
Carefree Path of Dreams

This is the story of a boy who lived a secluded life in the mountains, tending his farm, rearing his fish, and dreaming his dreams. Eh? Did I suddenly conquer all worlds and become the big boss? Or am I still in a dream?

The Plagiarist · 東方
1183 Chs

Descend Again

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

"Mistake… and terrible things?" Nietzsche's eyes were at a loss.

"It's the ghouls' contamination… After a few rounds of verification, we've finally found out that when the number of ghoul deaths reaches a certain extent, there will be an impact on those at the scene. It won't necessarily occur, but undoubtedly, the greater the contact or the darker the person is, the greater the possibility of being affected…" Clayon rubbed his brows. "Hannibal was an ordinary person with a normal life and social relations, but it's also a fact that he became a ghoul. There's no doubt that it's because of such contamination!"

"Contaminator…" Nietzsche murmured, now more knowledgeable about Extraordinaries. At the same time, he realized that Mr. Andy from the convenience store truly had not joked with him.

Even ghouls that looked like they were easy to deal with were too scary for normal humans.

"I understand. What do you need to check?"