
Carnival of Misery

Everytime you looked at the sky, I looked back at you. Unfortunately you never noticed, but I was there

June_Margot · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4: My frozen memory


A number of gunshots were heard in the dock where we were standing. We were positioned in the middle of rectangular frame surrounded by cargo boxes and trailers. A number of rivals who wanted us dead, hiding behind the trailers, each loaded with guns and ammunitions. We had just reached Texas dock and we were attacked. My ten year old self was hiding behind an image of my parents. They protectively wrapped their hands around me.

As soon as the firing started, my dad took me in his arms and ran at his full speed. My mom followed just a step behind. At some distance were dad's personal driver with our car ready to depart the moment we get seated. My parents ran at full speed towards the car which was now visible against the heavy Christmas mist. Shots ringing the arena, aiming towards us.

Suddenly I felt a drop as I slipped through my dad's arms. But he didn't stop as he continued with his pace. I tried to call for him, but my voice rang to deaf ears. I looked back to discover a crowd running towards me. I became afraid. I crouched in that position ready for impact.

But it never came. Any kicking, pushing or skin brushing, it never came. I looked around to find that the crowd passed through me as if I am just a shadow. I was confused on what was happening. I saw the car leaving as the group of rivals came to a halt and returning to the dock. I was confused.

Am I invisible to them? Am I dreaming? What is happening!? I was not able to understand anything revolving around me. Soon I found myself alone in that deck. I stood up, my face stained with tears and dust.

I tried to call for my parents. What if this all was a prank. What if they are here, they are just playing with me to give me a Christmas surprise. What if this all is a plot to scare me.

"Papa!! Mamma!" I cried out but silence was all I got in response. "Papa!! Please come out... It's not funny" I tried again, but again no one came out.

"It's no use Lucas. They are not here." Said a bold voice from behind. I looked back. A huge man with flowing black beard and weird clothes appeared. He was wearing a silver armour with jewels embedded in it. He was shining and he was partially see through. Was he even a human?

"Who are you?" I asked wiping my stained cheeks.

"I am king Ivory. I am from Orcas. You have to come with me." He called out in a soothing voice.

"No! I won't go with you. I want to go to my parents. They must be waiting for me. I should be at home. We will celebrate Christmas together. My friends would be there too." I revolted.

"You can't Lucas. Son, you're dead." This caught me by surprise. What is he saying? I am here, talking to him. Is he in his whole mind?

"No! You're lying. I am alive. Here. I have to go home." I reasoned. I wanted to deny everything he said. It can't be true. I can't be dead.

"Come with me son. You need to know the truth." He handed his hand outwards as I gently held onto him. My fingers wrapped around his Pinky finger as his huge hand was too big for me to hold. He was practically Hagrid in front of tiny me.

We walked for few seconds when suddenly something happened and I was standing infront of my house. Lights were off and gate was locked. I guess they haven't reached home yet. I was standing at some distance which was two lanes away from house. But I can see every activity happening there clearly.

Two cars parked beside the pavement in front of the front door of villa belonging to my dad. None of the cars matched our collection. The violet car's door opened revealing a little girl of my age, accompanied by her parents. I know her.

"Jennifer.." I called but she didn't hear. I called again but it was like my voice never reached them. I looked at the huge man who claimed himself to be the king as he looked at me with pitiful eyes.

" I told you son. They can't see you nor hear you. You're dead." He tried to make me agree on his statement again but imbecile me didn't even want to listen to his rants.

" No! I don't believe you. They are just far that's why they can't hear me. I am going to them." With that I pulled my hands with a jerk breaking the link and ran towards her.

" Jennifer! Jen!" I called her out while running but she never heard. She was dressed in a violet woollen dress with leggings beneath paired with boots and gloves. A beautiful hand woven shawl wrapped around her neck as she held a giant blue gift box in her little hands. A Christmas present for me.

The gate to other car opened revealing two families. Two boys of my age, Jake and Mark stepped out with their parents. They must have shared the ride as they live close by. They were also wrapped up in woollen and held presents.

"Jake! Mark! Here!" But again, none of the both turned around. They interacted with each other ignoring my calls. I was confused about why are they behaving like this. I finally reached the place where the three were talking and at some distance were the parents interacting among themselves. I tried to shake Mark's shoulder but to my surprise, my hands passed through him.

I was growing terrified now. A tiny fear lingering around my chest  with a possibility that whatever the giant man said could be true. But I shrugged that feeling and decided to try again. I went to Jennifer and tried to pull her hair. I know she didn't like it and always beated me up when I pulled that trick. But again, my fingers never brushed any solid.

That's when I heard another car. Hopefully it's my father's. I turned around to search for the source of that horn. A black SUV. Not my father's. It also parked near the two cars already blocking the lane. As my villa was at the end of the road, there was no issue of parking as there was no way for any other car to pass.

The car opened revealing another of my friend and her family. Vivian. She also joined the group as they hugged and her parents joined the elder circle. None of them.noticex me. It felt bad. The whole situation was hinting me to back off.

Not long after, a car arrived the lane. A familiar one. My father's car. I should be happy but I was growing nervous. I was hesitant. I wanted to see but there was that feeling saying me something bad is going to happen. Telling me to not watch what is going to happen and run away. Run away and never return.

But again, the imbecile me.

I made an eye contact with the weird man who was still standing at the same position, arms crossed over his chest while shrugging his head slowly, indicating me to not know further than this. But I wanted to know. I knew sooner or later I would have to. So why not now?

The car's door opened as two figure came out of it. Tiredness evident on their faces and their clothes were painted with blood. Fresh blood. I then discovered that my mom got shot near right elbow. But they both were crying badly. I guess it was because they dropped me there. I was about to go there but my friends and their family outreached me.

I still made my way through them as I easily passed through the opaque. But what I saw sent shivers down my spine. It was a horrible scene in front of me. My dad was holding a limp figure of ten years old, covered in bullets and blood. A smooth even expression acquired it's face as his lifeless fingers dangled without force. It was me. I was really dead.

I wanted to cry. It would have been the right thing to do. But not a single drop of tear or sob came from me. I was there motionless, absorbing the scene in front of me. The world moved around me but I remained still. Silent and debating whether to believe this or not. I saw my friends weep and their parents consoling. I saw my parent's wrecked and obliterated state as they silently lied on the ground with a dead body of their son laying frozen in their laps.

That day only one house in whole Texas didn't celebrate Christmas. That day, there wasn't a single candle lit in that house. Five families cried together over that incident as I shamelessly left them to weep over me. I went with the man who came to fetch me to orcas.

Who knew I'll be the king?