

- RORY - 

Two members of the flight crew take our bags, and my sister watches everything with wide, innocent, joyous eyes. Honestly, just seeing the way this experience makes her light up with wonder like a little kid is worth it.

As we're climbing the stairs into the plane—first Dex then Raya then me with Luciano taking up the rear—Raya looks over her shoulder at me with one of those wide-eyed expressions that says 'who knew this was a thing?', and I can't help but smile back at her. 

I have experienced little more than she has, so this is all new to me, too. But I'm admittedly walking through this with a stiff, protective layer in place to shield most of what happens from the delicate inner world of my emotions. So the private plane and world class treatment are impressive in the same way watching it happen in a film would be impressive. I'm watching others experience it more than I'm feeling the experience myself.