quite normal all things considered.

As he walked forward he looked at the boy up and down and his wrinkled face showed a warm smile of welcome.

"Very good, your eyes tell me that you have a good disposition and you looks honest and kind as well as seem talented at medicine to be able to say what I was about to say. Have you ever been actually trained in medicine, boy?"

"No, I just could see that it was a mistake and deduced why it would be like this." The boy said, making the old man raise an eyebrow.

'Could it be, someone who naturally has a good Eye of Insight? How come I never heard of him before then? Normally anyone born with even the weakest level Eye of Insight would be acclaimed as a genius across the continent and the Master Teacher Association would have taken them by now.' The old man thought to himself. There were cases of people born with eyes like that, anyone could develop those type of eyes but normally those born with them would have a much greater potential later on in their eyes.

Eye of Insight is an type of skill that normally only high level Master Teachers or those with strong foundations on other jobs would ever develop, they allow one to see through mistakes and errors with a glance, even if one is not sure why something is wrong they would still be able to tell it is wrong. There are different tiers for eyes like those as well, with what Enkidu said the old man can only assume his eyes are between and second and third level, higher than he ever heard someone have naturaly.

The old man nodded to himself three times, this really was a golden chance for him, one he could only dream about before but never dare think he would obtain. He took another look at Enkidu, his aura, despite being tired and weak, was clear without a doubt and he exuded a certain natural energy that made him quite approacheble. He was also someone who would jump in to help strangers even without asking anything in return.

Yes, he would do nicely.

"You, would you like to be my student in the arts of healing?"

"..." The boy was speechless, he has never seen this old man and now was being offered to be his disciple. It really was too weird. However, as he looked at the old man who had begun to exude some of his aura to try and impress the boy a book was produced of him, indicating his names and flaws as well as his good parts. As he saw what was writen about his good parts and his bad parts he came to a decision. He kowtowed then and there. "Teacher, I accept this position with great respect. I may be unworthy of it, but thank you for this chance."

The old man, Yun Gu, the medical saint of the Azure Cloud Continent and the best doctor in the entire world, smiled happily at that news.

"Good, very good. Now, watch as your teacher shows you how to treat these people."

And so the boy watched and learned in fascination at what Yun Gu showed him. Yun Gu explained to him what he was doing step by step, answering any doubts the boy might have about what he was doing and by the time he finished it he quizzed him about it.

As they finished Yun Gu turned to the boy and asked.

"Now that I think about it, I never asked your name. I really am getting on my years if I can ever forget such a thing." Yun Gu said, he was s excited to have finally found someone who could take on his legacy and improve it even further than he did, something he has been looking forward to for years now. "Let's do proper presentations then, my name is Yun Gu. What is yours?"

The boy froze a bit, he never really got a name before as he was only ever called 'thing' or 'bastard' to this day. He could choose anything really, but, if he were to have a name he should have one that had something to do with him and not external things. He wants to be himself, not what others see him like.

As such, he looked at himself, at what he was, and he came to a decision with a wry smile on his lips.

Why not this name? The name of a doll that despite being just mud given form managed to rebel against his destiny and forge his own path, make his own history. He was one with it in body and he too intended to rebell against the destiny this world wanted to put forward so much.

"Enkidu. My, my name is Enkidu, sensei."