
Back to Percy

"Hehe, but I warned you a long time ago that this woman's mind is not simple, hehe, now you've finally learnt, right?"

Beside Theobald, a woman laughed softly, her face bore a striking resemblance to Theobald's, and the charisma that flowed out from between her eyebrows almost made it possible for people to recognise their blood relationship at a glance.

Not bad, she was exactly Theobald's own sister - Tiffany, a woman with a straightforward and unconventional character.

At this moment, Theobald, with his brows furrowed and his face gloomy, was clearly in a bad mood.

"That's enough, stop talking!"

His words were tinged with a bit of anger, clearly his sister's words had touched the annoyance within him.

After all, it was difficult for anyone to remain calm in the face of complex emotional entanglements, let alone at such a sensitive moment.

Right at this moment, a soft voice quietly sounded from behind them, "Big brother ..."

This voice was like a fine rain in the spring breeze, gentle yet slightly pleading.


Theobald wanted to speak, his eyes flashed a flash of complexity, as if he wanted to explain something, but did not know where to start.

Lisbeth Dawson gently stepped in front of the two men, crystal tears glistening in her eyes, "Big brother, I ... heard everything."

Her voice trembled slightly, revealing her inner struggle and helplessness.

Theobald took a deep breath, as if he was trying to suppress his inner waves, and asked, "Whose child ... is it exactly?"

The question was both an enquiry and like a helpless interrogation.

Lisbeth Lloyd, also known as Lisbeth Dawson, she lowered her head, her hands tightly twisted the corner of her coat, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito, "I ... this I really can not say ... "

Her face was full of pain and struggle, obviously, this question touched the deepest secrets and sufferings of her heart.

Tiffany snorted at the side, looking rather disdainful, "Haha, brother, look at you, your piece of goodwill, people don't take it seriously at all!"

Her tone was filled with mockery, and she seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with Lisbeth Dawson's behaviour.

Theobald's face darkened even more as he forced down the anger in his heart and snapped at his sister, "That's enough, Jiao Jiao! Lisbeth Dawson, is it even me that you don't trust anymore?"

The words contained both the authority of an elder brother and dripped with hurt.

Lisbeth Dawson sniffed, tears finally couldn't help but slide down her face as she choked out, "I'm sorry to ... you, big brother, I know I've failed you. But I really want to go back, back to his side."

Her tone was full of determination, like she was ready to face all the consequences.

Tiffany's brow furrowed as she listened, and she rebuked unmercifully, "O Lisbeth Dawson, your conscience is really eaten by a dog! Don't you know that all this is probably an elaborate plot? That as soon as my brother leaves the Straits of Malacca, he will be plunged into an unprecedented crisis?"

Theobald sighed, a flash of determination in his eyes, "Wait for another three months, I will personally send you back then."

His decision, though made out of protection, also revealed a sense of helplessness.


Lisbeth Dawson, however, shook her head and said firmly, "No, he and I have already had a fight. The appearance of this child may be the key to turning our relationship around. I have to go back right away without any delay."

There was a maternal persistence and hope in her eyes, in addition to anxiety.

At last, after repeated alternations in Theobald's face, which was as dark and cloudy as a cloud, Lisbeth Dawson set out on her journey home.

This decision, like a sharp dagger, silently pierced the hearts of those who saw her as family.

Baird's voice, with undisguised disappointment and pain, echoed through the docks of the soon-to-be-away.

"Lisbeth, this behaviour of yours is truly chilling to our hearts.

Each and every one of us has held you in the palm of our hands, treating you as a sister connected by blood, especially big brother, who is willing to gamble everything for you, even risking his life to escort you back. And you, but ...

Alas, just, today a goodbye, from now on the mountains are high and the water is long, if we meet again in the future, right as if we do not know each other, and each of us is well."

Lisbeth Dawson gazed at Baird's figure that was travelling farther and farther away, fading away from the side of the ship, and her eyes flushed a faint reddish colour, like the last gentle afterglow of the setting sun.

Tears swirled in her eyes as she whispered softly, as if pouring into the distant wind, "I'm sorry, big brother, brother, third brother, your care is like the warm spring sun, warming my heart, but in Lisbeth's world, without Percy, it's like losing the place where my soul belongs."

For the unbreakable love in her heart, Lisbeth Dawson first chose to go to the hospital.

Even though deep down she believes in Theobald's promise.

But for complete peace of mind, she decided to take the safest route and confirm her physical condition through medical tests.

As the ultrasound report form was slowly handed to her, the three thin sheets of paper felt like they carried the weight of a thousand pounds, causing her fingers to tremble slightly.

This was not just a few pieces of paper, they were a bridge connecting the present and the future, a carrier of hope.

Two lines of clear tears slid down her cheeks between flashes of tears. "It's wonderful, Percy, that we are about to have a new life in our lives, a continuation of our love, a continuation!"

With this sinking joy in her heart, Lisbeth Dawson strolled, penniless, down the winding paths, aiming for the old mansion.

It was clear to her that Percy Spencer would never be in the family's old mansion at this moment, and that whenever this time of year came, he would always choose to spend time with Hannah Jones within that quiet old mansion.

For Lisbeth Dawson, that part of their world was both a cosy haven that she longed to step into and a place of emotional entanglement that she had to face.

Her heart ached at the thought, and the unspeakable emotion came over her like a tidal wave, causing her eyes to moisten slightly.

But soon, this emotion was replaced by a warm thought -

In her belly was the fruit of her love for Percy, the seed of their future hope.

She firmly believed that with this little life, no matter how many storms they encountered, their world would eventually blossom into a brighter light.

Carrying this endless hope for a better future, she straightened her spine and set off on the long journey from the hospital to the old house with a heavy but exceptionally firm step.

She occasionally returned to her senses and inadvertently looked up to the sky.

Hey, I don't know when, the blue sky has been coloured with a gentle orange-red by the setting sun, a few wisps of afterglow spilling down lazily, reminding her of the quiet passage of time.

As far as she could remember, it seemed like it was still early morning when she left the hospital, and the daylight was just right.

But along the way, her thoughts were fluttering, her worries and joys were mixed, and she didn't realise that she had stepped into the embrace of the night.

The scene in front of her eyes gradually clear, the majestic and luxurious villa into the eyes, exquisite carved iron gate half-covered, through a can not be ignored nobility, that's right, this is the old mansion, that she had countless times to dream back to the place.

Here, all of her fantasies and expectations for the future life are hosted.

As she slowly approached, the attendants standing on both sides immediately attracted her attention, dressed in uniform black uniforms, their faces solemn, revealing a well-trained temperament.

One of the attendants saw her approaching and politely stepped forward to enquire, "Hello, miss, may I ask what's up?"

This simple greeting, however, caused her heart to tighten, and in a trance she realised that she looked so small in front of this magnificent building, as if she was really just a passer-by, forgotten in some inconspicuous corner by the busy world.

Lisbeth Dawson took a soft breath and tried to make her voice sound calm and confident, "Hello, I'm here to see Percy Spencer."

The words hid a sense of persistence and expectation.

At his words, Servant A's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, then he resumed his professional smile, "Ah, so you are looking for Young Master. However, young master he is currently not here, he has already travelled to the opposite villa area."

As he spoke, he kindly pointed to the distance, across a lush hill, another patchwork of villas could be faintly seen.

Above the knoll, a path carefully paved with cobblestones meandered, hidden between the dense forest trees, appearing both mysterious and inviting to explore.

At this moment, Lisbeth Dawson's heart is filled with both loss and new hope.