
Chapter 21

"M-My other son…?" Odin muttered, his mind gradually coming to the realisation.

"No! Thor! Y-You killed him?" Odin said, still unable to believe it.

"Well I didn't, one of my subjects did, the same one that killed your friend." Adrian said, grinning.

"But your son was garbage either way, he couldn't do anything without his hammer, and so he got crushed like the bug he was."

"And the same thing is gonna happen to your other pitiful son.Well, step son." Adrian continued.

"Freya, Thor, Loki…..forgive me." Odin muttered as he fainted.

There were two reasons why Adrian couldn't let Odin die, one was because he wanted to study his Odinforce and then after he is able to understand it, he can mix it with his nether energy. This would significantly increase his power. After that he could absorb his body and because he mixed the Odin force with his nether energy he would be able to use all the abilities that Odin at his prime could use.

This would also give Adrian all of Odin's memories, propelling his martial arts to a whole new level. The second reason was because if Odin died, the seal on Hela's prison would breal, and while Adrian can hold her off for a little bit and 'kill' her for a while. Eventually she would just keep getting stronger the longer she stayed in Asgard.

And with just the embodiment of his will, Adrian was not able to completely destroy Asgard.

'Not that I would let this treasure trove of a place be destroyed until I take everything of value.' Adrian thought

'This is where the tesseract is afterall, along with the eternal flame and other notable treasures.'

'I'm a bit too daring, after I take everything of value there is from Asgard I'm going to leave a small residual piece of my will here so I can come back . Afterwards, I'm going to try my hands at locating the tensura world.' Adrian thought.

'And it looks like Heimdall is just about done with doing what he was ordered to do.'

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

The sound of fast approaching footsteps were heard, rapidly coming towards where Adrian was. In the distance, Adrian could make out the silhouette of Heimdall's figure coming into view.

Heimdall's eyes were blank and dead, in his left hand was an unconcious Freya with blood dripping from her mouth and in his right hand was Loki. His face was crushed, blood leaking from it with every step Heimdall took, likely from a beating to the face and his limbs were bent in weird angles.

Arriving in front of Adrian, Heimdall kneeled and dropped Freya and Loki.

"Good job." Adrian said to the kneeling Heimdall.

"Now go back to your maker."

Hearing those words, Heimdall got up from his kneeling position and started running in the opposite direction, to where Draalok was.

'It seems Draalok found someone or something interesting, that must be why he isnt here yet.' Adrian thought.

'Well he has potential, a lot of it. He deserves some rewards.'

Placing his hand on Freya's unconscious body, Adrian's hands roamed all over her body , feeling up her supple breasts and ass until his hands reached her crotch area, lightly rubbing it.

'I'm really tempted to just ravish this woman. But the longer I stay in this universe the higher the risk of my will being instantly destroyed.'

Adrian stood over Freya's unconscious form, feeling a mix of temptation and frustration. As powerful as he was, he knew that lingering too long in this realm could invite risks he was not prepared to face. Instead, he took a step back, preparing to take Freya's unconscious body and Loki's corpse with him while he took everything of value in Odin's vault.

Throwing both their bodies over his shoulder, Adrian walked around Odin's vault. Trying to find where the Tesseract and the eternal flame would be, he knew Odin wouldn't put treasures like that in the open since the eternal flame was the literal source of surtrs power and could be used to resurrect or summon him and the tesseract contained something even greater.

The tesseract contained one of the six infinity stones, the space stone. It also had a nigh-unlimited source of energy that if Adrian could absorb, would no doubt propel his power to insane levels. If he could absorb everything from the Tesseract and the space stone, without any wastage , he could no doubt reach universal levels of power.

'But the damned thing has a sort of consciousness, it can choose who to give its powers to. Not that I need its permission but this will only make it more difficult.'

'Not only that but infinity stones don't work outside of their own universe, so if I bring the space stone with me to my dimension It'll only be as useful as a regular rock.'

'Which means I would have to bring back a piece of soul from my dimension to this universe.'

'But the eternal flame, that I am definitely taking.' Adrian thought in greed.

'I have a strong feeling that if I were to absorb it, it would significantly boost the power of my concept based abilities since the flames in my dimension are the embodiment of my conceptual attacks.'

