
Carlos's first love

She sat alone at her desk. "working late again?" a voice startles her.

The unknown mans face faintly lit with the rays of her desk light

The only light burning in the big building like so many nights before

She thought she was alone, she knows that this late at night there is no one in the office as usual, but tonight it was different, She wasn't alone. She looked up and recognized the man talking to her.

Unable to find the words to answer. Y-yes she answered not sure how to react to him standing in her office.

Why don't you go home Adriana He said

I have so much work to get done for the presentation tomorrow sir,

Please, Adriana, call me Carlos, it's after hours.

Sorry sir, I-I mean Carlos.

Pack up go home, it is unhealthy to work like this Adriana.

I-I know, but I'd rather be working than going home …. She says shyly

Why don't you want to go home, Adriana? What is so terrible for you there

My boyfriend… He can't accept my working schedule, he keeps telling me to get a better job. He doesn't want me to pursue my dreams.

Adriana, how many times have I told you before that you should leave that man. He is garbage and you don't need that in your life right now, he is controlling you and you don't even see it.

I know Carlos but without him, I-I have nowhere to go.

Come stay with me, Adriana, I've told you before Id give you the life you deserve if you let me.

Carlos….I know but it isn't that easy to just leave him, my family will disown me if I leave him.

Why Adriana can't they just accept that you don't want to be with Juan. He is a low life, he doesn't deserve you, I deserve you.

Carlos, it isn't that simple you know that.

Adriana please, let me help you to get away from him and your family.

Carlos I cant, I have to get home.

Adriana please I'm begging you let me help you.

No, Carlos accept it. We can't be together you know that. What we had a long time ago isn't there anymore you made your choice when you left me.

Adriana, please forgive me I made a mistake and I know that now, how can I ever get you to give me a second chance.

Carlos, it won't happen get it out of your head.

She left the office trying not to give in to her emotions, She still loved Carlos even after he left her. But how can she tell him, she is supposed to be with Juan? She loves him or so she thought until the day Carlos came back to the office after taking a step back for a year.

When she got to her car the tears started to flow and she couldn't hide her feelings anymore. She sat in her car and cried until her phone rang… it's Juan… She stopped crying wiped her tears and answered the phone.

Hey, baby what's up? I'm on my way home just locked the office. She told Juan as she answered the phone trying to act normal.

I'm have been waiting for over an hour at home and nothing you didn't even let me know you're working late!!!! I'm fed up with you working late for no reason its unsafe Adriana and you know that.

I'm sorry that I put my work first Juan it's like you are working so I have to. I'm going to leave now ill see you when I get home.

She slammed the phone down thinking about Carlos, and what he said.

No Adriana do not fall for that again she thought to herself.

On the drive home, she anticipated the fight waiting at home on her, She drove into the parking structure under the apartment building where she and Juan lived, They could barely afford it because since Juan lost his job she was the sole provider in the relationship.

She got up to their door, listening if Juan was waiting to yell at her, but to her surprise, he wasn't waiting at the door to yell at her. She called out to him but no answer.

She set down her stuff on the kitchen counter took off her shoes, she called out to him again walking towards their bedroom… nothing , then she went to sit on the couch. She pulled out her phone and texted him. Where are you I just got home and you're not here?

He didn't respond, She tried calling Voicemail… She called again… Voicemail.

Juan where are you? She left the message. As soon as she put her phone down it went of a text, from… Juan… I'm on my way home I had to get some air, I'll be there shortly.

She relaxed a bit after reading the text, she lied down on the couch, waiting for him…

She suddenly woke up hearing a loud bang. Juan, she called out is that you?

No answer, Juan come on this isn't funny where are you?

Nothing she decided to get up and check out what made the noise, as she got to the hallway she saw blood… Startled she called out who is there?

Nobody answered, she remembered about her phone on the couch, she quickly grabbed her phone and ran out the door, punching in the number 911…

Over the phone, she could hear the lady ask ' 911.. what is your emergency?

She lost her voice rattled by what she saw. 'Mam, are you okay, is there someone with you?

