
Celestia and The Lost Empire

"Nue! Nue you must remember!" Fragments of memories, like a puzzle with missing pieces have lurked Lyanna’s mind for the past 14 years as she was held captive by an illustrious family unable to move forward, while she slaved away in creating magical instruments which was prized by the population her mind further falls deeper into the abyss and every time that happens those fragments pulls her back up, it was the only thing keeping her from losing it. The blissful happy memories filled with people she knows she loves. The only thing keeping her sane.  And she was content. Her four concerned cells were her world and that was enough for her. But who she is still lies a great mystery, her talent alone was greatly coveted and for someone as powerless as her? She was bound to be used up and thrown away.  That was all about to change when time turned back and she regained the most important detail about her. She's Lyanna Margarette Earla Atηανασια Ψυυκι Σολ Υρανια, 1στ Πρινχεσσ οφ τηε Υρανια Εμπιρε−− And she's out for vengeance. Now, Lyanna had to face reality--14 years had passed and the world she had once known had changed. The signs of a great calamity continues to brew, the Forests no longer sings, the Skies no longer dance. The 6 races have started to poison the lands, with their seclusion, greed and ignorance. The Elves have closed off their kingdom.  The Dwarves have built a wall and turned away.  The Faeries have hidden themselves from the rest of the world.  The Beasties have been waging wars to each other.  The Devas have been known to become slaves to humans. But just like the other races, this was not something Lyanna should concern herself with; it was their mess; she is not obliged to fix anything, she needs to find the answer to the betrayal her family faces. She has an identity to take back, a family to find, and a promise to fulfill.  “Wait. A Promise?”  ---- Author: CuriousSiren ps: was published in a different wattpad account which is no longer accessible.

CuriousSiren · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Hidden Promise

[Welcome back Πρινχεσσ, I've been waiting for you for a long time.]

"Nue? Nue! Where are you?" a boy who seemed younger than her called out to her while she looked down on him from the tree where she stood hidden, his amethyst eyes glimmers with excitement, it was a shade similar to hers and her heart was filled with warmth.

The scenery changed, the sound of laughter rang clearly to her, as she ran towards the sea of tulips, "Lyanna! Don't go too far!" the voice behind her called, it was a familiar one, she turned and saw them, Aerone, Kaspian and a boy with golden hair-Kaisser. Her Kuyas. They were trying to catch her and a little girl with silver-haired who held her hand, Kathriona.

"Remember! Lyanna remember!", the scene changed again. A tall woman with golden hair like hers embraced her, she wasn't sure on what's going on but she could feel the pain and anguish in her mother's voice. "Don't, come back. Not yet."

Then she faced a boy with raven colored hair and held her hand protectively. It was Killian, a boy she met before the Urania Empire collapsed.

Everything was confusing as another flood of memories came, then she faced herself on a mirror, a younger version of herself that she had no memory of, from her regression till now. She wore a dress far noble than the ones she saw Lady Lilybeth and the Machoiness had worn, her hair was golden like the sun and saying her eyes were purple was an understatement--they were clear Amethyst gems. She was, Lyanna Margarette Earla Ψυυκι Σολ Υρανια, 1στ Πρινχεσσ οφ τηε Υρανια Εμπιρε−−

As if breathing life for the first time, Lyanna woke up from her fall. She could feel the dirt against her face and grass around the fingertips of her hand. That is when she felt the pain forming on the center of her body, she winced as she inhaled sharply. The pain lasted for a few minutes before slowly subsiding.

"Ah-" a soft sound escaped her lips, "HAAA--AHHH!!!", she screamed at the top of her lungs, not caring if it woke up the entire forest. With tears brimming around her eyes she started to cry, She was filled with defeat, worry, and pure anger, to the people who had damned her, to the Lyrria Continent who turned their back to her family. She was silenced, her freedom, status and pride stripped away from her--from her family. Oh, she remembers. She remembers everything all too well.

She slowly pushed her body up and leaned on a tree near her, the thick forest broke her fall, which was why she didn't receive any major injuries 

"Kaspian, Aerone, Kaisser, Kathriona" she mumbles as she completely recover from the pain awhile ago, "Octavius, Luther, Alexandria, Thessia, Olympia and Khalessia.", She continued and lists down the names of her siblings. Before the destruction of her country, she received news that shook her family. The death of her Father, Kaspian and Aerone as they were marching towards war. 

"They are definitely alive and kicking. So where in Celestia are they?" she talked to herself, "If they had survived, did Father too?"

