

**Chapter 634: Can't Think About It Anymore, Can't Think About It Anymore**

The expression on the old man's face revealed no useful information. Lin Moyu felt a bit disappointed and bit his lip before asking his question.

He didn't know if his question was appropriate or if he should even ask it.

But in that brief moment, Lin Moyu thought about many things, most of which he could figure out on his own.

The only thing he couldn't understand was why the Ghost Husband wanted to kill him. He had learned from the old man that it was related to his second source skill.

But why was this the case? Lin Moyu couldn't figure it out.

The old man seemed to be drinking tea, but Lin Moyu had a feeling that the old man was watching him.

After he finished speaking, the two fell into silence.

The wind seemed to stop, and all the plants and trees fell silent. The entire secret realm was incredibly quiet.


The old man put down his teacup, making a slight clinking sound that, at this moment, was like a thunderclap on a clear day.

The old man always had a smile on his face, but Lin Moyu didn't let his guard down because of it.

Such an existence's emotions were truly unpredictable.

Lin Moyu was very patient, waiting for the old man to speak.

After a while, the old man finally spoke, "You are very pragmatic, not deviating from the essence."

Lin Moyu could tell that this was a compliment.

The old man continued, "The Ghost Husband should have told you that the blood of the Source Bird was refined into the Nine-Character Mantra, and the Nine-Character Mantra was then divided into nine [Source Runes], which then became source skills."

Lin Moyu nodded; the Ghost Husband had indeed said this.

Although he believed it at the time, he didn't fully trust it.

The old man glanced at the teacup, and Lin Moyu immediately understood, pouring another cup for the old man.

But he didn't pour one for himself; the tea was too precious, and he wouldn't pour it without the old man's permission.

The old man took a small sip of tea, "The Ghost Husband wasn't lying; you don't need to doubt that."

"But he did hide something. Source skills, [Source Runes], and the Nine-Character Mantra all come from the same lineage, ultimately originating from the bloodline of the Source Bird."

"When someone masters one source skill, the impact is not significant."

"But if multiple source skills are mastered and fused together, there is a possibility of returning to the ancestral source."

Lin Moyu showed a look of surprise, "Returning to the ancestral source... Can the bloodline of the Source Bird be recreated, and the Nine-Character Mantra be refined again?"

The old man chuckled, "You're thinking too simply; it's naturally impossible."

Lin Moyu thought about it and agreed; it couldn't be that simple.

The bloodline was divided into nine parts, and each mantra only occupied one-ninth of the bloodline.

And the source skill he obtained only occupied a fraction of one mantra.

It could be said to be a fragment of a fragment, and trying to recreate the bloodline of the Source Bird with such fragments was simply wishful thinking.

Lin Moyu almost laughed at his own idea.

The old man said, "Although it's impossible to recreate the bloodline of the Source Bird, there is a chance to master the Nine-Character Mantra."

"Relying on just one source skill, the difficulty is extremely high, almost impossible."

"But if multiple source skills are mastered, verified, and fused together, there is hope."

Although the old man didn't answer directly, Lin Moyu understood.

The reason the Ghost Husband wanted to kill him was to prevent him from obtaining a second source skill.

If he had chosen to withdraw from the assessment at that time, the Ghost Husband wouldn't have been hostile towards him.

Unintentionally, he had made a formidable enemy.

Lin Moyu could only hope that the Ghost Husband couldn't leave the secret realm and would stay there forever. As for himself, he probably wouldn't come back in this lifetime.

As for the impact of obtaining the second source skill on the Ghost Husband, Lin Moyu didn't ask further. He knew he wouldn't get an answer.

The old man had already mentioned that he had a bet with the Ghost Husband, which was probably related to this.

Lin Moyu sincerely said to the old man, "Thank you, senior, for clearing my doubts. If I encounter the Ghost Husband in the future, I will be cautious."

The old man laughed heartily, "Aren't you thinking that it's best if he never leaves the secret realm, and you never see him again?"

Once again, the old man had read his thoughts. Lin Moyu smiled awkwardly, "Can you read minds?"

"Just the wisdom of age."

The old man said casually, then tapped the table twice.

Lin Moyu understood; the old man was indicating that this was the second question.

The old man had only given him one chance to ask a question, and he had already used it, so he shouldn't ask more.

