

StarryEmo · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Terrible fate

A little girl the size of a cat on two paws danced around in glee. Her sparkling silver hair danced danced with her and her silver eyes clashed with the luminous emit to the moon. It was another day of festival in her land and she loved every bit of it. Other kids her age sat down with their parents, watching the dancers. She left the dancing area for a small while to have a drink of water in the other side where the well was. Reaching there with a small clay gourd in her all hands she troted over and filled up her gourd but before she could drink it, she saw a small boy with a hood over his head shifting backwards as if not wanting to be seen even though she had caught him staring at her. She waved at him and he waved back. "What are you doing here all by yourself? Join the festivities", she said in her tiny cute voice but the boy only blinked before suddenly sneezing which made him move backwards through the impact of the sneeze and his hood went off, revealing dark brown hair. Fear caught him and he scrambled to put it back on. Kiniki looked at him for a few seconds before a loud laughter erupted from her, confusing the boy. "You have a strange hair color, huh? Don't worry there's no need to shy away. I have a strange hair color too. Others have red, violet, blue or magenta and here we are with brown and silver", she laughed again. "My name is Kiniki, what's yours?".

"Veido", came his small voice. Before Kiniki could reply to him, she heard screams and she turned back to see people running helterskelter for their lives. She tried to understand what was happening as she also saw people slumping on the ground not getting back up with blood oozing from their chest.

"Princess!", she heard a woman scream.

"Malora!", she shouted back. A middle aged woman with red hair spotted the girl and ran there among the chaos to the princess.

"My princess, we have to get you out of here, your father needs to see you".

"What's happening, Malora", asked Kiniki. The screams had become deafening and everywhere was on fire.

"We are under attack. I promise you'll understand soon but you'll have to come", panicked her guardian, grabbing her hand and running.

" Wait what about-", she stopped realizing that the boy wasn't there anymore. Where did he go?

"Kiniki!", a male voice shouted when Malora landed.

"Father!", shouted the princess, running to hug him. "Father what's happening?".

The king pulled her to his embrace and said, " The humans, they are attacking".

"Humans?", she had always heard stories about them but she never thought they'd be evil enough to do this. "They're killing people?"

"I'm sorry you had to see that my girl", he said, his eyes were hollow and empty. He grabbed her hand and slipped in a silver bangle with twelve different colored gems on it.

"The bracelet of twelve", she breathed

"You know what it is? ". She was still very young to have ever known or understood what it was.

"Mama told me about it once. The bracelet of twelve was created by the first rulers of the twelve lands to have ever reigned. They were twelve bracelets made by all the twelve rulers known to give protection and power in our world. But they were said to have been destroyed after realizing that it could favour more than just us - other deadlier creatures out there they didn't know existed. But your holding one".

" That's right", he said, genuinely surprised at her knowledge. " This one is most special and rare because it's silver".

" Just as rare as my hair and eyes? ", she asked.

" Yes but you have to promise me something". Immediately he said that, crashing debris started falling all around them.

"My king there isn't much time", said Malora.

He returned his attention to his daughter. " Promise me on your dead mother's spirit that you'll never take this off. This is what will keep you alive".

Immediately he said her late mother, she knew that the gravity of the situation was beyond deep. "I promise".

Just as she said that, the whole place caught fire and creatures that had their faces covered began attacking. "Malora!", he shouted and the woman came to his view.

"Yes, your highness".

"Take the princess and go. I will fend them off".

"But your majesty, you-"

"Just do as I say", he commanded

" Father come with us", said Kiniki with tear filled eyes as she jumped on him and hugged him tight.

"Goodbye my sweet girl. You have to be strong and safe". He gently put her down and gestured for Malora to take her. Taking the little girl's hand, she began to run. Kiniki kept looking back to see her father fight the dark creatures courageously with magic until something came from behind and sliced him in his abdomen.

"NOOO!!! Father!", she screamed. "Take me back! He needs help!". This only made Malora to increase her pace.

" I'm sorry my princess but I'm under orders from-", she couldn't complete her statement because a bunch of people in black cloaks and covered faces had surrounded them. "Oh no", she breathed, trying to muster courage and power but deep down, she knew that no one could survive this. Her land would burn to ashes, no one would survive except her princess. The mad creatures started attacking at once and Malora chanted a spell that had her eyes glowing. A red circle formed around her and a small red dragon appeared to fight them off. More dark creatures came as if in endless numbers. "Princess, my dragon won't last for long against them so do as I say. When I say jump, you jump". The noise and whimpering from her dragon became louder and she knew it was being defeated. She chanted more words and a hole began to form on the ground, becoming larger and larger and so did the pain filled noises from her dragon. "Jump in now!", she screamed when her dragon had been defeated. Kiniki jumped in but not before seeing the terrible things they did to her before ending her life. As she went down, she heard the traumatizing screams coming from so many people. She closed her tear filled eyes in despair and then everything went blank.

Hope you like my first chapte(≧▽≦)


StarryEmocreators' thoughts