
Celestial Resurrection

"Where am I?" After an unfortunate encounter with a bullet, Ryder opens his eyes again, and finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. He’s no longer in the grimy alley. Instead, he stands on the precipice of a new existence—a world where magic intertwines with technology—where he comes face to face with new challenges which may hold the key to his true identity. When a ruthless criminal syndicate targets Ryder’s school, his powerlessness gets thrown in his face. His stepbrother Byakuya offers to train him and help him overcome the hurdles in his path Ryder's world is shattered when Byakuya betrays him and kills his friends, his girlfriend, and the leaders of their continent. "I'll find you!" Ryder vowed, his eyes aflame "No matter where you go!" "I don't care where you hide!" "I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do!" In a world where shadows dance, Ryder’s journey unfolds—a mix of survival, revenge, and redemption. But can he piece together the shards of his memory before it's too late? Will he be able to seize control over his darkness, or will his darkness consume him?

Ka_rma · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Shadows of Conspiracy

The entire classroom found itself plunged into a state of disarray. Each individual within the room looked at themselves and posed various inquiries.

"Is this a drill?"

"Are they instructing us on how to respond to emergencies?"

From the questions they asked, it became evident that most hadn't caught a glimpse of the man who conjured the barrier. Everyone, that is, except for Raika. He wasn't known for his pleasant demeanor and was far from being Ryder's favorite person, but his skills and perceptiveness demanded recognition. He could discern that something was amiss. It was not a mere drill.

Mr. Reinhart picked his phone from his pocket and attempted to make a call, only to discover that the cell signal was blocked. Despite the circumstances, he maintained a calm composure, aiming to reassure the students.

"I'll step out for a brief moment. No one is permitted to leave the classroom while I'm gone. I'll provide a full explanation upon my return," Mr. Reinhart announced before exiting the room.

His statement served to alleviate the tension among the students. It was a psychological ploy. What he conveyed suggested that the school had control over the current situation, but Silver, Violet, and Ryder knew the truth. Something significant was unfolding.

"Are you certain about what you said, Violet?" Silver inquired as he rose from his seat.

"I'm sure. I can detect the scent of blood, and I sense a strong desire for blood at the building's entrance."

"I suppose we all know where we're headed, then?", Silver said, with a daring smile on his face

He cast his bright and daring smile at Ryder, one that exuded a fearless aura. Typically, when people sense danger, their instinct is to flee. But these two individuals were different. Ryder had no choice but to follow them. Their expressions left no other option.

The entire class observed them as they moved towards the door. They were instructed to remain in the classroom, yet here Ryder and his friends was, breaking the rule and venturing into the unknown, a decision that could potentially spell their demise.

Meanwhile, Reinhart made his way to the principal's office, encountering his colleagues on the journey. Among them was Mr. Armstrong, the self-defense instructor. He then crossed paths with Miss Lian, the homeroom teacher for class 8-B, a youthful and gentle woman with long pink hair and a childlike voice, and Miss Riley, the homeroom teacher for class 8-A, a tall woman with long blue hair, model-like features and a welcoming countenance.

"Is there something afoot that has escaped my notice?" Reinhart inquired.

"I wish that were the case, Reinhart," Armstrong replied

Reinhart turned to Lian and asked, "Lian, do you have any insight into this?"

"Um... I'm also perplexed, but I witnessed something just before the barrier appeared. My apologies, someone. Did you observe anything, Riley?" Lian responded.

"I was already engaged in teaching when the barrier manifested. I believe we can all sense it, emanating from the entrance..." Riley shared.

"That insatiable thirst for blood can hardly be associated with benign intentions. For now, let's rendezvous with Layla and ensure her safety," Reinhart commanded.

They proceeded toward the Principal's office. When they drew near, Armstrong suddenly halted for a moment and charged toward the entrance. Reinhart and the others swiftly grasped the situation. Armstrong swiftly bridged the gap and forcefully pushed open the door. They were met with the sight of a masked female figure dressed in black, standing over Layla's lifeless form in a pool of blood. The masked individual immediately tried to make an escape through the window behind her. Upon turning, she was met with the unwavering gaze of Armstrong. Without hesitation, he pressed his palm against her face and drove her head to the ground, rendering her unconscious.

"Goodness, Armstrong, a touch of finesse wouldn't hurt," Riley remarked.

"She's still breathing. Let's have Lian tend to her," Miss Riley suggested after taking a look at Layla's body.

"Time is of the essence. Her injuries are too severe," Reinhart responded as he knelt by Layla's fading form. He drove his hand through her heart. The onlookers watched without flinching, as they were all too aware of what she was. Principal Layla belonged to the class of demi-humans known as eternals. The moment she perished, her body commenced the process of self-healing.

"You truly possess a heart of stone, Reinhart. No remorse or hesitation when dealing with your own principal," Layla remarked as she returned to her desk. Such was the blessing and curse of eternals; they could not truly die. Their bodies healed rapidly upon death, allowing them to return to life.

"In our present circumstances, time is a luxury we cannot afford to squander. Every passing moment carries weight," Reinhart emphasized. The others nodded in agreement, and Layla, reluctantly, acknowledged the urgency.

"What is the current state of affairs?" she inquired.

"We currently have two casualties, the guards at the entrance," Reinhart began.

"All students have been directed to remain in their classrooms until further notice," Miss Riley added.