Strength determines status. With the old man's strength, he had given Lin Moyu the privilege of a conversation and even a cup of tea to enhance his soul level.

Lin Moyu was already full of gratitude.

If the old man hadn't been willing, he wouldn't even have had the qualification to stand before him.

The old man said, "In this world, there were a few notable figures in the previous era. They led the era forward, but unfortunately, they went astray."

"Their decline was prolonged by time, affecting you all, making your path more difficult."

"Over a thousand years ago, there was a remarkable person, but he couldn't become the leader of the era."

"Over six hundred years ago, another person with decent talent appeared, but he lacked the stamina."

"Over a hundred years ago, another appeared, full of drive but too conservative, not the right person."

The old man looked at Lin Moyu, "I wonder if you have the qualifications to become the guide of this era in this world."

Lin Moyu replied, "I will do my best."

"I hope you can achieve it and not disappoint this old man!"

The old man waved his hand.

The world turned upside down, and the sun and moon changed places.

Lin Moyu disappeared from the secret realm.

The old man looked at the pavilion and muttered to himself, "Ghost Husband, the loopholes you found were all ones I allowed you to find."

"This time, it's a small punishment. If there's a next time, you'll be annihilated."

As he spoke, thunder rumbled in the secret realm, and a gust of wind blew into the pavilion.

Screams echoed from the pavilion, the voice of the Ghost Husband.

The old man remained indifferent and slowly said, "Little one, don't disappoint me."

Outside the secret realm, Lin Moyu suddenly appeared.

A meteor happened to fall from the sky, landing just ten meters away from him.

With a loud bang, the shockwave swept over.

Lin Moyu let the shockwave hit him, and a faint white light appeared on his body.

All his skills had been restored, and the damage transfer skill took effect, transferring all the damage to the undead army.

The damage transfer skill, influenced by his talent, weakened all damage by 80 times, so the undead army suffered very little damage.

Even if dozens more meteors exploded, Lin Moyu wouldn't even frown.

Looking at the shining entrance of the secret realm amidst the explosion, and then at the [Source Runes] that had disappeared from the backs of his hands.

Everything was real, not a dream.

He had completed the assessment, permanently retaining the [Source Runes], transforming them into source skills, and integrating them into his soul as skill star cores.

From now on, these skills would belong to him forever.

Not only that, but because of his near-perfect performance, the two source skills he obtained were not weakened but even stronger than before.

Lin Moyu took out the dragon scale given by Antares and activated it.

Antares lay with his eyes closed, his head resting on the ground, seemingly asleep.

His occasionally twitching eyelids indicated that he wasn't really asleep.

The heavy breathing from his nose also showed that he wasn't in a good mood.

He still hadn't let go of the matter with the Dragon God.

He had already swallowed the Dragon God's dragon pearl. Despite his hatred for the Dragon God, the dragon pearl was indeed a good thing, and Antares couldn't refuse it.

He was in the process of integrating the dragon pearl, which required a lot of time.

Suddenly, Antares opened his eyes, and Lin Moyu appeared not far away.

"Why is this brat back?"

He was about to speak but saw that Lin Moyu had his eyes closed.

Realizing something, Antares didn't disturb him and instead blinked knowingly.

The surroundings instantly became quiet, and all noise disappeared.

"What's this brat thinking about? He seems to be deep in thought."

Antares was curious.

He knew Lin Moyu was very smart. As long as he grasped a detail, he could analyze a lot from it.

For this reason, Antares had paid a considerable price.

Often, a careless word would be caught by Lin Moyu.

Even Antares didn't know how many times he had slipped up, so he tried to speak less.

In his eyes, Lin Moyu was a little fox, a fox that liked to trick dragons into talking.

But he didn't expect that Lin Moyu had met an old fox and didn't get much out of him.

Lin Moyu kept replaying everything that happened in the secret realm in his mind, analyzing every word said by the Ghost Husband and the old man.

He also reviewed all the scenes he saw in the secret realm, sorting out the clues.

The experiences in the secret realm played like a movie in his mind.

Lin Moyu felt that he was getting closer to uncovering a great secret.

Unconsciously, sweat appeared on his forehead.

He thought of a saying: The more the weak know, the faster they die!

"No, I can't continue exploring this. Thinking further will lead to trouble."

"There must be a reason why I can't know about the outside world. I can't think about it anymore, can't think about it anymore!"