'Now to just find them.'

Adrian shifted his focus, scanning the grand chamber of Odin's vault. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings that told tales of Asgardian history, while golden artifacts gleamed under the soft glow of enchanted lights.

After scanning the place, Adrian's eyes finally landed on a door that was beside where the destroyer armour was. Putting the corpse of Loki down, Adrian picked the unconscious odin up and dragged him to where the door was. As soon as Odin's body neared the door, it opened, leading down to a dark stairway.

Dragging Odin and Freya with him, Adrian descended down to where the stairs led. After reaching the end of the stairs, Adrian saw the true treasures of Asgard. In the center of the room there were four pedestals, on each of the pedestals was a treasure that Adrian considered to be the best in all of Asgard.

On the first pedestal was the Casket of Ancient Winter, while it was useless to Adrian if he were to give it to say, Draalok or Azazel, they could probably increase their arsenal of abilities if they absorbed it.

On the second pedestal was the crown of black fire, something that would go well with Adrian if wore it. Sensing the fire contained in the crown, Adrian realised that if he were to wear this it could probably also increase the power of his black flames and since his flames were the embodiment of his Conceptual attacks it would in turn increase the power of his main abilities.

On the third pedestal was the second thing that Adrian was most excited about, the eternal flame. This would directly increase his powers if he were to absorb it, and it wouldnt be small considering the eternal flame is the source of surturs powers, and while he did lose, surtr was able to take on Odin in his prime without dying.

'It also has some aspect of death in it, since Hela was able to use it to revive her dead soilders.' Adrian thought.

On the last pedestal, was the most powerful artifact in this room and the one that would propel Adrian's power to insane levels if he managed to absorb it. The Tesseract and the space stone.

'After absorbing all this i'm going to leave a tiny residual will here, this will allow me to be able to find this universe again. And if it dies, then it doesn't matter, it won't really affect me.'

Adrian dropped both Odin and Freya to the ground and approached the pedestal with the eternal flame, putting his hand above it. As soon as his hand touched the eternal flame, a rush of power shot into Adrian's will. The amount of power his will had started to rapidly increase, approaching the power Odin had at his prime until it finally stopped.

'T-This is fucking amasing, a-all this power....Odin managed to repel this in his prime!?" Adrian thought, shocked.

The amount of power Adrian had right now was so high to the point where if he were to fight Odin once again, he could just one shot him with raw physical strength, no enhancement from any energy, no weapons and no abilities.

* sigh *

Adrian sighed, ' I shouldnt be surprised, the guy fought fucking infinity, a cosmic being to a standstill when he was in his prime. '

'And it seems I got some new abilities from absorbing this.' Adrian thought, smiling.

' I can now manipulate and create fire, I could already do this before but now the flames have a concept attached to it.' Adrian mused

'The concept of eternal.'

'My flames would not go out, even if doused with water, you would have to cut off the part it was burning but this...this goes a step further.'

'If you're hit with these flames, they will eternally stay with you. You could kill your body and let your soul go into reincarnation and the flames would be right there with you.' Adrian laughed

'You could even try and seal the flames into a different reality or pocket dimension and they would still be there with you...it's a bit poetic if you think about it. '

' And I can feel it, my other abilities have gotten significantly stronger, I just need to safely get back to my dimension after absorbing the power of the tesseract and the space stone.'

Moving his way towards the tesseract, Adrian prepared himself to be ready to brute force this artifact. He knew the tesseract had a sort of will and would refuse to give its power to those it deemed unworthy. It's like the universe almost had a sort of defensive mechanism.

Placing both his hands above the tesseract, Adrian pressed his hands down, coating both his hands in nether energy and trying to forcefully absorb the energy of the tesseract. Space cracked as the tesseract tried to teleport Adrian away from it but Adrian would just constantly destroy space everytime it tried. After the tesseract realised that teleporting wasn't gonna work it started sending out pure cosmic energy at Adrian.

Both of his hands instantly disintegrated.

This didn't really shock Adrian much, if it was the mcu he could probably easily hold it without it doing much to him, especially with the boost in power he just got but this was the comics, everything was extremely overpowered. Adrian was even slightly surprised he didn't die immediately after entering the marvel comics universe.