
Celestial Resurrection

"Where am I?" After an unfortunate encounter with a bullet, Ryder opens his eyes again, and finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. He’s no longer in the grimy alley. Instead, he stands on the precipice of a new existence—a world where magic intertwines with technology—where he comes face to face with new challenges which may hold the key to his true identity. When a ruthless criminal syndicate targets Ryder’s school, his powerlessness gets thrown in his face. His stepbrother Byakuya offers to train him and help him overcome the hurdles in his path Ryder's world is shattered when Byakuya betrays him and kills his friends, his girlfriend, and the leaders of their continent. "I'll find you!" Ryder vowed, his eyes aflame "No matter where you go!" "I don't care where you hide!" "I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do!" In a world where shadows dance, Ryder’s journey unfolds—a mix of survival, revenge, and redemption. But can he piece together the shards of his memory before it's too late? Will he be able to seize control over his darkness, or will his darkness consume him?

Ka_rma · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Hunters Strike

Raika laughed and taunted Ryder. Some people snickered, while some murmured to each other.

Violet immediately made her way into the ring, positioning herself in front of Raika and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Since you weren't satisfied with that, maybe you'd like to fight me then," she said with a gentle smile, laced with a hint of malice. Silver helped me get up.

Ryder felt mortified. Not only was he knocked down brutally in front of the whole class, he was also being defended by his crush, when he felt like he was supposed to be the protector.

"That's enough!" Mr Armstrong's voice echoed through the room

He moved close to Raika and got on his toes, matching his eyes with Raika's, "learn to show respect to your comrades."

"Tch..." Raika scoffed

"It's not my fault—"

Before he could complete his sentence, he received a forehead flick that sent him flying out of the ring, leaving a red spot on the point of contact. The other students watching burst into laughter as the scene unfolded.

"You should also learn to respect your teachers." Mr Armstrong smiled.

He shifted his attention to Ryder who was looking embarrassed as his two new friends—Violet and Silver—were helping him up.

"There's no need to feel embarrassed, Starfall"

"You're still a beginner..."

"You took that punch and you didn't lose your consciousness. I'd say you won this fight in your own way," Mr Armstrong tried to encourage him.

Silver also tried to cheer him up, "Give it time, I'm sure you'd be able to return that punch very soon."

"Exactly!" Violet backed Silver up.

Their words reached him but they weren't enough to elevate his mood. The reality remained. He was just embarrassed in front of the whole class.

Raika got up and groaned, his right hand pressed against his forehead. He looked at Ryder, "They can only protect you for so long," he said. His tone was low compared to usual, but still loud enough for Ryder and the others to hear.

Mr Reinhart stepped into the room. He noticed the current situation but chose to ignore it as he called upon Mr Armstrong. He whispered something into his ear and left the room. The students stared at them wondering if anything had happened.

"Is something wrong?" Silver asked.

"Nothing at all, Orion..." Mr Armstrong replied.

"Your next class is on the basics of magic. Mr Reinhart won't be available, so a professor from our university is filling in."

He clapped his hands softly, "She's waiting for you now, so pack up and head to class."

"Come on, let's go," Violet said as she locked her hand with Ryder's and pulled him along with Silver.

"And make sure you don't give her a hard time," he added as he looked at Raika.

Raika noticed Mr Armstrong's eyes on him and scoffed, puffing his cheeks. Mr Armstrong laughed as he escorted them out of the training room.


The classroom was filled with the sound of chimes as students found their seats, floating just off the ground. The desks shone with a soft light, and Professor Aveline stood in front of the class, her silver hair shining. She waved her hands, and colorful symbols appeared in the air.

"Morning, everyone," she said. "Today, we're talking about magic – what it is, and how it works."

Jasper, a boy in the front row, raised his hand. "Professor, how does magic fit with normal science?"

Aveline smiled and waved her hand again. The room went dark, and stars appeared all around them. "Magic is like science's brother or sister. It has its own rules but can move through everything. It's both a puzzle and a solution."

The students watched as the stars moved to show her point. "Take the Levitatus Charm lifting your seats," she said. "It makes things float, not by fighting gravity, but by adding new rules to space."

Lysandra, a girl with braids, asked, "How do we use magic without causing trouble?"

"That's the key, Lysandra. Using magic means being careful and respecting the energy that connects everything. Carelessness and Improper control can lead to disasters" The professor's hands moved, and the stars turned into a river of light.

The class went on for one hour. They talked about old spells, how to use magic right, and all the things they could do with it.

Ryder's mind remained fixated on the embarrassment he had faced some moments earlier.

