
Celestial Resurrection

"Where am I?" After an unfortunate encounter with a bullet, Ryder opens his eyes again, and finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. He’s no longer in the grimy alley. Instead, he stands on the precipice of a new existence—a world where magic intertwines with technology—where he comes face to face with new challenges which may hold the key to his true identity. When a ruthless criminal syndicate targets Ryder’s school, his powerlessness gets thrown in his face. His stepbrother Byakuya offers to train him and help him overcome the hurdles in his path Ryder's world is shattered when Byakuya betrays him and kills his friends, his girlfriend, and the leaders of their continent. "I'll find you!" Ryder vowed, his eyes aflame "No matter where you go!" "I don't care where you hide!" "I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do!" In a world where shadows dance, Ryder’s journey unfolds—a mix of survival, revenge, and redemption. But can he piece together the shards of his memory before it's too late? Will he be able to seize control over his darkness, or will his darkness consume him?

Ka_rma · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Odyssey of a God Slayer

Several years ago, a boy was born into a side branch of the Solgrave family, a lineage of mages who wielded a rare and coveted divine power capable of rivaling the legendary sun god, Sol. In his family, there was a form of discrimination against the side branch. They were often labeled as weak and destined to live in the shadows of the main branch.

Throughout history, every time a sun god slayer was born, he or she always came from the main branch. Upon birth, the child would possess glowing white hair that symbolized the blessing of aether. Their hair color would then change shortly after birth until they awakened their divine powers themselves.

The boy's birth stunned the members of the main branch who were present. The divine glow that surrounded him as he emerged from his mother's womb caused an uproar in the main branch. His mother, Elise, was a kind and gentle woman who loved him dearly. She had been abandoned by her husband after being rejected by her family because he had neither a mana core nor the ability to manipulate ki.

The main branch of the family scorned and ostracized her, labeling her as a weak and unworthy bearer of a child possessing divine magic. Out of jealousy, they demanded that she hand over her son to them, but she refused. She raised him alone, teaching him the basics of their family's magic and instilling in him a sense of justice and compassion.

The boy grew up to be a cheerful and strong young man, who admired his mother and dreamed of becoming a hero like her. He enrolled in a Sentinel academy, where he quickly made friends and impressed his teachers with his talent and charisma. He was especially close to Leo, a fire mage who shared his passion and ideals. Together, they formed a team of promising young mages who took on various missions and quests to help people in need.

The boy's life seemed perfect, until one day, when he was 15 years old, he came back home, from school, and found his mother bleeding heavily as she drew her last breaths. A group of assassins had attacked her. There was no evidence, but he knew the assassins were sent by the main branch of their family, who wanted to eliminate any potential threat to their supremacy. He ran to her and held her in his arms.

"My dear son," she caressed his face with her hands. The boy looked at her, his eyes filled with tears waiting to burst out.

"Don't cry..." she comforted him. "Because of you, I had the chance to gain my freedom. I had the chance to live a normal life, and I'm grateful for that."

"I'm sorry, but from here on out, Mama's going to have to leave you."

Tears began to slowly roll down the boy's cheeks as he felt his mother's life slipping away.

"You're stronger than others. You're special. Use that power to protect the weak and those dear to you. And one day, find yourself a beautiful girl you'll be with and protect her with that amazing strength of yours," she added, while wearing a faint smile.

She wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks with her palm and uttered her last words, "I love you."

The boy screamed and cried, his voice filled with pain and agony. He was heartbroken and enraged, but he vowed to honor his mother's memory and continue her legacy. He swore to protect the innocent and fight against the evil, using his magic and his divine powers, which he had inherited from his mother but had not yet awakened.

His determination and courage earned him the respect and admiration of many people. Along the way, he met a boy slightly older than him, who became his second friend. His name was Byakuya. The boy, Byakuya, and Leo would challenge each other many times, and both the boy and Leo would often lose.

"Are you sure you're human?" The boy would often ask each time he faced Byakuya and lost.

"You're not even in the position to ask that. The both of you are monsters. He's just a bigger monster than you are," Leo would often reply, whenever the boy complained.

The boy continued to train and go on missions. Soon, he became a Grade 2 A Ranked Sentinel and a member of Squad One, along with Leo. Byakuya, on the other hand, became the youngest Captain in Astrovia, ascending to the position of Captain of Squad One and becoming a Special Ranked Sentinel.

