
Chapter Two: ID please?

I woke up on a misty morning but I was used to it because it is October In Tokyo opened the fridge and had a quickly saw that I had no food in the fridge, and had to go to my local food market to get a few things so I can have dinner tonight because I was starting to get sick of takeout and wanted something no deep fried for a change, I changed into a basic grey hoodie and some jeans I have only going for a short time so I decided I would go basic because I was only going there for at least ten minutes. As I grabbed my purse and stuffed in my phone and checked my wallet my colour drained my face as I saw my ID was gone I rummaged though my purse only disappointed to find nothing I tried to retrace my steps I went to the mall with my friend on Tuesday afternoon and tried on dresses for my best friend wedding so I probably left it there a tide of relief went over me because I knew the lady working there very well so it was probably in good hands, I eased myself with comforting words and calmed to "I'll stop by today after I get dinner and pick it up" I said to myself I got my bike and go down to the market since it's only two blocks away from my house. I grabbed a rickety cart I always take since he was the only one there I used him so much I named him Charlie and old Charlie was the worst cart ever but I loved him going past the colourful cereal and things like loose fat gummy bears and I have to admit they taste pretty good so I glanced around the room and slide the gummy worms under the bread so no one will notice. At the check out it was the most stereotypical check out line I the history of lines a edgy teenager and the checkout person a child whining on how he wants to go to chucky cheese and in front of me an old man who is slower then a wet slug. After a checked out I went to the mall and checked out the wedding dresses shop to retrieve my ID as I walked into a Lacey room filled with overpriced dresses and shoes I went up to the front counter "umm I think I left my wallet here" I said eager for her to just hand me my wallet and let me move on with my day..."didn't you already cane to get your ID?" She said pestered my stomach dropped