

 **Chapter 1650: Meeting Luo Feiyu Again**

The Starry Sky Giant Tree has been a hot topic recently, with many people discussing it. Lin

"According to the information from the Observation Hall, a strong human cultivator severely injured the Starry Sky Giant Tree, but unfortunately, it still managed to escape."

"There's nothing we can do. The Starry Sky Giant Tree has a natural talent for space laws. If it wants to escape, it's very hard to catch."

"Is there really no way to deal with it? If it recovers, won't it come back to trouble the human race again?"

"It definitely will. The grudge is so deep this time. In the future, human cultivators wandering outside will have to be very careful."

After reaching the fifth level of authority or becoming a Divine Sovereign, many people leave the human star region to explore the great world.

The great world is full of mysterious places and countless opportunities.

For those with ambition, each opportunity is a step towards a higher level. Book

Many Divine Sovereigns, with firm Dao hearts and a love for adventure, seek breakthroughs between life and death. Lin

There are many strong human cultivators wandering outside. If they encounter the Starry Sky Giant Tree, it would indeed be very dangerous. Wen

In other words, if the Starry Sky Giant Tree is not completely eradicated, this danger will always exist. Xue

But the space laws of the Starry Sky Giant Tree are indeed a headache.

According to Lin Moyu's knowledge, no one in the human race has comprehended space laws.

With such a large population, it's imaginable how difficult it is to comprehend space laws.

Suddenly, someone spoke up, "Actually, there is a way to deal with the Starry Sky Giant Tree."

"We just need to ask the strong cultivators of the Starry Sky Fish Clan for help. Several strong cultivators in the Starry Sky Fish Clan have mastered space laws."

His words immediately sparked a new round of discussion, and everyone quickly shifted the topic to the Starry Sky Fish Clan.

The relationship between the Starry Sky Fish Clan and the human race is relatively good. If they can be persuaded to help, it might really be possible to eliminate the Starry Sky Giant Tree.

Lin Moyu listened quietly, knowing that things were not that simple.

Otherwise, the Other Shore Realm experts in the human race would have already asked for help.

"The one who acted this time should be a Saint Venerable. I wonder if it was Hao Saint Venerable."

"There should be some Other Shore Realm experts in the human race, but there shouldn't be many Saint Venerables."

"If the human race is like this, the Starry Sky Fish Clan should have even fewer."

"At least a Saint Venerable must act to be foolproof, but it's not easy to persuade a Saint Venerable."

Lin Moyu's level was different from theirs, and he saw things more clearly.

Thinking of the Starry Sky Fish Clan, he naturally thought of Yu Qingrou.

Yu Qingrou left a deep impression on him. She was an extraordinary woman.

Decisive, sentimental, heroic, and somewhat domineering.

In some ways, she reminded him of Lin Mohan.

Thinking of Yu Qingrou, Lin Moyu also thought of two other things.

One was a soul sleeping in a soul pearl, belonging to the Starry Sky Fish Clan.

The other was a small sword obtained from the Nether Swamp, capable of tearing space.

At that time, his soul was not strong enough to touch the soul pearl.

Now, it should be no problem.

That small sword might really be related to Yu Qingrou. In the scenes recorded on the tombstone, the peerless Princess Rou looked exactly like Yu Qingrou.

Looking back now, Lin Moyu still felt they were the same person.

But this explanation didn't seem to make sense.

If he had the chance to meet Yu Qingrou again in the future, he could ask her and return the soul pearl to her.

In the Tea Friends Residence, people came and went, bringing various news.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Moyu had been sitting in the Tea Friends Residence for two days and nights.

During these two days, Lin Moyu completely relaxed.

He didn't think about cultivation, runes, or laws.

He emptied his mind and felt incredibly relaxed.

He realized that he had been pushing himself too hard all along.

This secret realm journey, the ancient rune took him back to ancient times, showing him such shocking events.

Then it showed him the evolution of the secret realm, which deeply moved Lin Moyu and made him feel a deep fatigue in his soul.

He finally realized that he needed to rest and erase the fatigue for greater benefits in the future.

"Junior Brother, we meet again."

A slightly feminine voice came.

Lin Moyu looked up and saw Luo Feiyu.

The person matched the voice, slightly feminine, with a pale face.

As a minor Divine Sovereign, his physical body should have at least reached the True God level, with abundant blood and energy.

Not to mention smashing a planet with one punch, at least knocking down a few mountains should be no problem.

But now, he looked like an ordinary person who had fallen ill.

Since their last meeting, Luo Feiyu's condition had worsened.

This paleness came from his soul, and his state of mind was affecting his soul.

Moreover, Luo Feiyu's aura was very unstable, fluctuating between a minor Divine Sovereign and a ninth-tier Divine King. He could barely maintain his realm.

"Junior Brother, you can see it, right?" Luo Feiyu sat opposite Lin Moyu, familiarly poured himself a cup of tea, and then raised the cup.

"Luo apologizes for his previous rudeness to Junior Brother."

"This is the Tea Friends Residence, not suitable for drinking. Luo will use tea instead of wine."

With that, he drank three cups of tea in a row and then continued.

"If Junior Brother is free, you can come to the Luo family with me. Luo will treat you to good wine, and we can drink to our heart's content."

Although Luo Feiyu looked feminine and spoke softly, his words were very straightforward.

Lin Moyu looked at him, seeing sincerity in Luo Feiyu's eyes, not just empty words.

Lin Moyu slowly stood up, "I've heard that the Luo family's wine is good."

Luo Feiyu's face lit up with joy, "Indeed, in this star system, if the Luo family's wine is second, no one dares claim first."

The Luo family is the ruling family of this star system, very powerful.

The family has a high-tier Divine Sovereign.

Starting from the seventh tier of the Divine Sovereign realm, they are also called high-tier Divine Sovereigns.

Their combat power is much stronger than when they were at the sixth tier of the Divine Sovereign realm.

According to the rules of the human race, if a family has a high-tier Divine Sovereign, the entire family can move from the primary area to the intermediate area.

At that time, they can still manage a star system and gain more resources.

It is said that in the intermediate area, the laws are more apparent.

This is not very useful for Divine Sovereigns, but for those below the Divine Sovereign realm, it makes cultivation much more efficient.

Moreover, in the intermediate area, resources are more abundant, both in quantity and quality.

For cultivators, this is extremely beneficial.

As the saying goes, when one person attains the Dao, even their chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

The Luo family is located outside the city, occupying a large mountain range, which is their privilege.

Luo Feiyu, as the eldest son of the Luo family, has a separate courtyard, which is more like an estate.

Luo Feiyu likes peace and quiet, and apart from him, there is no one else in the large courtyard.

"Junior Brother, please sit. I'll go to the wine cellar to get some wine!"

With that, he flew into a hundred-meter-tall tower-like building.

This tower is the Luo family's wine cellar, storing their homemade wine.

Soon, Luo Feiyu returned with two large jars of wine.