
Celestial Resurrection

"Where am I?" After an unfortunate encounter with a bullet, Ryder opens his eyes again, and finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. He’s no longer in the grimy alley. Instead, he stands on the precipice of a new existence—a world where magic intertwines with technology—where he comes face to face with new challenges which may hold the key to his true identity. When a ruthless criminal syndicate targets Ryder’s school, his powerlessness gets thrown in his face. His stepbrother Byakuya offers to train him and help him overcome the hurdles in his path Ryder's world is shattered when Byakuya betrays him and kills his friends, his girlfriend, and the leaders of their continent. "I'll find you!" Ryder vowed, his eyes aflame "No matter where you go!" "I don't care where you hide!" "I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do!" In a world where shadows dance, Ryder’s journey unfolds—a mix of survival, revenge, and redemption. But can he piece together the shards of his memory before it's too late? Will he be able to seize control over his darkness, or will his darkness consume him?

Ka_rma · ファンタジー
33 Chs

The King Vs The Impossible

With Kai's ability in play, he was now equal to Reinhart, not just in strength, but in speed. However he could not manage to surpass Reinhart. In order to match him Kai had already used his ability to a high extent.

Any further usage would place him at a disadvantage. This was now simply a battle of pure skill and will, with no room for error.

Reinhart and Kai clashed with ferocious intensity, each blow creating a loud thud and a shower of sparks. They moved like lightning, weaving in and out of each other's range, deflecting, parrying, and counterattacking with precision.

Lian and Layla, who were watching from a safe distance, could barely keep up with their movements. The other students could only see flashes of light and hear the sounds of impact.

They fought with every part of their body, aiming for any weak point they could find. They were evenly matched, and neither could gain an advantage over the other.

Reinhart decided to use one of his techniques, Fire Fist. He gathered some of his mana and focused it on his right hand. His hand began to heat up and glow with a bright red light. He clenched his hand into a fist and prepared to strike.

With this technique, Reinhart could enhance his punches with fire, creating small explosions on contact. He could also unleash a blast of fire that could repel his opponent and create some distance between them.

This technique was more concentrated than his other fire attacks, and had the potential to deal more damage.

He aimed his fist at Kai's chest and threw it with full force.

Kai saw Reinhart's fist coming at him, and felt a mix of fear and excitement. He knew that he had to dodge it, or he would suffer serious injury. But at his current speed, he would only be able to block it.

He decided to increase the effect of his Chrono Velocity for a brief moment. His perception of time accelerated, and everything around him seemed to slow down. He saw Reinhart's fist moving at a snail's pace, and he saw an opening. He shifted his body to the side and avoided the punch.

He reached for Reinhart's arm and grabbed it with his left hand. Upon making contact, Reinhart's arm scorched his skin and made his flesh sizzle. He ignored the pain and used his right hand to deliver a punch of his own.

He aimed his fist at Reinhart's jaw, hoping to stun him and create an opening for more attacks.

Reinhart felt Kai's fist hit his face. He felt a jolt of pain and shock. His vision blurred and his hearing rang, as he staggered back and tried to recover.

Kai let go of Reinhart's arm and jumped back. He was bleeding and his bones ached from all the hits he had taken from Reinhart. He noticed his punch didn't have as much effect as he hoped, and decided not to pursue him.

Reinhart spat out the blood in his mouth. "What a troublesome ability," he sighed.

Kai smiled while gasping for air. He laughed, "That punch was supposed to knock you out, but you're still standing."

"Shall we begin round three?"

"I won't stop until I kill you," Kai said, his voice sounding more sinister.

Reinhart looked at Kai, his expression unchanged. "The aura around him. This hatred. Have I met him before?" Reinhart wondered as Kai approached him.

"He looks familiar..."

Both fighters walked slowly towards each other. Kai's hand began to glow with a dark purple light as he got closer to Reinhart. Dark lines like veins spread from his hand and extended halfway up his arm.

Lian stared at Kai, puzzled by the sudden change in his arms. Her eyes widened with fear when she realized what it meant.

"He's using another ability," Lian whispered.

Layla looked at Lian and then back at Kai. She sighed heavily, "What the hell is this guy?"

A mage's ability was usually embedded in their mana core. Having a single mana core meant having a single ability. The soul acted as a container for the mana core of a mage.

A person's soul could normally only contain one mana core. Adding another would cause the soul to expand, and ultimately tear the mage's spiritual body apart. This made it impossible for a mage to have more than one mana core.

In a world of fantasy where even this was impossible, among other impossibilities, Kai existed as an Impossibility that surpassed them all. His original ability gave him the power to steal the abilities of other mages. This made him able to have more than one ability.

In his current battle with Reinhart, Kai had already shown one ability, Chrono Velocity, which allowed him to manipulate his own perception of time. In addition to this, he was now using another ability, Necrosis.

His second ability altered the nature of the mana in his arms, making whatever they touched slowly decay until it turned to dust. Using Necrosis along with Chrono Velocity put a heavy strain on Kai's stamina.

They all knew that he was using another ability, but they didn't know what it could do. A tiny piece of Kai's torn clothing touched his arm and instantly turned to dust.

