
Celestial Resurrection

"Where am I?" After an unfortunate encounter with a bullet, Ryder opens his eyes again, and finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. He’s no longer in the grimy alley. Instead, he stands on the precipice of a new existence—a world where magic intertwines with technology—where he comes face to face with new challenges which may hold the key to his true identity. When a ruthless criminal syndicate targets Ryder’s school, his powerlessness gets thrown in his face. His stepbrother Byakuya offers to train him and help him overcome the hurdles in his path Ryder's world is shattered when Byakuya betrays him and kills his friends, his girlfriend, and the leaders of their continent. "I'll find you!" Ryder vowed, his eyes aflame "No matter where you go!" "I don't care where you hide!" "I'll kill you even if it's the last thing I do!" In a world where shadows dance, Ryder’s journey unfolds—a mix of survival, revenge, and redemption. But can he piece together the shards of his memory before it's too late? Will he be able to seize control over his darkness, or will his darkness consume him?

Ka_rma · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Building Inner Strength

School—the place where I had imagined meeting new people, having fun, and perhaps even discovering hidden talents. But reality had other plans for me. Instead of fun and friendship, I found myself ensnared in a nightmare—a target for bullies and the subject of cruel mockery.

Raika, with his sharp tongue and relentless cruelty, led the charge. His words cut deeper than any blade, and I felt powerless to stop him. Silver and Violet, my new friends, stood up for me when they could, but their protection wasn't constant. The whispers of my tormentors followed me through the corridors, their insults echoing like a haunting refrain:

"Is he really related to the head captain?"

"I heard he barely passed the Ki test."

"He's not even capable of basic self-defense skills."

"I don't think he's even capable of basic Ki manipulation."

"I bet my little brother could beat him in a fight."

"He should just quit and limit himself to normal classes."

Each word chipped away at my resolve, but I kept going. Why? Because of Lily, and my friends who believed in me. I didn't share my pain with anyone at home; I bore it silently, hoping that someday I'd prove them wrong.

Then came Raika's verbal blow—one that shattered my fragile composure. In front of the entire class, he declared, "At this rate, even if I stopped training, you'd never become stronger than me." Their laughter echoed in my ears as I fled the classroom, tears blurring my vision.

Desperation drove me to seek training. Lily was elusive due to her mystery filled life as a goddess, Byakuya busy, and Emilia—terrifying yet my last hope. I approached her, stuttering and bowing, my courage waging war against fear. But her refusal hit me like a brick wall. No reason given, just a blunt dismissal. I was filled with anger, but I refused to yield.

Weeks passed, and I persisted. Finally, Emilia relented. She led me to the doorstep of her room, her hand on the doorknob. Her words cut deeper than any insult: "I've been refusing because I see it as a waste. No potential, no time." The door opened, revealing a secret—the training room beneath the castle. "What you're seeing right now is an illusion I created. You'll find the entrance to a room like this in your room."

When I got back to my room, I noticed a small door which matched the tiles in my room. How I never noticed it till that day remained a mystery to me. It slid open, revealing a space filled with equipment: dumbbells, treadmills, holograms, and advanced tools. The Ki measuring crystal and mana test chamber intrigued me, but where to start?

I chose strength and martial arts. Daily, I pushed myself—50 push-ups, sit-ups, squats—muscles screaming in agony. But I adapted, fueled by determination.

Silver and Violet noticed the subtle changes in my body. My muscles became more defined, sinewy lines tracing across my limbs. After a month of rigorous training, I had increased my daily repetitions from 50 to 100.

The development of my strength outpaced that of an average human from my previous world. Our enigmatic goddess who occasionally graced our presence—Lily—had once mentioned that humans in this realm were naturally stronger than those from my old world.

Yet, compared to Silver and Violet, I remained weak. I couldn't help but imagine Raika, our formidable friend, effortlessly besting me in combat. Still, there was one undeniable truth—I was stronger than my former self.

