
Blossom and the Sheriff

The day after I found the Droids in the junkyard I bring 1-UP to Kaylee's auto body and robot repair and ring the bell for service and hear someone say "one second I'll be there in a minute" and see a 5'4 woman who can't be more than 20 with black hair and the hugest ass I have ever seen leaning towards the floor picking up something from the floor and as she stands up she sees me looking at her ass and gives me a smile and a wink after which she says " Welcome to Kaylee's how can I help ya" in a thick southern accent

"Yes I'm Holt the cooler at the Pretty Kitty and I found this battle droid in the scrapyard and it needs some maintenance to get him to working order"

"Oh yeah that old Droid I tried fixing it a few months ago but the spare parts for it are scary expensive so I had to make due with some civilian parts that fit but it made it only speak some sort of confusing gibberish that I don't understand"

"oh yeah that was a little annoying at first but it's not gibberish he's actually speaking gamerspeak which unfortunately means that no one who hasn't played videogames would be able to understand him when he talks but I managed to fix him so you can understand most of what he's saying through an old translation chip I had laying around"

"ohh good idea wish I'd thought of that but whatever what works you like done to the Droid" she asks while pulling out a pencil and paper

"I'd like to have his electrical systems refurbished, the rust scraped off, and for you to give him a new paint job if it's possible"

"No problem honey I'll get right on it but what color do you want him to be we've got white, black, I think I have some Navy Blue around here"

"Navy blue is fine how much will that be "

"Ehh how's about we make a deal I fix and upgrade the Droid for free but in exchange you give me limited access to the scrapyard along with a box of snacky cakes and two energy drinks if that seems fair to you"

"oh sure that seems fair hell I'll agree to that and have the boss agree to only use your shop for repairs"

"you'd do that yay" Kaylee says as she jumps for joy and gives me a hug and a kiss on the lips

"Okay Kaylee have someone come get me when it's done"

"Screw that I'll deliver him myself"

" okay see you later then Kaylee"

As I leave the shop a very pregnant blonde girl who I'd guess is maybe 22 bumps into me while looking like something is chasing her which makes me say "whoa what's wrong"

"Please help he's going to cut out my baby"

"whoa whoa whoa who's gonna cut out your baby young lady"

"The ...." as she starts to tell me two thugs walk up to us threateningly

"eyy gives us the girl or we'll have to kick your ass.... uhh wait a minute ain't chu..."

"yeah I'm the cooler at the Pretty Kitty Holt Lee so you were saying "

"uhh yeah we're going to have to take the girl is there anyway we could do this peacefully"

"Probably not boys" I say as I shoot the thug on the left with a beanbag and I spin-kick the one on the right in the the chest sending him flying ten feet away after which I tell the girl "go to the Pretty Kitty and tell the receptionist Tina what's going on she'll put you someplace safe okay I'll be right behind you"

"My name is Blossom Mr Holt thanks for helping me out"

"No problem" I say as I call the security team and tell them get ready for trouble and then I call the sheriff to come help

As I walk into the Cathouse and the team gets ready the sheriff walks in after about ten minutes and he says "yeah you called me Holt what's going on"

"A girl ran into me and some thugs tried to attack me and kidnap her to cut out her baby and leave her to die"

"Oh god I knew I shouldn't have left it to those two morons"

"What do you mean by that Sheriff"

"Oh damnit I shouldn't have said that out loud" the sheriff says as he rubs his forehead after he stops he looks up at me and says " Yeah I fucked that girl because I want a son and my wife is baren now are you going to give me the girl or are me and my boys going to have to kick your asses" he says as five thugs in leather armor rush in armed with pipe handguns all aimed at me

"ya know it's funny you say that" I say as I snap my fingers after which the security team pops out from behind cover on the second floor all aiming their guns at the sheriff and his goons " So sheriff you sure you want to do this because I have a better idea"

"Really jackass because I have my rifle aimed straight at your heart" he says confidently

I solemnly say "That is my least vulnerable spot" I say as I fire a shot from the "Showstopper" at the Sheriff which he jumps out of the way of firing off two shot until I grab a Taser and fire the prongs straight into his balls making him piss himself after which I pull out my HK SOCOM and point it at his head and say " so you still want to fight Sheriff"

"You know what fine keep the girl but this ain't over"

"yeah yeah yeah whatever hey goons get him outta here" I say right as the goons run out with the Sheriff in hand and after they leave I tell everyone to keep an eye out for trouble

As I finish talking Blossom runs out and gives me a hug and says" thank you for saving me how can I repay you"

"you will just have to wait on tables to that's all" to which she nods yes and then I go sit on my stool and just finish my day while keeping an eye out for trouble

The first person to guess what movie I quoted can post an idea or get a character shout-out

ptg0821creators' thoughts