
CEO Daddy: The Runaway Mommy

Juliet Estelle, a beautiful model who is spreading her wings in Fashion Design, was shocked by an incident when she woke up from her hangover. A small child was in her room and was looking at her lovingly. Before Juliet could call the police to return the child to his parent's house, she heard a loud noise coming from outside. "Listen to the kidnappers inside, you have been surrounded by the police! Now surrender yourself..." ....

Madame_Lancaster · 都市
27 Chs

Egg Donation

The house that Juliet rented was not big, but it was her residence and studio.

Emotions plus career setbacks, Karen accompanied her to drink and relieve boredom in the renting house. The clothes designed and made by Juliet can be seen everywhere in the living room, but they have become extremely ironic at this moment.

When the two were slightly drunk, Juliet's cell phone rang noisily.

"Hello?" Juliet answered the call without looking at the screen. There is a tone of anger in her voice.

"Juliet Estelle, your rent has been in arrears for three months! I'll give you the last week. Then, if you don't make it up, you can blame me for sweeping you out!" The landlord's wife threatened unceremoniously on the phone.

House seemingly endless rain.

Juliet did not answer but chose to hang up the phone directly.

"Karen, come on, drink!" She clinked glasses with Karen, pouring down the whole bottle of beer in one breath.

All the distress was melted into those fragrant wines, and it was poured into her stomach for digestion one by one.

Juliet's stoic and robust appearance made her feel peaceful and distressed.

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, Karen boldly asked Juliet, who was drunk and bewildered, "Juliet, I have known you for so long. Jasmine ruined you from time to time again with the same tricks. Now the situation is getting more and more critical. She still doesn't stop. Isn't she your sister? Why... does she want to treat you that way? She always threatens you about Canada. What have you experienced there?"

Karen mentioned, and Juliet stopped drinking.

She put down the wine bottle, her smile was uglier than crying, and her bright eyes were full of scarlet.

Juliet is one year older than Jasmine and is the adopted daughter of the Estelle family.

Because she shared with her parents, Jasmine liked to snatch things that belonged to her since she was a child, and her adoptive parents preferred to open one eye and close one eye.

The oppressed life turned around until the age of 15.

Juliet was selected by a senior model--Bole, and she took her to Canada for model training.

During her studies, she learned that the other party was suffering from infertility and had no children after 20 years of marriage, leading to frequent quarrels and even divorce.

Out of repaying her gratitude, she agreed to the other party's egg donation proposal when she was 18 years old.

Little do they know that this move is to push themselves into another fire pit.

At 20, Juliet signed the first model agency with her extremely high talent and excellent external conditions.

Soon there were rumors... Juliet once got involved in the marriage of her mentor in Canada and was ungrateful.

The mentor's husband provided a recording of a conversation, splashed dirty water on Juliet, accused her of constantly seducing him for her debut, and finally tried to use the child to tether him, and also provided a paternity test to confirm that Juliet has a son.

Juliet was fired for this reason. She tried to find the other party to file a court case, but the couple disappeared without a trace.

In the following three years, Jasmine used this dark matter to ruin her once and once again.

As a professional model, no fixed company dared to sign Juliet, so she could only take some casual work as a commercial model. In order to get rid of the status quo, she began to dabble in clothing design. Karen is her only partner.

In terms of emotions, Juliet, who looks outstanding, has always had no shortage of suitors, but it is a pity that she will be scared off by her "unbearable past" soon after the relationship.

Edward is the only one who has been in love with her for more than a year. She thought he was different, but it was a pity that she was slapped in the face by reality.

Jasmine's repeated obstructions made Juliet couldn't do anything. Jasmine doesn't like to see her doing well. So everything that belonged to Juliet would either be hers or no one.

In the fashion show next week, many celebrities in the circle participated in the show. Juliet originally planned to use this to show off the clothes she designed, but the result was a mess.

Being disqualified from participating means losing the possibility of a comeback.

Listening to Juliet's story of the past, Karen felt distressed. She stretched out her hand to hug Juliet and comfort her. "Juliet, God must be fair. You suffer so much, God will definitely use another way to make up for you for the rest of your life."

"Yeah." Juliet smiled, and her eyes bright.

No matter how hard life is, she always believes that there will be a day when she will get her head out.

"Venus said that if we can no longer find a partner, they must suspend our financial support." Karen sighed helplessly but turned to pat her shoulder, "Don't worry too much. If it doesn't work, I will go back to admit counsel to my dad and ask him to give me a sum of money."

Karen was originally a celebrity, but because her father married a stepmother, she ran away from home on the wedding day because of her rebellion.

So far, she never returned home and even declared to a friend she met later that her parents had died.

Everyone thought that Juliet and Karen became friends because of the same illness, but what really brought them together was the unyielding energy revealed from the bone.

There is always a solution to a problem.

"Forget it. There will be a day before death. It is too early to give up." Juliet encouraged herself but also cheered for Karen. "From tomorrow on, I will start to visit various clothing companies for the partnership. If one hundred companies are not enough, I will visit one thousand! I don't believe that people all over the world are blind!"

"Hahahaha..." Karen was amused by her, but she distressed Juliet's strength. "One day, I will be grateful to Edward for not marrying you! You are clean and warm, and only the best man in the world is worthy of you! And Jasmine, that bitch, will be full of envy, jealousy, and hate!"

Being amused by her, Juliet picked up the wine bottle and clinked glasses with her, "Yes! Fuck Edward Sanders!"

The two girls sat next to each other, drinking and chatting together to relieve pressure, not even noticing Juliet's mobile phone message on the side.

The moment the ringtone rang, the phone's screen was also lit.

It shows that a text message has been received from an unknown number. The content is: '3:20 pm, No. 280, 5th Street, North, City A.