

English is my second language . I have taken inspiration from HEADING BAKA .

Shiyad_Shubh · ファンタジー
8 Chs

chapter 5

1 unit of grain is 10kg grain.

But mine is 10 times better than one in market it improves health and good for body.

Wine gives same effect as medicine it can heal body to a certain limit and regenerate stamina and vigor just by drinking it.

Also I can boost time here so 100 days is 300 days here.

But I have limited visit time I can only visit for 54 mins after which my mental energy will reach critical.

I slept silently after returning.

Next morning was a holiday so no school even so I got up and exercise an hour or 2.

After which butler came and gave me the news.

" As young master suspected there is certain silent war going in between, the alliance and Norden empire and sun moon dynasty.

Also a group of merchants are behind the price rise.I have bought upto 3ton of grain and informed the farms and orchards for early and quick harvest this year.

Your teacher or Captain Collins had that copy you said about it took 10 golds for it but it's worth it."

" Good , also give them bonus of 1 silver and give and order for this weapon( giving him designs of twin bladed halberd )

also hire a halberd master or spear master , buy some techniques for them as well. Also donate a couple of kilos of grain to hillside church of earth near hill near walls."

"Yes young master."

After which I started polishing the main soul temple while meditation. Then lunch an hour in library some tons of new knowledge and getting some rest I entered the survival base.

As soon as I entered ( Host alexander due to good deed of feeding needy person you have been given a free manual would you like to use it , it was 10 pec boost in weapon training . Which was great.

I felt like a small light bulb was ignited , I understood swords and spear like never before.

Although you think 10 perc is small but think this way your bottle can only hold 30 ml water every time its refilled so bucket of 900ml would take 30 times where as for 33ml it would be 27.

as volume of bucket increases or difficulty increases the no. times to fill the bucket increases.

Therefore higher the talent lesser the time take to reach the peak.