
Caught Between Two Worlds

All Celestine ever wanted was to be someone powerful so that she won't be looked down upon. That was what she wished on a blissful night. And that very wish made her life go downhill years later ever since she came across a sacred pendant. When an invitation lands on her lap to the most prestigious university of Adrian, nothing could stop her from going there. That is until her life gets entwined with two men, the cruellest foes of each other which she wishes to escape from. But the universe paints a different picture. On a dreary day, she falls to her near-death and finds herself in the ancient land of Vitalis. With an unintentionally committed crime to her name, she must face the justice of the place where mercy is invaluable and death is inevitable and of little value. And so her trial begins at the mercy of the tainted hands of the Masked Tyrant. Alastair Arden Waldorf. Ruthless, cold-blooded and faceless. When things turn for the worse, will she be able to return to her land and not be involved in a terrifying history? Will she save, kill or escape from the tyrant to the other two men when he shall come for her? Shall love prevail between the two or will they stick to their time to avoid an inevitable curse? ~ WARNING: Mature Content (18+) Cover Design: imagineTishaD (Webnovel) Image Credit: fromKITnoc (DeviantArt) Want to support and interact with the author? Discord: https://discord.gg/ptUDZFYcU8 Fandom: https://realmsofmagic.fandom.com/wiki/Realms_Of_Magic_Wiki Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rose.of.blues/

RoseOfBlues · 幻想
209 Chs

~ 31: Behind The Menancing Veil - Part 2 ~

I gulped as I looked at the person in front of me. Stuck between him and the wall in the dark room, his eyes glowed, partly covered by his dishevelled hair. His chin nearly rested on my head as he bent down to look at mine, causing his hot breath to touch my nose.

No one would have thought that in the dead of night, with a supermoon up in the sky, a handsome person like him could look so stunningly terrifying. The moonlight only amplified the beauty of his eyes.

"W-what h-happened?" I asked in fear as I looked into his mismatched eyes.

"Crazy woman," he returned. "How can you come into my room on a full moon night?"

"What do you mean? You said —"

"Night of Blessings. It is at the end of the month, which means it's next week. How could a sea child not know that?"

His words turned the gears in my head, bringing me back to the time my mother had sat with me during one such night. We were sitting on our terrace at the back of our little bach. Her hands were raised in prayer and I, a girl of around seven years of age, followed every little action of hers as we sat on a small, thin, hand-crafted mat.

"Why are we doing this, Mother?" had asked the innocent me. "What do we get by putting our hands together?"

"You can ask for whatever you want, darling," she had said. "On this night, the one in the heavens is closer to us and wishes to grant."

"So if I ask for superpowers, will I get it?" I had asked her in an excited high-pitched voice.

She had laughed and said with a smile, "Miracles are given by fate. If it is God's wish, He will give it."

So the excited child had wished for all the wishes she could ask for — a healthy family, a good home and a beautiful dream that would come true.

A tear had unknowingly trickled down my face as the sweet memory came to an end. With Lucas's arms placed on the wall on either of my sides, I couldn't wipe it away.

"But what does that have to do with me being a sea child?" I asked him back. "After all, anyone would know it."

"Only people near the sea have learnt of such an existence," he replied and turned his head away. I saw something shine near his face and he bent it down. "It travelled only from one coast to another. The rest of the land never got to hear such a story. It was thought that such an existence must be kept a secret so that the few who prayed, their wishes would be granted."

"Then I'm sorry for troubling you tonight. My mind and health have been amiss."

"You're in bigger trouble than you think."

There was a guttural sound very close to my ear. I pushed harder into the wall, trying to figure out what had happened.

"Run," I heard him whisper in a dangerous tone. "And don't even think of turning around."

He released me and pushed me towards the door. In the dark room allowing only some of the moonlight in, I could only make out his silhouette. He was standing with a bent back, his hands on the table making the table creak. He growled softly and bent his head further. His bare broad back showed the strong muscles that were possibly contracted in anger.

I didn't want to leave without knowing how I could help him out. I took a soundless step forward. But he had heard it just like how the wild beasts did.

"Get out!" he yelled. "Don't interfere with a business that isn't yours!"

"I'm not going until I have figured out what's wrong," I yelled back. "Even if it will cost me my life."

After one last guttural sound, he stood up straight and turned around, slightly leaning back on the table. His hands still gripped it, but harder than ever as it squeaked louder. It wouldn't be long before it would fall apart.

"Celestine, are you not afraid of a magical beast?" he said, taking a careful step forward away from the table.

"Why would I be when you have done me no harm?" I returned, adjusting my back to the door. "What's there to be afraid of excepting losing a limb?"

"You don't know who I am and what I'm capable of."

"You are Lucas D'Silva, the handsome seer with the mismatched eyes. And an aspiring hacker, if I may add."

"You're asking for a death wish."

He switched on the little corridor light. I flinched at the sudden brightness and shut my eyes. In the brief moment, I contemplated whether to open my eyes, now that I was cornered again.

I peaked out with one eye and saw fangs protruding from his mouth. He was panting heavily as he looked at me with dreamy eyes. The light illuminated his ghost-like features. Had he lost so much blood that his face had become gaunt?

"Why would the Astorian Descendant do such a thing as giving away her own necklace?" he asked as he dropped the pendant from his hands and stirred it with his fingers.

"One good turn deserves another," I replied softly, gulping at the sight of him.

"Then, considering your bravery, I will ask for one last thing. You must say yes since you created the promise of doing anything you want to see me live."

"What is it?" I asked back softly, waiting in anticipation. He was taking his own time to answer as he saw me squirm uncomfortably in the small space.

"I need your blood. On every full moon night," he said hungrily. "And I need it fresh from your body, not from a preserved bag of stale blood."

"If that was the meal you wanted back then, then you shall have it. I'm the cause of you nearly losing your life, so you can take as much as you'll need."

The red flared ring reappeared again, sealing the contract that we had made. It made me wonder what kind of creature the man in front of me was. Because I had never seen nor heard of a seer being so powerful just from their aura.

"Come here, little one," he said, beckoning me with his fingers as he backed away and licked his sharp fangs. "You have chosen your fate for yourself, so you can't run from it, even if I suck you dry."

"You made —" I started.

"Can't even take a little joke," he interrupted and tsked. "What a killjoy, I have to say."

I came forth, standing close to his chest. He picked me, wrapped my legs around my waist and then sat down at the edge of the bed.

"No running and squirming, do you understand?" he said in a demanding tone.

"Yes sir," I responded obediently.

In my mind, I let him do as he pleased as long as it wasn't a disgraceful situation. But his actions had put me on an edge, making me rethink the thoughts that I had made up of him.