
Chad of Thrones

Plucked prematurely from his new life as Harry Potter after technically accomplishing ROB's task, Chad now finds himself in the TV version of Game of Thrones. This time, he was tasked with holding the Iron Throne for twenty years and was not allowed to be born as an heir. But nobody said he had to play by the same rules the natives played by. After all, Chad had Potterverse magic! Even if ROB nerfed it to inconvenience him as much as possible by making him conform to the Harry Dresden book's magic rules. The second book in the series: A Chad in the Multiverse. https://www.patreon.com/Chado_Sama A Harry Potter/Game of Thrones SI fanfiction. Obviously, this is a fan-fiction with systems or ideas from other novels, so credit goes to original authors. Also, this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Chado_Sama · テレビ
10 Chs

Chapter 2

In the end, ROB was actually helpful for a change and agreed to turn his Companions, Items and Pet into one time summon cards. Otherwise, how would he suddenly explain eight female bodyguards, their unmanned ships, Valyrian weapons and a mini Kraken?

All at the age of nine and in the heart of Winterfell!

Though unsurprisingly, when Chad had found a loophole in the CYOA thanks to unclear specifications of an item, ROB used the summon cards as payment for capping 'Pouch of Gold' at ten purchases, giving him a thousand gold dragons instead of unlimited funds.

This was because the Pouch of Gold was free if you were a Noble and could be taken multiple times. But if this was the price for having all of his selections hidden away in cards only he could use until he needed them, it was a small price to pay.

Money would be easy to come by with his Potterverse magic.

A month after Chad had filled out his Song of Ice and Fire Jumpchain document and saturated his mind with everything useful he would need, he unceremoniously found himself once again in the body of a young child in a spartan room.

Though this time, it was a well-made stone bedroom instead of a broom cupboard. At least this life, he was nine instead of one and a half.

One of the benefits of ROB using a CYOA to now insert Chad into different settings was that his new body came with background knowledge. Thanks to being of noble birth, Chad Stark had already started to receive training.

Though due to his young age, that only covered basic swordplay and literacy. But not having to learn a new language was definitely a plus. Education was also why it was such a d*ck move for Rickard, his father, to send him off down south to continue his learning.

Having his training governed by Jon Arryn would mould him into an idiot like Robert or Ned if he didn't already have the mind of an adult. He would know nothing of the North and its Noble Houses and make countless mistakes when dealing with them like canon Ned Stark.

Imagine bringing back William Dustin's horse and not his body, especially when he brought back his sisters' when she was the reason for everything that transpired in the first place.

To make matters worse, Ned even took time out of his busy schedule after all of his friends died helping him rescue his sister, to deliver the sword that killed them to Arthur Dayne's family.

Talk about double standards of 'honour'...

This was why Brandon was fostered in the North, while Ned was sent south for alliances. Ned was the spare heir and didn't need to be educated in ruling Winterfell and its lands. So if Jon Arryn turned him into an idiot, it would not matter as much. There was also Benjen that was tutored in Winterfell just in case.

Thanks to his new memories, Chad instantly knew his relationships with the inhabitants of Winterfell and its layout. But, unfortunately, that also meant he already had a predetermined reputation with them.

As expected when he chose the Stalwart Shield Flaw and designated his mother, Chad Stark was an extreme mummy's boy, and because he was the spare heir by a few minutes at birth, a soured relationship with his twin.

It didn't help matters that Brandon was absolutely not shy about taking what he wanted thanks to being rather hot-blooded, and was the best swordsman among his siblings. To make matters worse, being the heir made him Rickard's favourite while Chad continuously ran to Lyarra, his mother, whenever a problem arose between them.

Although it was all petty children's arguments and fights, it was clear to Chad that his new father planned to send him off to separate the boys before the rivalry turned into more of a blood feud now they were getting older.

Somewhere in the North would still be considered too close, regardless of its vast territory. So even though he held the land deed to Moat Cailin and would benefit significantly from fostering with his future Noble neighbour, that was where Brandon was fostered in canon.

Chad wasn't sure if this was an attempt to limit a future alliance between him and the Dustins or not, but it was clear he was rapidly running out of ideas for where to be placed. His earlier plans were not looking likely to succeed the more he thought about it.

Luckily, his other flaws had yet to manifest themselves. If he woke up with Joffrey's reputation, he would be extremely pissed off. But knowing ROB, it would be more interesting to see how Chad personally dealt with wanting to torture people or sire bastards as a child.

If Chad started this Jumpchain on the Wall as part of the Night's Watch for already killing and torturing someone at age nine, he would rather just jump off the frozen monstrosity and go back to conquering the Potterverse.

ROB had already pushed him to his bottom line with all of his nerfing and bullshit.

