
CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Heart wants to love but fears the fate of being left alone." ------- He Jian I loved you more than anything in my whole life. To the point that it became poison for me. Now in this life, I loved myself. I sealed my heart for you. Then why are you not leaving me alone? Why are you constantly pulling me into your life.? Why do your eyes have something else other than disgust for me? Did you not hate me? What has changed? You or Me? -------- Excerpt A gentle kiss fell on her lips and a shiver ran down her spine. “I love you.” Her heart pounded fiercely inside her chest. These words. Oh, how she wished to hear them in her last life. She might have fainted from happiness if she had heard them at that time. But now, they didn’t bring that happiness to her heart. They only brought fear, confusion and anger, and so many questions. “How can you…” She whispered more to herself. How can he love her? He heard her and stroked her cheek. The touch was so gentle that it made her feel as if she was a precious treasure. It made her feel loved. She raised her head to look at him. The usual ice-cold-blue eyes were filled with smiles as he asked her. “Why can’t I?” She swallowed realizing how those eyes still affected her, realizing how weak she was. Tears surfaced through her eyes and she saw him panicking. He tried to wipe them gently as she whispered. “You can’t……..you just can’t." ~*~*~**~*~*~ Mo Roulan spent her whole life chasing after the man she loved with her whole heart. At the time of her death, when she didn't see even an ounce of sorrow in his eyes, her heart was filled with sorrow. She was reborn. This time she vowed to make different choices and change her destiny. Hiding the past in her heart, this time she chose her family. But what will she do when the same past is back pounding on the doors of her heart, ready to break the walls she had surrounded her heart with. Will she give it a chance or will she continue to hide those feelings inside her heart? Read on to find out what wins. Her fear or His love? ------------------ Warning - The story has side couples who are homosexual and hence has the LGBT tag. The story will also concentrate on those couples as well as the main couple. If you don't like to read BL and GL then please leave it but don't leave disgusting comments about homosexuality. ------------ [This is an original story.] Cover Credit- Anoralily Updates- 1-2 chapters/ day Want to support me? Buy me a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/ada_5253 My other book on Webnovel - His Rui(Ongoing)

Ada_5253 · 都市
666 Chs

She Still Feels Inferior

Tightly holding the iron rod in her hands, Mo Roulan speculated if they should run away from here now.

She didn't know how many of them are outside now. But if they stayed here, they would be found after some time.

He Jian was also thinking the same. He could handle around three or four-man by himself. But when he looked at the girl by her side...

he could not leave her alone here so he had to protect her also. In this situation, he could only come up with one idea.

Ignoring the girl's reaction in front of him, suddenly he held her shoulders tightly.

"Stay here. Don't come out until I come and get you."

He said in a tone that allowed no negotiation and left from there. Mo Roulan looked at his back. Holding the iron rod in his hand, he stepped out.

She could guess that he was thinking to check if there was anyone outside and if there was, then he would handle them by himself.

If it was He Jian in his twenties then maybe she could leave him alone. But now ...

She peeked outside to look around. No one was there. It looked like they were still looking for them inside.

Very quietly with her iron rod, she stepped out of the shabby house.

It was very dark. The shabby house in which they were kept was located on a mountain and was covered with dense trees. Mo Roulan hid behind the trees and with very silent steps she roamed around the house to find the exit from this place.

In the corner, she saw He Jian.

He was hiding behind a large rock.

There were two men guarding that area. Undoubtedly it was the exit.

After a few seconds, she saw He Jian coming out with the rod in one hand and a rock in the other. In two or three steps, he came in front of two men.

Without giving them any chance to attack himself, he threw that heavy rock toward the man on his left side, and then he hit the iron rod on the head of the other.

Both the men were lying on the floor without any movement.

Hidden behind the bushes Mo Roulan saw this scene with a bitter smile.

He sure was very cruel.

He Jian was about to go inside when a figure jumped in front of him. He was raising his iron rod to hit but the figure dodged agilely.

Only then did he glance at the small figure with her face covered, carefully.