The boy became a renowned hero, who was feared by his enemies and loved by his allies. He was especially admired by his students, whom he taught as a part-time instructor. He was always cheerful and optimistic, hiding his pains behind a smile.

However, his life was not without tragedies and losses. At the age of 18, he was poisoned on a mission with Leo. They were surrounded by multiple enemies ranging from A to B ranked mages. It was an elaborate plan to end the boy's life. In order for him to survive, Leo sacrificed himself.

"Just make sure you show those jerks from the main branch that a man from the side branch can also be great." Those were Leo's last words to the boy.

He blamed himself for Leo's death and felt that he had betrayed his friend's trust and loyalty. He became more reckless and selfless, putting his life on the line for every mission and quest. Eventually, he was promoted to Grade 1 A Ranked Sentinel and appointed as the lieutenant of Squad One.

When he was 23 years old, he faced his greatest challenge, which was also his final battle. A dark lord, who had amassed a vast army of evil creatures and curses, launched attacks on different galaxies, intending to destroy them and create a new world order. Cynerion, Vigora, and Nebulon all recognized this threat as a common enemy and agreed to work together.

He was charged with the responsibility of leading an army of warriors to stop the dark lord and his minions before they reached their galaxy. It was a special grade level mission.

The battle was fierce and brutal, and many lives were lost on both sides. He fought valiantly, neutralizing many of the enemy's forces. However, he soon realized that his current power was not enough to defeat the dark lord, who had a powerful shield of darkness made from an ancient artifact that protected him from any harm.

It was the first time he tapped into his divine powers. It was a spontaneous awakening born out of the desperation to prevent the dark lord and his army from reaching their galaxy and claiming more innocent lives.

He tried all he could, awaken his god slaying power. He felt a surge of power and light, as he tapped into the essence of the sun. He broke through the dark lord's shield and confronted him face to face.

He unleashed a blast of pure energy, which obliterated the dark lord and his army. However, he could not control the range of his attack. The blast also destroyed the galaxy, along with his comrades and friends. He was the only survivor, but he was severely injured and exhausted. He collapsed in the vacuum and woke up in a hospital after being rescued by Byakuya.

He was hailed as a hero, who had saved the universe from the dark lord's tyranny. He was praised and honored by the people, who celebrated his victory and mourned his losses. However, he did not feel like a hero.

A month after the great battle, he applied for resignation. Astrovia's council of leaders were in shock and were reluctant to let go of a valuable asset, but out of respect they eventually succumbed to his wishes. All that was left was Byakuya's approval.

Before resigning officially, he met with Byakuya on the outskirts of Metreona for a final discussion as Captain and Lieutenant.

It was evening time. The atmosphere was serene. Both figures stood side by side at the edge of a cliff, while staring at the sky.

"I would like to know the reason behind your resignation," Byakuya declared.

"Tell me, Captain, who is a Sentinel?" he inquired, his tone remaining calm

Byakuya remained silent, recognizing the rhetorical nature of the question.

"A hero..."

"A guardian..."

"One who protects his loved ones and those around him with his strength. That is who a Sentinel is."

"Yet, with all the strength I possess, I am still unable to protect..."

"Rather, I am the one who always ends up being protected."

"What point is there in being strong, if my victories come at the expense of those I am supposed to protect?"

"I am not a hero..."

"I have failed..."

"Both my duty as a guardian."

"And my promise to my mother."

Byakuya sighed. "I see..."

"So, you're unsure if you should continue on the path you're currently on."

"I will not criticize your decision, but I won't accept it either," Byakuya added.

He looked at Byakuya in shock. Before he could raise an argument, Byakuya continued to speak. "However, I can grant you an indefinite leave of absence, until you find the answers to your questions."

"And during this leave of absence, a seal shall be placed on you."

"This seal will hold back seventy percent of your capabilities."

"It can only be removed during dire situations and would require permission from our Emergency Headquarters," Byakuya added.

"Do you have any complaints?" Byakuya asked.

"No, Captain," he got on his knee and bowed to Byakuya.

Byakuya placed his palm on his shoulder. "Be fast and get back on your feet, my friend."