After taking the time to work through his newfound knowledge of this world and reassert his Occlumency, Chad set off for breakfast to meet his new family.

Breakfast for the Starks was a relatively private affair, consisting of just the family and a few servants. By the time he arrived, late from restoring his Occlumency, the rest of his new family were nearly finished eating a modest spread of bread, assorted meats and eggs.

Since Chad was already nine years old, Eddard, Lyanna and Benjen had already been born. Their respective ages were eight, five and four. Too young to have built any lasting significant relationship if he was to be shipped off to another kingdom.

Sporadically written letters were not enough to bridge the gap of such a great distance and lack of interaction. Although Chad knew fostering was used as a way to form alliances or bring allies closer, it did a lot of lasting damage if poorly done.

Still, if he had to be sent away, he prefered it to someone not involved closely in the rebellion. He wasn't going to stop it since he needed both his brother and father to stupidly rush into the waiting arms of a madman with a penchant for fire.

Though looking at his cute and innocent sister, he supposed he would have to mitigate the harm she brought upon herself. But, since her and Brandon's personalities were so similar, they clashed, and she ended up closer to Chad, whereas Ned followed his hero Brandon.

Though it was not a close relationship considering he was nine and she was five. No older sibling liked spending time with a significantly younger one when they were children. But still, there was enough familial love through his implanted identity to warrant a fondness for the brash young girl.

Even at five years old, Lyanna was already a terror and causing him problems. Since Chad was now a Stark, he might as well prevent the unnecessary deaths of most of his family. No childbirth death for Lyanna or a morbid Benjen rotting away at the Wall.

Curse his new memories influencing his pragmatic ambitions! He chose the Starks because they would die, not to save them!

Still, there was no need for them to suffer needlessly, even if they brought it on themselves through less than intelligent actions.

"Good morning," Chad announced after taking his usual seat at the table.

"You're late. Eat quickly, there is something we need to speak of." So stated his stern father, not wasting any words.

'Of course, ROB had chosen to insert me on the morning of the announcement for my fostering. Why give me time to plan out an escape!' Chad sullenly thought to himself.

Receiving a kind smile from his mum, a sneer from his bratty older brother, a nod from quiet Ned and excited nonsensical chatter from his sister, Chad filled his plate with the remaining food not yet eaten.

Not long later, after stuffing his face and indulging his five-year-old sister's conversation, Rickard stood up, gave him a pointed stare of 'hurry up' and headed off to his solar, a fancy name for a lord's private chamber.

Not being silly enough to temp his father's disapproval when he needed his favour, Chad finished what he could quickly and followed after him. There would be time to eat after he talked his way out of going to the Eyrie.

Once they were both seated and the door closed, Rickard hit him with the news.

"I have just received word from Jon Arryn, and he has consented to foster you until your majority," Rickard stated, indicating there was to be no objection.

He was not the most caring of parents, and although Chad had no doubts that he loved his children, Rickard Stark was a stern, taciturn, medieval noble that did what was best for the House of Stark, not its individual members.

"Father, if I may ask, why Lord Arryn? Why not a House that could help us more like the Lannisters or the Tyrells?"

"You do not have to concern yourself with why, son. I have given my word." Replied Lord Stark, pulling rank.

Chad was curious why his stubborn old man had not mentioned Robert Baratheon. Perhaps he thought Chad would latch onto him as the reason for the fostering and direct his resentment at the situation towards Bobby B.

Whatever it was, Chad knew there was no way he could convince Rickard to change his mind. He planned to use Ned as a sacrifice, but it seems like only the second in line for House Stark would do by the finality of his father's words.

Since this approach was untenable, it was time to throw out an excuse for when Chad inevitably pissed all over Rickard Stark's southron ambitions. It was time for Chad to find religion.

"Does Lord Arryn at least worship the Old Gods? Or will he treat us like all southrons do, like we are no better than Wildings?" Chad spat out, not having to pretend much at being a sullen child that didn't get his way.

He hated being ordered around by those that thought they knew what was best for him. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to act out! He had ten years until the Harrenhall Tourney, and he didn't plan to spend that time being ordered around like a child.

Even if he was currently a child and acting like one...

Chad knew he had struck a nerve when he saw Lord Stark's face frost over but couldn't care less. A beating would further add to the 'evidence' for the plan quickly forming in his mind.

Rickard Stark had grand ambitions to venture out diplomatically into the southern kingdoms, the first Stark in recent history to do so. Many speculated that it was Maester Walys that stoked these ideas, and Chad was one of them.

Maesters were altogether too suspect not to be wary of.

"Boy! Get back here!" Shouted his dear old dad as Chad wrenched the door open and made a break for it.

If he was going to be punished, he wasn't going to make it easy for the bastard.