My mornings began with meditation, a practice aimed at harnessing the power of Ki. Byakuya, our wise mentor, had imparted this knowledge. He emphasized that manipulating Ki was more intricate than controlling mana.

It wasn't merely about sharpening the mind; it required nurturing the soul. Although I couldn't yet wield Ki to enhance my physical capabilities at will, I knew that if I were back in my previous world, I'd be a top-tier athlete.

One Sunday morning, I woke to the usual flood of notifications on my phone. I ignored them, following my habitual workout routine before stepping into the shower.

Breakfast awaited me in the dining room, and there, at the far end of the table, sat Lily. Her presence surprised me; she rarely lingered around the castle these days. I suppressed the urge to inquire about her mysterious comings and goings.

"Good morning," I greeted her as I took my seat.

"Morning. So how's your training going?" Lily's eyes bore into mine, assessing.

I stumbled over my words, caught off guard. "H... How did you—"

"How did I know about your training? It's evident. Your body has changed, and although little, your Ki level has also undergone some form of increase," she replied, her gaze unwavering.

I guess the goddess who walked among us, possessed insights beyond mere mortals. I returned to my breakfast, pondering her words. Then, the notification on my phone seized my attention: "Two B-ranked Sentinels found dead..."

"They call themselves The Sentinel Hunters," Lily informed me, her tone nonchalant.

"They're yet to state their intentions," she continued, "but I find it uninteresting."

I frowned, my worry surfacing. "What if they target Byakuya or Emilia?"

Lily's touch brushed through my hair, soothing. She had moved silently, appearing behind me. "No need to fret. Byakuya and Emilia are S-ranked Sentinels—the Vanguard's finest. If anything, I'd worry for the hunters."

She vanished, leaving me with her reassurance. Lily's appearances and disappearances had become routine, though no less mystifying.

The door creaked open behind me, and I swiveled in my seat to confirm my suspicion. Byakuya stood there, his presence unmistakable. Elegance and authority clung to him like a second skin, and a warm aura enveloped him.

"So how's your training going?" His voice held a hint of approval as he observed me.

"Seems you made a bit of progress," he added.

His words stirred a mix of emotions within me—pride at being noticed, yet a twinge of disappointment. Had my efforts only amounted to "a bit" of progress? Still, the fact that others acknowledged my development offered solace.

Byakuya leaned against the doorframe, reminiscing. "Your resilience reminds me of a man I once knew. When I was a child, I met him. No matter the hardship, he pressed forward.

"He gave everything to protect those around him, to grow stronger. And he did it all with a smile."

A fleeting smile graced Byakuya's lips. I wondered who this man was—the one who left such an indelible mark on Byakuya. My imagination conjured a hero, someone to emulate. Unconsciously, I found my role model.

"He sounds amazing," I replied, admiration lacing my tone. Byakuya moved on to take a sit. He finished his meal not long after and rose.

"Your path won't be easy," he said. "But I believe in your resilience. Keep working hard."

My goal was to work hard and gain enough strength, like Lily said, and discover everything there is to know about my past. If it's not going to be easy, then I have no problem. Like they say, No pain no gain.

The next day, I encountered Silver and Violet on my way to school. We talked and laughed, losing track of time. It was during this fun conversation that Violet revealed her true nature—a blood demon.

In our world, she'd be what people call a vampire, yet she appeared wholly human. Not all demons bore horns or fangs; some blended seamlessly into our reality.

Our first class was Math, and Mr. Reinhart was late too. As we settled into our seats, the usual whispers followed me. I'd grown accustomed to the scrutiny. But then Mr. Reinhart entered, his expression shifting from annoyance to alarm. He projected a slide on the digital board.

"Today we're going to be—"

His words halted abruptly. Outside, a man in a dark cloak materialized. Sinister intent radiated from him as his lips moved.

"Emerge and conceal."

A barrier enveloped Rakuzan's High School and Middle School. Mr. Reinhart sighed, irritation tainting his usual tone.

"What an ordeal," he muttered.

Violet's eyes widened, fear etching her features.

"Uhm... Guys... I can smell blood."