
Capture an angel to be my wife

This is an extremely free game world where you can do anything you want. After entering the game, Alexander surprisingly captured an angel to be his wife (pet). With the help of the angel, his gaming career became even more exciting.

DaoistpjUWEL · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Why are you running

At this point, Alexander had no idea what was happening outside.

Seeing the number of people behind him increasing, he couldn't care less and ran with all his strength, as if he was nursing.

Alice struggled at first.

But she noticed that the people behind her were like mad, their eyes bloodshot, shouting things like "Kill the boss!", "Where's the boss?" and "Who saw the boss?"

Alice turned pale and trembled with fear.

"Let me go, I have wings!" Alice said.

To save energy, Alexander had to let go of Alice.

Alice fluttered her wings and flew above Alexander's shoulder, occasionally looking back at the crowd behind her.

"Run faster!"

"Run even faster!"

"You can go even faster!"

Alice urged anxiously, like a supervisor.

Alexander was sweating profusely and kept running forward.

After a full hour of running.

The crowd behind them gradually dispersed.


Seeing that there was no one behind him anymore.

Alexander finally relaxed, collapsed onto the ground, and felt utterly drained.

His body felt like it had just been through a sauna, sweating heavily and feeling hot and dry.

"It's so realistic! I'm so thirsty and tired!"

Alexander gasped for breath.

His hot breath passed through his throat, and his mouth was dry without a drop of saliva.

Alice landed on the ground.

She lay down beside him, disregarding her elegant image, and sprawled out on the ground.

Alice patted her full chest, and said with lingering fear:

"That scared the hell out of me!"

"No wonder my father always said that humans are foolish and cunning, and lack martial morality."


Alexander glanced at Alice and asked, "Are you thirsty?"

"Uh-huh!" Alice nodded like a pecking chick.

Alexander looked at his stamina bar, which had decreased significantly and was now highlighted in red.

Now he had to find resources to replenish his energy.

Without stamina recovery pills, he had to find food and a water source.

Alexander stood up.

Looking into the distance, he faintly saw shimmering waves about a kilometer ahead.


"Let's go get some water to drink!"

Alexander took several deep breaths to calm his heart rate.

Then, he headed towards the direction of the shimmering waves.

Alice also took flight and followed Alexander.

Soon, the two arrived at the edge of a small lake.

Alexander opened the map and took a look.

The map showed: Sakura Lake, Level 5 area!

Closing the map, Alexander looked up.

Cherry blossoms were in full bloom on both sides of Sakura Lake, making the scene lively and vibrant.

Some spores were wandering around the lake, their eyes revealing a bit of stupidity.

[Spore, Level 3]

The system would display basic information about the monsters.

To prevent players from having any reckless or mischief-making ideas.

The system would also mark different colors on monster information.

Gray means: "You can bully it."

Green means: "You can give it a try."

Red means: "You'd better be self-aware."

And the color for the spores was green.

They were still neutral creatures and wouldn't attack players actively.

When Alexander approached the spores, these stupid things would come forward as if asking him his purpose.

"Guys, I'm just getting some water to drink, I won't harm you!"

Alexander carefully pushed away the foolish spores.

He was here to replenish his stamina, not to cause trouble.

These spores were really annoying.

Although they didn't attack Alexander actively, they kept flocking towards him.

They stretched their necks and rubbed against Alexander's body.

It was as if they were saying, "If you have the guts, just chop me!"

Alexander was only Level 1.

His attack power didn't exceed 5 points.

Even with the help of the "Imperial Sword," he couldn't easily deal with the spores.

If he was unlucky and got hit by a donkey kick.

Whether it hit his head or groin, it wouldn't end well.

Alexander had no choice but to slow down and inch towards the lake.

Alice flew above, helping Alexander clear a path.

"Move, move! Get out of the way and go play somewhere else!"

Alice lowered her flying altitude, reaching out to push away the spores blocking their path.

Finally, they reached the lakeside.

For some reason, Alexander suddenly sensed a hint of danger.

The lake water beneath his feet was not the shallow kind.

Instead, it was the kind of dark blue, clear, eerie, and deep water.

At first glance, it would give people a claustrophobic feeling.

Alexander felt uneasy, but under the stimulation of his thirst, he bent down, scooped up the lake water with his hands, and brought it to his mouth.

The sweet lake water entered his throat.

The dry and parched feeling was instantly gone.

It was so refreshing!

Alexander was so excited that he couldn't help but lower his head and wash his face with the lake water.

He dipped his head into the water and swirled it around.

It felt like his whole body was enjoying a spa treatment – a VIP service with an excellent customer experience.

However, when Alexander finished washing and opened his eyes underwater.

A dark shadow was hurtling towards him at lightning speed!

The shadow was huge, definitely not an ordinary creature!

"Watch out!"

Alice screamed.

Alexander jumped three feet into the air.

At the same time, a huge wave was stirred up on the water's surface.



Water splashed everywhere.

A monster burst out of the water and lunged at Alexander!

Alexander picked up the wooden sword from the ground and swung it.


He had been careless and just grazed it.

Alexander threw down the wooden sword and started running.

His eyes swept over the monster for a moment, and information flashed before him.

[Pointed-beak White Crocodile, Level 5!]

I knew the water wouldn't be so easy to drink!

But according to Alexander's years of gaming experience, trying to replenish stamina by drinking water?

At least there should be some challenge, right?

A level 5 monster isn't too much, is it?

What, you can't even defeat a level 5 monster, and you think you deserve to drink water?

The Pointed-beak White Crocodile in front of him was over two meters long, with a mouth full of teeth.

Its name was displayed in "red," not "green."

Alexander didn't dare to think any further and hurried to escape!

"Yametelle! Yametelle!"

Alice followed behind, screaming continuously.

Wait a minute!

As Alexander was running, he looked at Alice beside him and suddenly felt...

Something wasn't right!

Alexander stopped, grabbed Alice's wing, and asked, "Why are you running?"

Alexander's brow furrowed deeply.

"I'm only level 1, I can't beat that thing."

"You're already level 60, why are you running???"

Alexander's face was full of question marks.