
Carnival of Misery

Everytime you looked at the sky, I looked back at you. Unfortunately you never noticed, but I was there

June_Margot · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 1. Time Runs Out


A sophisticated Melany ajar to magic and deprived of reality.


An exquisite creation of human flattering their vanity.


A meek calculation of mathematics to date essentials.


A great ruler to enslave its own creator.


A tantamount to handcuffs that ravening wear with pride.


A void to destitute and vagabond who thrive to survive.


If only I had enough of it, I would have never let you go

But now that I have died, all I can hold is grief and sorrow.



That's what best describe my feeling when I watch you from above here. It feels magical to live among the stars. It feels euphoric to watch you watch me. It feels satisfactory to know that you still miss me. That you remember me.

But I am not contented. I am not convinced that I can't touch you. All I can do is just look at you. Like a star. A star who is cursed to remain stuck in the night sky till its time is over. Appear in dusk only till it falls.

But it's no time sooner. And that's more of curse because I have to fight back my temptation to be with you.

Every time you look at the sky, I look back at you. Unfortunately you never noticed, but I am here.

Those brown eyes, those earthen brown eyes holds life. While mine...mine is golden, bright yet lifeless. Forbidden from every happiness, deprived of love. My eyes hold sun which will burn down everything it sees, unless your eyes provide a shade to it.

I watch you every night, just like I am doing right now. A smile plastered on my lips as I watch you comb your shoulder-length hair in your blue tiled balcony. The way you twirl your little brown curls make me high in love with you. The way those locks dance on your face when wind blows, it makes me fall for you more.

Then you looked at the sky making me excited and look at you with great anxiety. You smiled and my stars gleamed. I loved the way you reached your hand in the sky as if you'll reach one, as if you'll touch one, as if you can pluck one and keep it with you forever. Eventually I reached my hand out to you too.

We are millions of lightyears apart. But it wasn't always like this. Once we belonged to same world. Once we used to play together. Once we were inseparable.

But now I am not by your side. I am just a star in your constellation. Nonetheless,  I promise that I'll protect you from up here. I promise to brighten your darkest nights and guide you through every fear. I promise that I'll be your light. No matter what.

I see your mom called for you as you made a run inside. I felt a little sad that I can't watch you anymore but then a smile again claimed it's right on my face. I looked around the place I was in.

A beautiful pond of silver colour with bluebells grown at all edges, surrounding the puddle. The pond is mirror to human world from where I watch her every night. I was lying at one end, a long vein of lily wrapped around my fingers as I gently knotted the whole length.

I lied supine, looking at moon which is really close from Orcas. My mind was preoccupied with her thoughts as I looked at the lily shining so bright. Everything in Orcas is shiny. Like the whole nation is made of glitter and jewels.

"Lucas!! Today is special assembly. Get ready fast!!" A voice called for me breaking my trance of thoughts. I quickly stood up as I realised about the assembly where whole Orcas citizen needed to be present. The king was upto something. I ran towards the man dropping the knotted lily in between.

"Lilith!! Can't you tell that earlier!!" I screamed at the male as I ran with him.

"I told you practically an hour ago, but you were 'busy'". He taunted which I didn't like a penny.

"That was important. Don't question my interest." I shouted between my breathes as we both ran at our best speed.

"I am not. Get over her Lucas. She is human. And you are a soul. She belongs to Earth and you belong to Orcas. There is no way either of you can reach each other."

I stopped in my tracks and held his wrist which made him stop with a jerk. He lost his balance for a

second but then regained. His eyes showing confusion mixed with a bit of anger.

"Look...it is my matter. I love her and I'll do anything in my hands to be with her again. Either help or shut up." I gritted my teeth as I made my each and every word clear to him.

He backed off and then shrugged. He raised his shoulder and let out a small sigh, then broke my grip on his wrist as he messaged them.

" Lucas, we are friends. I don't want to fight with you. All I am saying is just for your good. The sooner you understand, the better. But if you don't like my interference, then I won't." He said as he looked at me with sad expression.

" Lilith, I appreciate. But please, you don't know her, so you won't even know how it is to be with her. Please understand, she is everything to me. I know being with her is not in my hands, but I can still pretend, still imagine, still hope. At least this is what I can do, so let me be. It makes me happy." I tried to explain him as he smiled a little.

" Okay....I guess it's my fault then. Sorry bro." He cheered up. I forgave him instantly as we hugged.

" Wow!! Sorry to disturb your bonding moment but if you both don't show your ass in the court this instant then I guess you won't be ever happy again." A female sarcastic voice ruined the moment but also reminded something really important.

" Lopez!! Shit we are late." Lilith ran as he held mine and Lopez's wrist. We ran for almost ten minutes and reached the court. Thankfully king weren't there as I made my way in public area of court and lopez and Lilith went to the throne and stood at it's two side. Oh right! I forgot to tell that they both are army chief of Orcas. The two most trusted of king.

The king walked in shortly. His chest heaved with pride and his walk marked glory. A stoic expression acquiring his face as usual and wrinkles ran on his face from everywhere to everywhere. He have been ruling Orcas for hundreds of years gaurding it from every kind of demon and protecting it's secret from everyone.

He made his way towards the throne which was made of platinum and gold, decorated with several shining jewels. His crown having the matching design as it fitted around his forehead perfectly. He climbed up the stairs of pavillion where the throne sat and stood in front facing the public.

Every single soul present in the court room was standing as a gesture of respect. He caressed his sword as he sat down. The whole court people sat after him. He ran his fingers through his silver beard which ,with years of experience in Orcas, I figured out, was his habit.

"Today, I king Ivory, has called upon this special assembly for an important purpose. Call it a purpose, a duty or a will to future of our nation. Today, I will announce the heir to the throne of great Orcas. And I want your approval as I give you the right to change your ruler if you are not satisfied with my decision. No questions will be pointed at the person who denies.

We need a young ruler, a great warrior, a visionary leader, a quick wit and kind emperor and most importantly, a brave loyal sovereign. They must be dutiful to all their responsibilities. They must be ready when nation calls for them. They must put the subject first and their interest after. They must protect Orcas and it's secrets with their life. They must be ready to sacrifice themselves for their realm.

And I had chosen an appealing figure. He is one of you, residing among you."

He took a pause as he searched through the crowd of common citizen section. He scanned from face to face, until he stopped at me. I was confused about what is he upto now. But before I could think further, I heard.

"Lucas, step forward."