"There are three barriers in place: one encompassing the high school building, another the middle school building, and a final one encompassing both structures," Mr. Armstrong detailed.

"The first two barriers appear to prevent egress from the buildings, while the last seems designed to ensnare anyone already outside," Miss Lian deduced.

"Furthermore, we find ourselves incapable of communicating with the outside world due to the barriers, limiting our options for seeking assistance," Reinhart continued.

Each teacher shared their assessment of the dire situation. Layla, pondering her next move, broke the silence. As she contemplated their predicament, she couldn't help but wonder who might be orchestrating this.

"Riley, could you wake our uninvited guest?" Layla requested, interrupting the silence.

As Riley attempted to approach the person who had attempted to harm Layla, she was abruptly pushed aside by Lian, who seized the individual and threw them out of the window. Approximately two seconds later, the body detonated.

"I detected a sudden surge of mana within it. It was a Homunculus rigged with an explosive seal. It appears that its capture triggered the explosion," Lian explained.

"Artificial humans. They're preserving their main hitters for later. I can't believe I let her kill me for nothing," Layla scoffed

The tension in the room escalated, and Layla's laughter, tinged with a smirk, cut through the atmosphere. "These individuals are far from amateurs. We must find a means of contacting the outside world."

"From the looks of it, they likely avoided the university and sealed us off to diminish our strength. They've eliminated the risk of facing numerous B-ranked fighters. This suggests that most of them are either C-ranked or below, with a few B-ranked individuals among them. Given their knowledge of our staff, it's reasonable to assume they have one or two A-ranked fighters as well. Worst case scenario, we'll have a Special ranked to deal with." Layla assessed the situation.

The tension in the room surged further as they comprehended the implications. Layla's analysis pointed to an unavoidable outcome: a confrontation with at least two A-ranked fighters and a mix of B, C and D-ranked adversaries. A drawn-out battle would likely result in a minimum of two casualties on their side, not accounting for the students.

Incorporating the students into the equation painted a bleaker picture, where they couldn't fully unleash their abilities and were forced to protect each student in the process, thereby resulting in what they couldn't afford at the moment. A complete loss.


As Principal Layla and her fellow educators continued to deliberate the dire situation at hand, contemplating the myriad potential outcomes of their harrowing ordeal, a different scenario unfolded downstairs. Silver, Violet, and Ryder descended to the building's entrance, navigating the corridors with a sense of caution.

Upon reaching their destination, the trio was met with a chilling sight – an eerie stillness, disrupted only by the lifeless forms of the fallen guards who had met their gruesome end.

"Someone's present here..." Violet interjected, her voice laced with caution, causing Silver and Ryder to instinctively heighten their vigilance. Among the many remarkable attributes possessed by demons, their inherent talents in perception were particularly noteworthy. Blood demons, in particular, boasted an unparalleled olfactory acuity, enabling them to detect the presence of individuals by their very essence, regardless of whether blood was spilled or not. In their intrepid group, Violet served as the eyes, ears, and, notably, the nose.

"Stay close, Ryder. Proceed with care," Silver motioned to both of them, urging a slow and cautious advance towards the entrance. The barrier, formidable and inscrutable, loomed ahead, its complexities evident.

"This barrier showcases power, palpable even to the touch. Its craftsmanship speaks of strength," Violet deduced, her nimble mind deconstructing the mystical construct as she placed her palm against it.

"It truly aligns with Mr. Reinhart's assessment of our circumstances. And what of the presence you sensed earlier?" Silver probed, seeking further insight.

"It vanished suddenly. I can no longer detect the scent of his blood, or the sound his breath. It's as though he has vanished" Violet responded.

"They may have a way to pass through the barrier at will. He might have concealed his presence, and slipped away beyond the barrier," Ryder speculated, contributing to their analysis.

"The likelihood of such an occurrence appears considerable. My sensory range should naturally extend to the high school building, situated thirty three kilometers away, yet it is as if a shroud has enveloped my perception, limiting it," Violet elaborated.

"I guess we should return to our classroom," Silver suggested, and, with a shared understanding, they turned away from the entrance, Violet and Silver leading the way, while Ryder brought up the rear.

In a fleeting moment, the tranquil scene was violently disrupted as a male Homunculus, shrouded in darkness, sprang forth from the shadows behind Ryder, a blade aimed at his exposed neck.

Violet's acute senses promptly registered the sudden surge of bloodlust in the atmosphere, and Silver, too, perceived the malevolent presence. Both friends instinctively attempted to turn and warn Ryder, who was already aware of the impending danger, but time was their adversary. The Homunculus lacked the speed and strength of Silver and Violet, yet the peril lay in the proximity between the assailant and Ryder. The gap was too narrow for Silver and Violet to bridge in time, and Ryder's reflexes were insufficient to fend off the impending attack.

In a blink, Reinhart manifested above Ryder's current position, delivering a ruthless blow that sent the Homunculus crashing to the ground, shattering the platform beneath him.

"Um... Mister Reinhart," they all stammered, their voices laden with apprehension.

"I distinctly recall my directive: none were to leave the classroom until my return," Reinhart said sternly, adjusting his glasses with a keen eye on the errant trio.

"Your punishment will be addressed later; for now, return to—," Reinhart's words were abruptly cut short by the unexpected appearance of an expansive magic circle beneath them, followed by a blinding surge of radiant light.

"Yet again, another disturbance," Reinhart sighed, a hint of frustration creeping into his typically composed demeanor.