

"Mm. Where ya goin, Kitty?" I hear y/n ask sleepily, making me cringe.

"Sorry Angel, I was trying not to wake you, but I've gotta get home in case either of our parents decide to pop in."

"Awh. Bye." The way she says it makes me want to dive back under the covers with her and never leave, but I know I can't.

So I just lean down to kiss her forehead, then get Plagg from his pillow on her desk.

"Ahhhh already? Ugh, hurry up."

I transform and slip out, locking the door behind me.

When I arrive home I drop into my room through the window, and close it before I detransform.

"Where ya been, cuz?" I hear from the couch.

I whip my gaze in that direction to see Felix sprawled out like he owns the place.

"I don't need to explain my whereabouts to you." I pull out the fancy words I have to use at social events.

"Nice hoodie." He snickers.

I look down to find I'm still wearing y/n's hoodie.

When I put it on I was so cold I didn't even notice what it looked like, but now I see that it's Tangled themed, purple with the words "Follow your dreams" surrounded by lanterns.

"Thanks. It's pretty cool." I do like it, plus it smells good.

Though I'm sure y/n will want it back.

"Why are you even in here?" I ask.

"Last night I was gonna ask you for something for my schoolwork, but you were already gone. I sat down to wait but you didn't come back until now, when you woke me up."

"What do you want?"

"Just a ruler."

"Why didn't you bring one?"

"I didn't need it for what I was studying before, but we've been here longer than anticipated."

"Whatever. I have one, just don't break it or anything." I go over to my desk to get it.

"Why would I break it?"

"I don't know, why would you push someone off a building?"

"Ugh, you're still going on about that? I apologized!"

"YES I'm still mad about it! You could have killed y/n!!"

"But I didn't!"

"Not for lack of trying!"

"Hey, everything turned out fine! Maybe you are good at being Cat Noir, you do have quick reflexes!"

"You don't say! Especially when someone I love is falling off a building!"

"Dude, you use the l word?!"


"You said you love her!"

"Well, yeah?! I do!"

"How long did it take for you to say it?"

"I don't know, we said it when we were still just friends, why do you care?"

"I've never said that to anyone other than family."

"What do you want me to do about your commitment issues?"

"I don't have commitment issues!"

"So you've never had a girlfriend or even a really close friend before?"

"I've had tons of girlfriends!"

"Yeah, which means commitment issues, right?"

"No! How many have you had?!"

"Just y/n."

"Wait, really? What about that girl I saw you with online? There was tons of media about it."

"Who?" I really wish he would just get out, I want to go back to sleep.

"Oh! It was that girl you brought here!" He snaps his fingers.



"She's just a friend. Always has been."


"Ok, you have the ruler. Now get out, I'm sure we could both use some more sleep." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Fine. Hey, does your mother know you're sneaking out every night to sleep over at a girl's house?"

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way! Besides, I only sleep over if I don't have school."

"Sure, sure. You do still visit every night though, right?"

"It's none of your business, but yes."

"WILL YOU LEAVE ALREADY?!" Plagg, who has been eating cheese this whole time has an outburst.

"Ok, I'm going!" Felix hurries away.

"Thank you! Couldn't you have done it a little sooner though?"

"I don't sound as menacing with my mouth full, and I needed food!"

"Well I'm still glad you got rid of him."

"Me too! Now I'm going back to sleep!"

"Sounds like a good idea to me." I yawn, climbing into my own bed.

I was right, my blankets aren't as good as y/n's.

Once I wake up, I immediately smell one of my favorite things.

I move my face off of my arm, then pick up on the scents of another one of my favorite things.


Before I race downstairs, I take off the hoodie and hide it in my sheets, then replace it with one of my own.

It's not as warm though.

Then I get downstairs to find my Mom cooking, just like she used to.

Every Saturday morning, Father would be gone and we'd have pancakes.

Sometimes they even had chocolate chips!

It was one of my favorite traditions with Mom, and I'm so happy to do it again.

"Mom! This is ame-amazimg!!" I catch myself before I make the cat pun.

While my mother loves jokes and puns as much as I do, it wouldn't make sense now.

"I thought you'd like it! Do you still like chocolate chips in them?"


For a while, it's only me and mom, just like before.

Then Aunt Amelie comes downstairs, asking what smells so good.

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" Mom tells her.

"Mom's are the best!" I say, happily grabbing another.

"Well, I'll have to test that for myself!"

Aunt Amelie helps herself, and I watch as she tries some.

"I think he's right, Em."

"Well of course he is, you know I've always been quite the chef!"

"That's true. Expert for that time you tried to make us a birthday cake."

"I had just turned eleven!"

"And the cake looked like it did too!"

I smile as they laugh, I'm so happy Mom has come back.

I should check on the flower later, I asked Master Fu to look after it, since he's probably better with magical flowers than I am.

"So, Adrien. Any plans for today?" Mom asks.

"Nope. I figured we'd just hang out together."

"That sounds wonderful! What should we do?"

"We could watch movies or go shopping or both!"

"Fabulous! What shall we do first?"

"Eat another pancake!" I say, stabbing my fork into the pile.

"Sounds good to me!" Aunt Amelie responds, as she also gets another.