No one seemed to notice this, but Lian did. She panicked and yelled, "Reinhart, don't let him touch you."

But Reinhart had already noticed this too. Unfortunately for the King of Hell, he was already close to Kai. Kai thrust his fist towards Reinhart. Reinhart blocked it with his right arm and leaped back.

He saw the purple aura spread and the feeling in his arm fade.

"I see, I was right," Reinhart said, after looking at his decaying right arm.

He shifted his gaze back to Kai, and walked towards him again.

"What is he doing?!" Layla panicked.

"I've confirmed my suspicion, now it's time to end this," Reinhart said.

The purple aura eating up Reinhart's arm suddenly vanished. The atmosphere became hotter than before. The sweat on his body evaporated.

The bodies of all mages, after awakening their magical abilities, usually underwent a form of evolution, in order to adapt to the nature of their powers. Being the heir of the Solgrave family's sun god slaying magic, Reinhart had a body strong enough to withstand a high level of heat.

The estimated level of heat Reinhart's body could endure was around 15 million degrees Celsius. Reinhart took advantage of this and created a new technique on the spot, in order to counter Kai's ability.

Using his fire magic to increase the heat of his body to 13 million degrees Celsius, Reinhart burned the effects of Kai's mana off his body. This, however, began to rapidly drain Reinhart's stamina. This was now a battle of stamina.

Kai noticed this and smiled with thrill, "All this power and you chose to be what you are."

"I'll definitely kill you."


Reinhart was now in point blank range. They stared into each other's eyes. This was the final round of their fight.

Kai delivered a punch to the side of Reinhart's face, shattering the ground below him and scattering dust.

"Reinhart!" Lian and Layla screamed.

The atmosphere became silent as the dust cleared up. There he was. The King of Hell. He was standing dominantly, with Kai's fist buried in his cheek.

"I don't know what your reasons are, but I won't lose to anyone who would hurt innocent people,"

"Earlier you said I had so much power but I chose to be what I am."

"Meaning I'm using my power for the wrong cause. I could say the same for you."

Following his words, Reinhart delivered a punch to Kai's abdomen, sending waves of air, shattering the ground behind Kai.

And the final exchange between the King of Hell and the Walking Impossibility began.

Kai and Reinhart traded blows with ferocious intensity, each strike more devastating than the last. Blood dripped from their wounds and bruises marred their skin, but neither of them showed any sign of backing down.

They were locked in a fierce battle of wills, driven by their determination to defeat their rival, regardless of the cost.

They felt their powers draining their stamina, pushing them to their limits. They knew they had to finish the fight soon, but neither of them would yield an inch.

With a thunderous impact, they both landed a punch on each other's face, sending shockwaves through the air. They flew backwards like ragdolls, crashing on the hard ground. They both landed on their backs and struggled to get back on their feet, gasping for breath.

"Let's end this."

"Reinhart..." Kai said as he wiped the blood of his lips with his trembling hand.

He felt a surge of pain in his jaw, but he ignored it. He gathered all his mana into his right arm, feeling it pulse with power. His eyes began to bleed due to the effects of Chrono Velocity.

But he didn't stop. He was determined to finish this fight, even if it cost him his life.

Reinhart gathered all of his mana, and concentrated it in his right hand. He felt his hand heat up, and glow with a bright white light. He formed his hand into a palm, and prepared to land his final blow.

Both fighters leaped towards each other and launched their final blows towards each other with all their strength. They moved faster than the eye could see, leaving trails of light behind them. They met in the air, and their attacks collided, creating a huge explosion.

The students, except Ryder and his friends, covered their eyes, and screamed. They could not see what was happening, and they feared for the worst. They felt the heat and the pressure of the blast, and wondered if anyone could survive it.

The explosion lasted for a few seconds, and then faded away. The dust and smoke cleared, and revealed the outcome of the fight.

Kai was lying on the ground, motionless. His body was covered in burns and scars, and his clothes were ripped and singed. His eyes were blank.

Reinhart was standing over him, breathing heavily. His body was also covered in wounds and scars, and his clothes were ripped and stained.

At this moment, Riley regained her consciousness. She opened her eyes, and saw a scene of devastation. The ground was scorched and cracked, and the air was filled with smoke and dust.

"What the hell happened?" she asked as she struggled to get up and stretch. She felt a sharp pain in her head, and she groaned.

She saw Lian and the others staring at a particular direction with smiles of relief on their faces. She looked and saw Reinhart walking towards them. And some feet behind him, Kai was laying on the floor.

"What the hell? Those two did this?" She thought as Reinhart approached them. She felt a mix of awe and fear, as she realized how powerful they were.

"That guy was this strong?" she muttered, as she looked at Kai's body.

"Finally, it's over," Lian sighed with relief.

"I thought he was going to lose," she said, her voice breaking like she was about to cry.

As Reinhart got close to the barrier, he noticed the eyes of Layla and the others widen with fright. He felt a chill run down his spine. Then a sinister voice ran through his ears, making him freeze.

"Cosmic Verity..."