"Ah--" Lyanna looked around in search for Killian finally remembering him, as she glanced up to where she fell from, Killian was nowhere in her vicinity, and that could only mean that he's outside the Vishar Forest.

"What was he doing in that forest though?" Lyanna knew that the chance of him being in the Vander Estate was impossible, so how? The only was to know would be to ask Killian when she returns. Now she has to deal with where she is.

Lyanna noticed a rustle from the bush in front of her, she looked around her surroundings and discovered several magical beasts had surrounded her, but they had not attacked because she was releasing a monstrous amount of mana which was keeping these beasts at bay. Withdrawing her mana is impossible since she is recovering from her magic being sealed.

She pressed her eyes close, 'Αρεα Σχαν'. as she felt her mana spread into a thin layer having nearly a radius of 20 meters. She could feel everything around her as if seeing them in person. 'There! Found you.' Lyanna smiled, it was an A-ranked magical beast, she turned ehr gaze to its direction, a magical beast classified as a Griffin. 

Magical Beasts, like regular animals who have been blessed with mana and intelligence by the God Celes, they are said to have been descendants the first creatures which were created and like the rest of the races in Celestia they can also evolve, they are ranked from A to E and their intelligence and mana level coincide with their rank. Then there are those Beast who are more like Myths of old time, the S rank beast—they are believed to have the intelligence like the 6 races and can shape-shift into the image of mankind.

Lyanna's taunt agitated the Griffin, "Kraekk!" it cried and emerged from its hiding place, the beast stomped its two front feet and flapped its wings wanting to know more of the peculiar woman in front of him. Lyanna remembered that Vishar forest was a place where the Magical beasts are more elusive but has a noble cause of choosing a master they want to serve so she immediately withdrew taunting the creature. The Magical Beast might not be a danger, but there are students in the Vishar forest due to a Magical Beast Contract Ceremony.

And this Griffin has chosen her. Well with the way it's tail was swinging left to right it was acting like a pet rather than a noble beast, "Are you here to establish a contract?" she asked, but the griffin shook it's head then turned to a direction where a mountain lies,"Kraek~! kekekekee~" 

"No? Eh? You're here for someone else?" she was confused as to why an A--Ranked beast is being ordered around, "Why should I follow you?" she slowly got up and patted off the dirt on her dress, "Whoever is ordering you around is rude." the beast nodded, making her chuckle. 

"AH-! ah…" pain came back this time it wrapped around her heart—no her mana core was breaking! The agonizing pain brought her to her knees till she fell into a fetal position. 

[That's the reason why I sent Sierra to you.] a voice echoed in Lyanna's mind, the Griffin lowered its head to her. "So you're named Sierra huh-AHH!---" the pain intensified which made Lyanna lost her reasoning, she gathered mana to her palm attempting to seal--


"Why should I follow a telepathic message from-"

[I'm a friend. A friend of your Family!]

The mere mention of her family was enough reason. The pain was also not helping on making her think rationally, "Tell me something only a friend of my family would say!"


'You're alive because of your mother.'

Lyanna fell silent, that was an answer even she had been thinking of, but the voice had confirmed an important piece of the puzzle. She faced the Griffin-Sierra, "Take me to him."

The wind welcomed her, as the Sierra flapped her huge wings. Lyanna held tightly on her feathers while she rode the majestic Griffin, Lyanna wrapped her arms around the Griffins neck, She leaned close to the Griffin, as it flew over the trees.

[I've always known you were close by, but something was blocking me from calling you out.] The voice spoke.

"My Mama, did a good job hiding me huh?"

[She's quite talented] This made him chuckle.

Lyanna was quiet for a moment, "Are they safe?" 

The man behind the voice knew she meant her siblings, [I do not know. your presence vanished for 2 years, then I felt your faint presence again a decade ago.] he started, [Its impossible to ignore a strong presence, let alone an entire family of talents. Therefore when your presence were erased like you have been plucked out of God Celes. Everyone else like me, felt it.]

"My Family was that strong?" Lyanna asked as she glanced up the sky, it was a clear day but she noticed a golden glow, probably the dome that's enclosed the Vishar forest. 

The voice was silent, [I don't know if your siblings are safe, but you're alive they could be too.]

"That's a vague answer."

[The are things that are better left unsaid for you to discover yourself.]

Dear Readers,

How do you like the story so far? I will slowly be introducing Celestia, The races and the kingdoms, and most especially the power system soon.

I'm really excited for the development of my novel, I hope you are ready to join me in this journey. But I really hope to hear from you too. Please drop a review so I can further improve my skills!


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