
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · ファンタジー
234 Chs

Are you here to feed me too?

"Where is this."

Zhao Xiong's figure also randomly appeared in another sea area dozens of nautical miles away, where there is no trace of the God of Merman.

This mermaid is really cunning.

Zhao Xiong couldn't help thinking that in order to prevent himself from catching up, the **** of mermen did not hesitate to use a moving talisman for him.

Because this thing is only for life, there is no harm, so that Zhao Xiong's instinct to predict danger was not triggered at all, and he was directly attacked.

Zhao Xiong felt that he should be more vigilant in this area in the future, and he should not rely too much on instinct. Sometimes, some attacks are not mixed with any malicious intent, and they simply want to kill you.

Just like a gluttonous little loli, it simply wants to eat, and does not have any emotions about the target being eaten.

But often this kind of attack is the deadliest, unsuspecting, caught off-guard, as it is now.

The moving talisman made Zhao Xiong's attack ineffective, but fortunately, there is no place that can be called a restricted area for him, otherwise, if he is moved to a dangerous area, he will really be angry.

As the perception spread out, Zhao Xiong began to identify the direction, and soon knew where he was, and swept away in the original direction.

The **** of merman must have run away early, but Zhao Xiong was not discouraged, and he didn't seem to take it to heart.

And when he was going back and forth, he unexpectedly encountered another racial **** who participated in the battle.

A siren riding on a huge sea beast is the goddess of the siren, one of the four racial gods.

"Damn mermaid."

The goddess of the sea-monster was on her way, while secretly scolding the **** of mermen for being stupid, and she dared to call people to besiege without even knowing Zhao Xiong's foundation.

Four fights one, not only did not kill the opponent, but also killed one, whether they will play.

Today's record spread, it will definitely make the four race gods lose face and become a laughing stock in the sea.

But qi returns to qi, and the sea monster goddess also understands that this terrestrial creature known as the inextinguishable mad thunder is not only the seventh in strength, at least it is enough to rank in the top three!

Fortunately, Zhao Xiong was chasing after the **** of mermen, not himself, otherwise he might not be able to escape under the opponent's hands.

But just as the siren goddess was contemplating, the huge sea beast it rode seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and began to tremble slightly.

The sea monster goddess was immediately alert, not thinking that the sea beast was convulsing, and immediately looked towards the sea area ahead.

Then it froze and saw that powerful and terrible land creature.

"Beauty, where are you going?"

Zhao Xiong showed a nuclear good smile.

"How could you... appear here."

This must be an illusion, the siren goddess said in disbelief, "Didn't you go after the merman?"

"You have to ask the merman." Zhao Xiong said.

He also did not expect that the place where the **** of merman moved him randomly was actually the direction in which the goddess of the siren fled.

It can only be said that the point of the sea monster goddess is too back.

"Lord Dragon Lord, are you really willing to bully your concubine?"

The enchanting Sea-Monster Goddess suppressed the panic in her heart, made a pitiful appearance, and stared at Zhao Xiong with a pair of big blue eyes.

Begin to cast the magic of the siren, temptation.

"You actually used a beauty trick on a bear?" Zhao Xiong said strangely.

The pose of the Siren Goddess at this time is very like a beauty who acts like a lover, and it is easy for a man to relax his guard.

However, this kind of trick to Zhao Xiong is too much.

"Dead Siren, do you dare to be a little more disgusting? If you look so ugly, don't scold you again, okay?"

After Zhao Xiong transmigrated into a bear, his aesthetics were still there, and he didn't have the urge to mate with a female bear. He still admired normal beauties.

But I have to say that the siren goddess is so ugly that the bear cannot accept it.

Because the enchanting and glamorous appearance is nothing but an illusion created by the sea monster goddess, it can deceive others, but it cannot affect Zhao Xiong, and has seen its true body.

The Siren Goddess is actually a deformed fish monster with fish scales all over its body and a mouth full of fine teeth!

Watching an ugly and terrifying thing make all kinds of enchanting movements, Zhao Xiong couldn't help feeling disgusted, and really wanted to strike it to death with a thunderbolt.

"you wanna die!"

The Kraken Goddess also realized that Zhao Xiong saw through his true body, and immediately became angry and released a powerful magic power.

A figure of a sea monster goddess riding a sea beast appeared.

There are two identical sirens here, exuding the same powerful and dangerous aura.

And this number is still increasing, and soon the third, fourth, and thousands of sea-monster goddesses riding sea beasts will appear around Zhao Xiong.

It was densely packed, filling the surrounding sea area and completely surrounding Zhao Xiong.

"go to hell!"

Thousands of siren goddesses let out a sharp hiss, making the scalp tingle.


It's just that Zhao Xiong didn't have any strange colors, and the power was released, and the silver-white light shone in an instant, completely lighting up this sea area.

Countless thunders fell from above.

Thousands of thunders crashed down, all the illusions created disappeared, and thousands of siren goddesses were all fake.

The sea-monster goddess has already fled away from the distance at this time, so it will not rush up to desperately be stimulated by Zhao Xiong.

In order not to let Zhao Xiong notice the difference, he even gave up the sea beast mount.

It's just that even if the Kraken Goddess is shrewd, it can't withstand the full resistance of Zhao Xiong's illusion.


Even though the giant bear's figure moved, the power of the wind surged, and a harsh sound barrier broke out.

Although Zhao Xiong's majestic body looks heavy, his actual speed is not slow at all.

It was a very correct choice for the God of Merman to teleport him away with the teleportation talisman before, otherwise he would not be able to escape at all.

In a very short time, Zhao Xiong caught up with the sea monster goddess who had escaped dozens of miles.

"Where else are you running?"


The palms were raised high, and the terrifying power immediately fell.

"Do not!"

The siren goddess wailed in despair, but the qi machine was completely locked, and there was no way to escape!


The waves in the South China Sea were tens of feet high, and a figure was instantly annihilated by the violent force.

On the other side, the **** of the merman who escaped from Zhao Xiong's attack finally returned to his own territory under the rapid flight.

Seeing that the outline of the mercenary city in front of him gradually became clear, the **** of merman finally felt a little relieved.

"Not right!"

However, it suddenly became tense again and sensed something was wrong.

Because the mermaid city below is too quiet!

There was almost a dead silence, no merman was seen, and even the merman priest lost his response.

Just now, the **** of merman was only concerned with escaping for his life and had no time to notice this, but now everything is silent, and the city of merman is empty, which only makes it feel endlessly frightened.

"If you can't return to the sub-plane, go to the deep sea immediately and go to the king of the deep sea."

The God of Merman was extremely uneasy in his heart, and he felt a strong sense of crisis, and even planned to serve as a subordinate to the deep diver family.


At this time, the city of merpeople, which had fallen into dead silence, suddenly had a voice.

With the rise of a huge bubble, a dark coffin slowly rose from the city.

Inside the coffin, there was a slender and slender human-like girl, and countless chains twisted and swayed like a python.

The girl looked teenage, with a beautiful face and fair skin, which could be broken by blowing bullets.

But at this time, the girl was licking the corner of her mouth with a scarlet tongue, licking off a drop of blood on the corner of her mouth.

The girl stared at the coming **** of mermaids with pure eyes without any impurities.

"Are you here to serve me food too?"