
Capture an angel to be my wife

This is an extremely free game world where you can do anything you want. After entering the game, Alexander surprisingly captured an angel to be his wife (pet). With the help of the angel, his gaming career became even more exciting.

DaoistpjUWEL · ファンタジー
19 Chs

This angel is my wife

The crowd had all gathered here.

Almost all of them were seeking healing help from Alice.

Alice belonged to the divine race, and her innate professional characteristics were healing and amplification. At level 60, Alice could even resurrect any player on the spot!

Of course, resurrection was not unlimited.

Firstly, resurrection had to be completed within 5 minutes; otherwise, the player would automatically return to the respawn point and lose one level.

Secondly, resurrection had a casting time requirement and could be easily interrupted, with a long cooldown period.

Lastly, even after being resurrected on the spot, the character would only retain their experience points, and any items that should be dropped would still be dropped.

Moreover, the character would enter a weakened state for a full day, with all attributes halved.

It could be said that in the world of Legends, the punishment for character death was extremely severe!


Survive if you can, and don't be reckless!

Alexander could relate to this very well.

Because there would always come a day when everyone thought death was just a decrease of one level.

For some people, when they died, they really died, never able to return to this world again...

At the moment, players had no recovery items, no levels, and no combat power.

Being bitten by a group of wild dogs and running around clutching their buttocks, their health dropped quickly.

Upon seeing Alice's appearance, they naturally regarded her as a goddess, specifically the kind that healed players.

There was no reason not to take advantage of a good deal.

So these players were frantically asking Alice for healing.

What made Alexander's head hurt was that Alice actually saw herself as a saint.

"Don't worry, everyone will get healed!"

"Line up, I can heal a lot!"

"No cutting in line, keep order!"

Alice busied herself among the crowd, waving her staff and sprinkling holy light on those without health, giving them a boost.

The healed individuals were all extremely grateful and wanted to kowtow in thanks to Alice.

Alexander had no choice but to walk over and tug at Alice.

"Wife, let's go!" Alexander said.

In that instant.

Alexander felt the surrounding gazes, like sharp daggers, all fixed on him.

"Wife? Buddy, have you mistaken her for someone else?"

"Who the hell are you, calling such a beautiful goddess your wife?"

"Kid, can't you talk? If you can't, shut up!"

"Keep blabbering, and I'll knock your teeth out!"

The crowd roared angrily.

However, when Alice noticed Alexander, she surprisingly showed no anger. Instead, she said in a coquettish voice, "Can't you see I'm busy? Go play by yourself! Who else was low on health just now... Hmm!"

Alice didn't finish speaking.

Alexander grabbed both of Alice's wings in one swoop.

Familiar movements, skilled technique.

He treated her like an old hen, showing no mercy or tenderness.

Alice wasn't tall, just a 1.6-meter-tall little girl.

Alexander was 1.95 meters tall, and holding Alice felt like carrying a thermos.

"Let me go, I can still heal!"

Alice screamed.

"Let go of our goddess!"

The crowd screamed as well.

Alexander didn't care about their reactions.

He had said it before, Alice was lawful and kind-hearted. Once her compassion overflowed, not even ten donkeys could pull her back!

If he allowed Alice to finish healing everyone, who knew when they would be done!

Alexander grabbed Alice and ran.

Behind him, a large crowd picked up wooden swords and chased after Alexander like mad.

"Beast, give us back our goddess!"

"Monster, what do you want to do to our goddess!"

The crowd chased Alexander like they had gone mad.

At first, only a few people were chasing him.

But ten minutes later.

The number of people grew, and the crowd became more massive.

As a result, a magical scene unfolded in the 8675309th novice village.

Behind Alexander, there was a trail of dust, a magnificent sight.

Over 1,000 people followed Alexander, playing a game of "running train."

Other passing players didn't know what the crowd was chasing or why, but they joined the chase anyway.

"Hey, buddy, what are you chasing?"

"I don't know, don't you?"

"I thought you knew. You mean you don't?"

"I don't know a damn thing!"


Although most people didn't know what they were chasing, they assumed it was a boss.

After all, the game had just started, and if they caught a boss, it would be a huge win.

This scene was captured by many players in videos and posted on game forums.

"Shocking! Mysterious boss appears in the 8675309th novice village, thousands of people slashing monsters, a spectacular sight!"

"Seeking pictures and the truth! Detailed explanation of the 8675309th novice village boss!"

"Complete guide to slaying monsters in the 8675309th novice village, leveling up without falling behind!"

"Learn how to run and breathe in 3 minutes, so your mom won't have to worry about you chasing bosses anymore!"

"Mysterious Boss appears, the untold story of the 8675309th novice village!"


Less than an hour after the server opened, the 8675309th novice village successfully seized headlines on major news platforms.

Although no one could explain exactly what had happened, the event generated quite a buzz.