
CEO Daddy: The Runaway Mommy

Juliet Estelle, a beautiful model who is spreading her wings in Fashion Design, was shocked by an incident when she woke up from her hangover. A small child was in her room and was looking at her lovingly. Before Juliet could call the police to return the child to his parent's house, she heard a loud noise coming from outside. "Listen to the kidnappers inside, you have been surrounded by the police! Now surrender yourself..." ....

Madame_Lancaster · 都市
27 Chs

Can't be Defeated

After running the last company, Juliet still had no progress.

She drove her car up the winding road, and when she came to the villa on the top of the mountain, she felt that her feet were almost gone.

As soon as the car stopped, someone in black came up to park for her.

She stretched her limbs and walked to the steps.

When she walked into the villa, she saw Justin and couldn't help complaining, "It's so inconvenient to live here. This mountain road drives me to death, and the fuel is very expensive!"

Hearing the words, Justin paused his look at the materials on his hand but did not respond.

Juliet walked towards the kitchen while complaining, preparing to fulfill her promise to JJ, but found that he was not seen.

She stopped, turned around, and asked Justin, "Where's JJ? Has he not returned?"

Dean, who was standing next to Justin, pushed his glasses and replied respectfully, "After the young master came back, he shut himself in the room and refused to open the door. We didn't know what was going on."

Dean's response made Juliet frown. She looked at Justin, who was sitting there safe and sound, and asked him, "Why are you so irresponsible as his father?" How could you let him be alone?"

Faced with Juliet's accusation, Justin put down the materials in his hand without any haste. Instead, he met her gaze head-on and asked with a smile, "Isn't there you?"

Juliet frowned, gave him an unpleasant look, then changed direction and walked towards the stairs.

After Justin retracted his gaze, he continued to look at the material in his hand.

Dean sighed silently while standing aside. 'This was a man who couldn't express his heart.'

Juliet, who came to the second floor, stood outside JJ's bedroom.

After knocking on the door twice, she called him outside the door, "JJ, it's me."

There was no response from inside the bedroom.

Juliet listened, not sure if he was asleep, so she knocked on the door again and was about to press the doorknob. "Then I will come in..."

Juliet didn't expect that the door to be locked from inside.

"Is he angry just because I didn't pick him up?'

Juliet frowned and thought it was impossible. After all, they had said it well on the phone.

"I count to three. If you don't open the door, then I'll leave and won't make dinner for you. I don't even want to coax you to sleep at night?" She said, retracting her hand and taking a step back, and started counting seriously, "Three, two..."

Before the last number reached her throat, the door of the previously closed room in front of her was opened from the inside.

"No!" JJ rushed out and hugged Juliet's legs with his arms open. "I don't allow you to go, Juju. I don't want you to go."

Seeing this posture, he should not be angry with her. 'What's wrong?'

Juliet guessed JJ's mind, and she patiently guided him. "Okay, I won't go, then tell me, what happened?"

JJ let go of her when she agreed.

The little man raised his head to look at her, his big black eyes filled with grievances.

"DD said that family members should use family numbers to communicate with each other, but I don't have one. I can't even memorize your mobile phone number..." His mouth flattened aggrievedly.

Juliet was defeated for this reason, "So what?"

"I also want to use the family number." The pitiful eye attack made people gradually lose the ability to dodge.

So that night, a new group of family was successfully established. They can call each other through this group, and the number will appear as family. In addition to Justin dan Juliet, Jacob also forced them to put him in.

The next day, Juliet, who was leaving home, was told. For safety, her car was not allowed to go up and down the mountain road, and the car was sent to the parking lot at the mountain slope by a guard.

When she left the mountain villa, she was picked up by a particular car in the parking lot, and she didn't need to drive by herself.

Regarding their arrangement, Juliet breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it takes a lot of hard work to drive through the mountain roads every day, and it is more or less unsafe for her as a girl.

Juliet still actively traveled back and forth between clothing companies for the next two consecutive days.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles.

She has been given an ultimatum by the funder. If she can no longer find a cooperative company, they can't fund her anymore.

Once again, Juliet was rejected by a company. She came out with samples and self-made brochures in her arms, sighed decadently, and prepared to take the elevator to leave.

When she was about to go to the elevator, a familiar female voice was heard unexpectedly.


Jasmine's call made Juliet's body startled, and she didn't expect to see her here. She did not stay and continued to walk to the elevator, but Jasmine reluctantly followed her and said in a playful tone, "You haven't given up on your costume design, right?"

Juliet stood in front of the elevator and pressed down. Wait silently after pressing the button.

Jasmine's smile became proud of her speechlessness. She stretched out her hand to stroke her long curly hair, curled her fingertips around her hair, pursed her lips, and smiled. "I advise you to give up, at least within the City A. No one will use your design."

Jasmine's advice made Juliet's eyes narrow. She suddenly realized that she had run into a wall in the past few days, and some companies refused to even look at her works. It turned out that Edward intervened.

Thinking of this year's love affair, Juliet laughed at herself in exchange for such a result.

Without showing a trace of defeat, she straightened her back but turned her eyes to Jasmine next to her.

Jasmine is well-dressed, with number plates on her clothes. Obviously, she was here for the audition.

Jasmine's dream has always been to enter the entertainment industry. She has been passionate about acting since she was a child. Now she has successfully graduated from the acting department of a professional college.

It's just that she has been sneaking around for many years, and she is still just a minor actress who runs around.

"You haven't given up yet. So how can I give up first?" Juliet said and smiled meaningfully at her. "Maybe I should find a boyfriend in the entertainment industry next time so that you can dig the wall behind me. After all, Edward doesn't have any connections in the entertainment industry."

"You..." Jasmine didn't expect Juliet to laugh at her in turn, flushing with anger and gritting her teeth.

At this time, the elevator reached her floor.

Juliet retracted her smile and stepped into the elevator.

"Juliet Estelle, just wait! One day I will make you kneel and beg me!" Jasmine yelled at her excitedly.

In contrast, Juliet's brows and eyes were as cold as frost. She didn't remove her disguise until the elevator door closed, and closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

She clenched her fists and said to herself, "Juliet, you can't be defeated! Those who can't beat you will only make you stronger!"