His expression turned into an incredulous one when he saw that the girl in front of him was still calm.

Actually, he was very angry. Thinking that he was about to hit her and if she had not dodged... he didn't even want to think ahead.

His eyes were filled with rage at her carelessness. But the girl in front of him didn't pay attention to his changing emotion at all. With a nonchalant expression, she passed by him and kicked the two lying men on the dusty ground.

Getting no reaction, she headed towards the exit with the rod on her shoulder.

Without turning behind she only said three words.

"I am leaving."

The words made He Jian come out of his stupor and he composed his expression. Ignoring the discomfort in his heart on hearing those three words he followed her.

He suddenly had the feeling of being a subordinate. But there was no anger in his heart. In fact, there was a small smile on his lips and some helplessness in his ice-blue eyes.

It seems like kids nowadays behave like this huh?

But Mo Roulan thoughts were in a different direction. No matter how much she convinced herself that the presence behind herself didn't matter, she was still very careful with everything.

Actually, it has become a habit.

She had always felt so inferior to him that whenever she would walk in his presence she feared that she would trip and fall or she would do something that would make him repulse her.

We can't change our habits easily. It is true.

Feeling her heart stuffy, she took a deep breath and tried to be carefree.

They were in the mountains. Mo Roulan knew the way to get down. He Jian also followed her without any questions.

He had some doubts in his heart in the beginning but after looking at her clear black eyes there was something in his heart making him believe that the girl walking ahead of him would never harm him.

The night was dark but the moonlight was enough to see the way they were going ahead. Both of them were silent.

"What is your name? "

A gentle voice entered Mo Roulan ears. For a few minutes, she couldn't believe that the question in such a gentle tone was for herself.

Because all his gentleness and affection belonged to someone else. To her and everyone else even his indifference, mockery and contempt was a treasure. No, it was his presence which she treasured.

The question was asked again but the answer didn't come. Without any trace of anger, the boy spoke again.

"My name is He Jian. "

Still no response.

With his lips pressed in a thin line, He Jian tried to remember how many times he was ignored like this in his eighteen years of life.

The answer was none.

The question was what did he do for a twelve-year-old girl to behave with him like this. He talked to her very gently, right?

No. Actually, the biggest question was why was he feeling so frustrated with her ignorant behavior and why he so badly wanted her to talk to him?

Why was he trying so hard to initiate a conversation with her?

As he tried to find the answer to these questions, the noise of some footsteps echoed into mountains which make the duo alert.

"Those two ba****ds are here."

Someone shouted behind them.

He Jian hold the girl's hand and started to run immediately. Mo Roulan who was unprepared stumbled and fell on the floor. Her knees hit the stone floor and she frowned because of the pain.

He Jian wanted to hit himself because of his carelessness.

How could he know how to take care of a girl who was younger than him by six years? Seeing the torn flesh on her knees, he was concerned and guilty.

He felt very uncomfortable looking at the blood on her knees. He didn't get any time to help her because the girl kneeling in front of him suddenly pulled him and turned him over.

Shocked by the sudden turn of events, he didn't know what to do and fell on the floor.


He only listened to a cry which seemed to come from above his body. His whole body stiffened.

He raised his head to look at the girl above himself.

Her face was distorted in pain and she was clutching her shoulder. Tears were streaming down through her eyes.

Frantically and carefully he sat up and hugged her soft and short body in his arms and patted her back to comfort her forgetting their situation.

" Mo Roulan, leave the boy. We can let you go."

A female voice echoed in his ears.

In front of him, a middle-aged woman and three men were standing with their faces covered. There was a rod in the hands of one of them which fell from the Mo Roulan's hands.

His heart shook with some unknown emotion knowing that she pushed him without any hesitation to save himself.

It is said that when a girl is saved by a man in a difficult situation then she would give her heart to him but when a man sees a girl protecting himself without any selfishness then he would give his soul, heart, and his everything to her.

His face was cold when he looked at that man. His ice-blue eyes looked at him from top to down as if thinking of hundreds of ways to torture him.