When the bell rang, the holograms disappeared, and the room was normal again. The students packed up, thinking about all they had learned.

Ryder on the other hand, silently left the class, avoiding as much attention as he could

"Remember," Aveline called as they left, "magic isn't just about power. It's about seeing things differently. Look at the world and imagine what it could be."

Violet looked around trying to spot Ryder, but there was no sign of him. "Where'd he go?" She asked Silver.

"I saw him slipping out of class immediately Professor Aveline rounded off," He answered.

"He's a shy type, so I'm guessing today's embarrassment left quite a mark on him."


Night came, and Astrovia was alive with neon lights, casting vibrant hues across the darkened streets. Eli and Mara, two sentinels, walked side by side, their laughters echoing.

Eli's outfit was sleek yet practical. He wore a dark jacket, that complemented his black hair, with cuffs that glowed when his magic was active. His color-shifting shirt added a touch of intrigue, while his pants allowed him to move freely. His boots were silent, perfect for sneaking or quick getaways, and his belt held all sorts of magical gadgets.

Mara's gear was designed for agility and defense. Her tunic glowed faintly, hinting at her inner strength, and her leggings were both tough and flexible. Her boots were made for combat, and her light armor vest could take a hit. Her sword, with runes along the blade, was always ready, along with a few smaller weapons for close fights

Eli's eyes glowed with mischief as he recounted one of their daring adventures, "And then, boom! The hall lit up like it was midday. You should've seen the self proclaimed Archmage's jaw drop!"

Mara's giggle was a bright sound in the quiet night. "You're crazy, Eli. A Sunburst spell indoors? We're lucky we didn't end up as toast."

"Mara, when was the last time we simply enjoyed the city without a threat over our heads?" Eli asked, letting out a sigh of relief.

Mara's smile didn't quite reach her eyes as she glanced around, her hand instinctively resting on the hilt of her energy blade. "Peace is a luxury we sentinels can't afford for long."

"Especially B ranks like us," Mara added.

"Not like I'm not appreciating a day off, Mara, but this silence... it's kinda unsettling," Levi said, as he scanned the area with his eyes.

Their playful conversation halted abruptly as a strange coldness triggered their senses. Eli's smile vanished, replaced by a frown. "Mara, something's off. The mana's all twisted here."

Mara prepared to draw her sword, her gaze sharpening. "Yeah, I feel it. It's like we walked into a trap. Be careful."

As they turned down an alley, reality seemed to bend. A barrier snapped into place, cutting them off from the city's pulse. The shadows thickened, coiling around them like a tangible presence. Eli's laughter faded, his senses heightening as he felt the shift in the air—a subtle, yet unmistakable sign of danger.

"Wait," Eli whispered, his hand signaling Mara to halt. "Do you feel that?"

Before Mara could respond, two figures emerged from the shadows, their black cloaks hiding their identities, and billowing silently.

The ambush was swift, like a dance of shadows. The assailants launched themselves at the guardians with a grace born of the intent to kill.

Eli and Mara struck fighting stances, ready to counter their incoming opponents.

Eli grunted as a fist connected with his jaw, the impact sending him flying back. "Who are you?" he demanded, wiping blood from his lip.

The figures didn't speak. Instead, they attacked, their movements exuding precision and skill.

The clash was fierce. Eli conjured shields and hurled mana bolts, while Mara's blade sliced through the air, her ki turning each strike into a thunderous roar.

But the cloaked figures were like shadows, their martial arts techniques outclassing the sentinels' powers. They dodged and parried swift attacks from Eli and Mara. Attacks as fast as a flash of light.

Eli grunted as a kick from one of the cloaked figures sent him flying. "They're good, Mara! We need to—"

His words were cut off as he hit the ground hard. Mara fought with desperate intensity, her blade, a blur, but it was like fighting a storm.

The cloaked entities finally spoke, their voices chillingly calm. "It's nothing personal."

"We're hunters, and you just happen to be our prey," one said, as he knocked Mara's sword away with an effortless motion.

Eli struggled to stand and support Mara, his stubborness refusing to give in to defeat, "These guys are strong, and they've only relied on martial arts so far. We have to find a way to call for backup."

"But we have to destroy this barrier, first."

"We're not done yet," Eli growled, summoning his last reserves of mana for a counterstrike.

But it was futile. The cloaked figures moved in, their attacks relentless. Eli and Mara, two A ranked sentinels, despite their arsenal of spells, and techniques, were overpowered.

The final sounds of their struggle echoed into the night, unheard beyond the barrier.

As the barrier lifted, the cloaked figures disappeared with the shadows being chased away by the moonlight, leaving nothing but the dead bodies of Eli and Mara behind.