Coming to her senses she says, I-I heard a bang, in my apartment, There was blood in my hallway, I ran out, My-my boyfriend, he went for a walk I fell asleep on the couch, I called out and nobody answered,

Mam, calm down Police and emergency personnel is on their way where do you love?

227 Charleston building, downtown Chigaco.

Okay, mam police are almost there, I'm gonna stay on the line with you until they arrive.

T-t-thank you, I don't know what or who it was…

It's okay mam police are 2 min away. Where are you now?

I-I'm standing outside the apartment, I-I can't go in.

It's okay mam just stay outside the police are almost there.

H-Here they are now.

Mam, can you come with me please, is there anyone we can call for you?


Y-Yes sorry, Carlos he Is my boss. His number is on my phone.

What's going on in the apartment?

The officer is having a look at the scene, He will be back soon (bang)

What was that?

(1021 gunshots fired. Requesting backup) .

What's going on I int there I need to know what is happening.

Mam, Strep aside.

(Carlos pulling up)

Adriana what's going on. You cant have a police officer call in the middle of the night.

Telling me you have an intruder in your house.

Carlos, I'm sorry I didn't have anyone else to call me. Juan left I don't know where he went. Carlos, he is gone I dunno where he is please help me find him, please.

Adriana don't worry I will find him. Let's just see what the cops find inside. I'll go talk to them you stay here.

Carlos….. be careful.

Adriana don't worry I will be.

Carlos came out no expression on his face. Carlos what's wrong Adriana askes him?

He doesn't answer. Carlos she yells…. Adriana he says in a soft voice a tear escaping his eye.

No…no…. Carlos please don't tell me he is….. he is dead?

Adriana I'm so sorry….. she fell to the ground.

She woke up the next morning in a different bed… she does not recognize it.

She got outt of bed and walked down the hall…suddenly she remembers the house… Carlos…. Its his house…. But…but where is he she thinks.

The suddenly it hits her like a stab in the chest…. Juan is dead… she breaks down and starts crying… when she finally stopped crying she doesn't know for how long she sat there crying and crying about Juan.

Then Carlos came up the stairs and finds her on the floor in a little ball… eyes wet from the crying. Come down stairs and eat something… the police wants you to go down to the station to make a statement.

She tried to eat but could only think about whhat the police must think of her… maybe they think she killed him….maybe its suicide….

After she ate she went upstairs, took a hot shower and then told Carlos she'll go down to the station by herself. Carlos refused and called Maurice.

Maurice please drive Adriana to the police station… Yes sir.

The road felt like it would never end. Eventually they arrived at the station.

Her heart pumping in her chest.

As she walked in detective hudsen met her at the front desk.

Please follow me miss Lopez. They went into a small room with only one window….an interrogation room…why was she there is she sould only give a statement.

Miss Lopez can you please walk me through the events of last night leading up to the 911 call.

Sure detective she says nervously…

I was working late as usual and as I left the office Juan called me angrily about not letting him know I was working late. He was very upset with me and I told him I'm on my way home now. As I drove up to the apartment parking I prepared myself for the usual fight we're going to have about my job and the late nights. But it was different…

What do ypu mean different?

When I got to the apartment door I didn't hear him inside. Our TV was switched off witch is unusual when he would be home. I went into the apartment and put down my stuff on the counter and went to the bedroom to look for him. He wasn't in the apartment so I went to sit on the couch and tried calling him.

What time was this?

A-around 10 pm I think…

Okay go on.

So I tried calling him several times but he didn't answer… he sent me a text message tellling me he went out to get some air… then I felt relaxed and lied down on the couch.. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up with a loud bang.

I looked down the hall and that's when I saw the blood… she starts crying…

I Tried to call out for him but he didn't answer me. I ran outside calling 911 and told them about what I saw.

The lady that spoke to me kept me on the line till police showed up.

Then after they arrived there was gun shots and the officers ran inside to check on that.

They phoned my boss and when he arrived he was the only one let inside our apartment. He came out and told me that Juan was dead. That's the last thing I remember from last night.