
Chapter 11

"What's up with them?" Clarra asked Audrei who came along with Veronica and Ashley as part of the secretary team.

"I'm not really sure." She said. "They were like that since the morning they came in the office together."

Clarra and Audrei watched as Ashley accidentally bumped against Veronica, making her drop the files she was holding. She knelt down to grab the folders, Veronica going down to help her. As they fix the scattered objects with stuttering apologies, their hands accidentally touch, making them retract it as they continue to apologize awkwardly. They stood up, heading towards different distractions.

Clarra cackles as she watches the scene whilst Audrei giggles, both finding the scene amusing. The former excuses herself, going towards the direction Veronica was going, leading herself to the rooftop. She opened the door and found the back of the woman she was following. With a sly grin, she slowly walks towards her, trying to be as quiet as possible. Once she's relatively close to the woman, she leans in and mutters with a teasing tone.

"Someone seems chipper this morning." At the sudden voice, veronica jumps, turning back quickly with wide eyes.

"What the f- Clarra!?" She yelled out. Her eyes turned narrow when she saw the director gazing at her with a mischievous smile. "What the fuck are you doing?" She sneered, a hand on her chest as she calmed her breathing from the unexpected attack.

"Hmm, well, I was watching you and your assistant." Clarra drawled, watching with amusement as Veronica's cheeks start to flush lightly, looking away. "You're like one of those sun drawings five-year-old kids draw in the corner of a paper with a big ass smile. Are you gonna start shitting rainbows next?"

"Shut up."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll throw you off of this roof." Veronica snapped back, turning her head to look at her with a piercing glare. Clarra was unaffected, knowing she's just hiding her genuine feelings, as usual. That is why, instead of freezing underneath her gaze, she held on to the bars of the roof, peering down. "What are you doing now?" Veronica asks, eyeing her weird antics.

"I'm trying to check how high the drop is," Clarra answered, humming after with an approving nod. "Hmm, seems kinda worth it to me."

"Do you want me to push you over?"

"I mean…" Clarra trailed off, yelling once Veronica starts pushing her over. "Alright, alright! Stop, I'll stop teasing you and you won't be charged for murder, okay?" She said hastily, her arms raised in surrender. Veronica huffs at this, deciding to let her go.

"So, what's making the birds sing this morning, hmm?" Clarra continued to tease despite her previous promise. Veronica snaps her head to the side, looking at her with a glare. The director immediately stays away from the bars, shoulders shrugging. The latter clicks her tongue at the childishness before answering.

"I don't know," Veronica said, sighing. "I don't… I don't want to talk about it." Veronica says, propping her elbows on the bars, looking at the view across with distant eyes. Clarra nods before responding.

"For sure, for sure," Clarra said, letting the silence stay for a few seconds before speaking up once more, tone suddenly serious. "But hey, just… be careful, alright?"

At this, Veronica turns her head to look back at her. Her eyes were unreadable as they stared back at each other. Finally, one of them moves again, Veronica nodding at Clarra before looking at the view once again.

"The color scheme is too light. What are you using? Oh, this. Where are the palettes we got from Brand X, that fits much better." Clarra said as she held some makeup in her hands, scanning the item with careful eyes.

"Yes, I agree. You should make the skin more matte as well. Dewy is good, but that's not what we're going for." Veronica added. She looked at the reflection of a model, eyes narrowed as her brows furrowed, examining with a concentrated face. The head makeup artist nods, thanking the both of them. Both directors nodded as Veronica spoke once more. "Well, that is all for now. If you will excuse me…"

Veronica heads towards the bathroom, a notebook in hand as she put her pen back in her pocket. She opened the door, eyes widening when she sees her assistant. The woman had the same reaction, her body freezing as she looked at her boss.

"Oh! Ms. Reyes."

"Ms. Johnson." Veronica nodded back as she looked somewhere else, avoiding Ashley's eyes. The latter couldn't handle the deafening silence speaking up.

"U-um, today is Friday, you know?" She starts, squeaking.

"Ah, yes," Veronica answered with a somewhat strained, rubbing the back of her neck. "I, uh, I know that."

"S-so, we don't have any work tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, I suppose you are right."

"I was just thinking," She said, fiddling with her fingers as she looks up at her boss through her eyelashes. "Maybe we can do something later after this..." At her words, Veronica's awkward aura disappeared, an alluring and confident one replacing it. Her eyes darkened as she walked towards her assistant.

"Is that so?" She says, placing a hand on the sink as she leaned closer to Ashley. "And where do you plan to do this something, hmm?" Veronica asks, voice deeper as she placed her other hand beside the other woman, trapping her.

"The office…" Ashley breathes out, lifting her head to look into Veronica's lust-filled eyes. They didn't waste a second before pressing their lips against each other, sighing at the feeling.

Ashley pressed herself closer to Veronica, putting her hands around her neck. They deepened the kiss, making out as if oxygen didn't exist, as if not being able to be close to each other may kill them.

Veronica's hand trails down to her assistant's ass, squeezing tightly. This caused Ashley to moan against the kiss, the former taking the opportunity to insert her tongue in the other's mouth. The assistant responded, pressing her tongue against the other.

They ignore the awkward teeth clashing, ignore the fact that anyone can come in the bathroom and see them, ignore the fact that they have many other problems to sort. All that mattered to them was that they get their fix, a part of each other. The kissing didn't seem to be enough; they realized that as soon as they pulled back. As if they had telepathy, they nodded to each other before opening the bathroom door. Once they were outside, a certain director's taunting stopped them.

"Oho?" Clarra said as she eyed the two. Ashley and Veronica had matching swollen lips and crinkled top, and they both seemed a little out of breath. "Did you frickle frackle?"

"Shut it." Veronica snapped. "We have nothing else to check on, do we?"

"None that I know of, since-" Before she can continue, Veronica interrupted her, rushing past the director with her assistant trailing behind.

"Alright. If that is all, my P.A. and I are in a rush. I have things to do."

"Right, and I'm assuming that thing is said P.A.?" Clarra said, making Veronica roll her eyes. She raised her middle finger as she walked off, Ashley right beside her.

"Didn't deny it though." She said, rolling her eyes. "Horny fucks."