
Cardinal: Advent of the Sloth

The world of Ariadne is vast with more to see and more to find than meets the eye... Magic is plenty and cultivation so great that legends speak of those few existences that cut the heavenly bodies of the gods from the celestial skies... But there is more to Ariadne than mere strength, than mere power, there are histories ancient, gods who walk the lands, royals, nobles and commoners who are forever in strife... In this world with thousands of realms each born from the great cataclysm that set the stage for 'the seventh age' to be born, there exists the Sacred Lineage of Royals who rule a hundred realms, this lineage being of Mercurion. It is here that Lucian our reincarnated vestige of the past shall be born, born to be called 'Prince 786' of the Merurion Empire... Strife exists in many forms and in this Sacred line in which even a name must be earned, strife is a double-edged sword that now brings the once so Great, the once so Sacred lineage of Mercurion down to its knees from within... But be warned... there is much unseen, much unknown of the reality you see, of the Prince called 786... Welcome to Ariadne!!! A world in which all truths can be revealed...

Silver72 · ファンタジー
171 Chs

009 – A Change of Pace

Lucian came out of his trance.

After the wild tremors and the announcement from the Arbiter of the gods, not even someone as lazy as him could go uninterrupted.

The first day of Aeos was to be a day of celebration, but with the rise of a new violet-cored cultivator, the festivities stretched out across half the first month of the year.

The palace was a buzz with activity as more people than ever before arrived in waves to meet the princess.

It was a party for the elites of society that went on for two weeks, and Lucian was all too happy to know that he could not attend.


Time waited for no one and the festivities died down, only to be replaced with new festivities from time to time.

Seasons changed as the rising sun's angle slowly tilted from the north to the south until the Final Night would come to mark the passing of another year, and so the cycle repeated itself again and again.

And before long the year of 106 992 P.C. arrived.


Entry 132: The Journal of a Slothful Prince

It is Darsha (the sixth day of the week) the 7th day of Aeos the year 106 992 P.C.

Huh… I sigh… I sigh…

And I most certainly weep for this year that is to come…

I shall turn 10 this year, and that means it is time to graduate from simple lessons of tutors that visit my room to teach me…

From now I will still have those every day but there shall be a change in routine…

Every morning I must leave my bed before the sun rises, and head for the Taoist sects to begin my training for cultivation…

It is compulsory that I attend one school of combat, where I might learn how to use a weapon and how to use my fists, and I must also attend one of the three schools of creation…

Well, to be precise I have to attend the school of Arrays, and if I wish I may attend the schools of Alchemy and Forging…

Yeah right… like I'm going to enter Alchemy and Forging, they are the most physically demanding professions out there which is a big no, no for me…

Even arrays require a lot of time and study, not to mention direct consumption of energy…

But the worst part of it all is the requirement to begin cultivating…

It is not like I must begin at once, the rules on when I start are actually quite flexible, while I may begin now I don't have to begin until I turn 16, and I plan to wait until the very last moment if possible…

Dammit, this year shall be exhausting, just thinking about all the time I'll be spending not doing anything is enough to make me weep…

I pray for a quick release…


Lucian climbed into the carriage even as the sun started climbing up, Diego sat up front guiding the carriage as Lucian attempted to catch every moment of respite before being forced to listen to the annoying sound of chattering children, and equally as annoying instructors.

His first stop brought him into the district of the upper class, where a few sects were located, the one Lucian was currently heading to, was a martial sect also known as the House of Swords.

As its name suggests its focus is on the sword.

The sects were made up of primarily reclusive Taoists, who had devoted their heart and soul to the Dao, in the case of the House of Sword they seek out the Dao of the sword and spend their life in servitude to the sword.

The Dao's pursued, are many a nearly infinite number that can encapsulate any aspect of nature, but like all aspects of nature, there are certain things that are more popular and common than others.

When such schools of Taoism are founded they may attempt to spread their teachings to the masses through a sect after getting permission from a royal family.

The House of Swords is one of the more popular schools, and such a sect can be found in almost every city of every realm.

Lucian pressed his mask in place and made his way to the entrance of the building in unenthusiastic strides, like a man walking to the guillotine… 'I should probably dig up a grave right here and mark it, "Here lies the end of Lucian's carefree days", he inwardly grumbled as he saw the garden that spread beyond the walls.

The walls of the building rose 2 storeys high and supported a triangular roof, all of it was made from a white marble, that still shone with a white lustre after all the years the structure stood.

A small incline of three steps led to the doors, that always stood open whether night or day, the doors of the sects would always remain open.

Lucian walked down the garden path and step through the doors to be met with two Taoists standing in white robes, with green belts tied around their waists.

Lucian clasped his fist in his palm and gave a polite bow, as was customary to give to a Taoist.

They both responded by returning the greeting, although they only barely nodded their heads, as Taoists they were his seniors, usually he wouldn't even get a bow from them, but it was his status as a prince that allowed him to get such a greeting.

"We have been expecting you, young prince," a woman in a similar garb slid open a panelled door of bamboo and approached him.

"This one is called Miksha and shall be your guide for the day, please follow this one young prince," she gestured for him to follow before turning to the armoured Diego standing directly behind him, "Taoist Shian please escort the protector of the prince to the viewing area," she added before turning to leave.

Lucian cast a glance at Diego before falling in line behind Miksha, as he moved through the corridors it was quite different from what the grand exterior presented, the outside was made of quality marble, but the inside was covered in panels of bamboo.

Every door and room was made in a simple fashion, and in several of the rooms, he found people already performing the katas with their swords in hand.

Some of the corridors opened up into the sunlit fields that housed a forest of bamboo shoots and bamboo trees.

It took them a few minutes before Miksha stopped outside a panelled door, "Young prince before you go in I must remind you to be respectful at all times,"

"Your instructor is held in very high esteem in the sect and is a master swordsman, I don't think I need to explain to you what it takes to receive such an evaluation, it's rare for him to take on a single student let alone an entire class, but he chose to teach this class at the behest of the Imperial throne," Miksha spoke in a firm and strict tone as she explained the situation.

"You shall address your instructor as Master, there is no need for any more or any less, am I clear?" she asked with her head held high.

"Yes," Lucian nodded, he had no desire to be here, even less desire to make problems for himself.

With that out of the way, Miksha slid the door open and stepped in with Lucian following close behind.

Lucian's careful eye fell on the students already present in the class, with a glance he could tell that everyone in this class did not have an ordinary background, each of them was dressed in the white Taoist robes, but simply from the quality of the material he knew that there was no way these students were paupers from the street.

Their skin was too smooth and delicate, their hair too healthy, and most obvious was the attitude with which they carried themselves.

'This stinks of the wenches' dirty work,' Lucian immediately thought.

It was like his guide said, this was no ordinary class, and it had no ordinary instructor.

Lucian hadn't studied anything to do with the structures of the sects and how they sustained themselves, but he was willing to bet that a large part of their funding came from the Royals and nobles who offered their assistance in exchange for the Taoist teachings.