
CAPTIVATED HEART {Entangled with you}

nmesoma_joseph · 都市
26 Chs

Chapter 21 & 22 ««{TWO WEEKS STAY IN HIS HOUSE}»»


✨(Entangled with you)✨

Theme: Love & Affection 🌺

By; @jossyfrosh8





Note: The questions in the comments section are not just there for jokes or fancy. They are there for you to reply them or better still drop your thoughts about the questions🤍.




"Morning baby". His mum said as she pecked his forehead.

"Morning mum". He replied sitting up while she say beside him.

"How was your night?". She asked and he chuckled licking his lips.

"Sweet". He replied and she smiled.

"You saw your crush in your dream?". She asked and he nod rubbing his beardless chin.

"A sweet girl but too bad she is not my crush". He replied bluntly and she smiled.

"I'd love to see who the sweet girl is because I'm certain this is the first time you are dreaming about a responsible girl". She ranted and he looked up.

"She is not responsible but she is unique and quite different from every other girls. Still, she is the most craziest girl I've ever met". He replied rubbing his forehead.

"I'd still love to meet her. Invite her for dinner when I return from my trip". She said and he gasped holding her hand.

"You are joking mum. She doesn't even like me, talk more of bringing her home". He replied while she pulled his cheeks.

"I'll be going on a short trip with my friend this morning, we were invited for some sort of party but we will be spending two weeks...."

"So?". He interrupted sharply.

"So her daughter will be here throughout our stay there to look after you". She said and he hissed.

"I can take care of myself. Just don't bring her in except if she is not sexy and curvy. Yulk! I can't imagine myself staying with an ugly girl". He said hugging his legs tight.

"It's okay, she is nice and you will definitely like her". She said and tapped his hair before standing to her feet.

"Be quick enough and get ready for school". She said before walking out of the room.

"Arrrrrrrgh! I'll have to stay with an ugly girl!!! This is gonna be suffocating!!!". He screamed covering his face with his pillow.




"Mum, you still haven't told me where you are going with this suitcase and this". Callie half yelled pointing at her mum's bags.

"Sorry this is coming late. I'll be going on a trip with my friend...."

"For what reason?". Callie blurted in.

"For series of party". She replied zipping her hand bag.

"How long?". Callie asked staring at her.

"Two weeks". She replied and Callie gasped.

"You will be away for two good weeks and you are just telling me". Callie screamed at her mum while her mum took in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. It came so sudden and I can't reject it. We will also get to showcase our products to attracts buyers. That's the main reason I accepted to go with her". She explained moving closer to her.

"I'm sorry". She said holding her face.

"I can't possibly stay alone in this house all by myself!!". Callie said removing her face from her hand.

"Of course, you will stay in her house till we return. She is also leaving her son behind". She said while Callie nod.

"So, you want me to stay with a total stranger? Alone in the house?". Callie sked and her mum shook her head.

"Her husband is around. Trust me, they are all nice not excluding her son. Please, don't say no". She said and Callie nod.

"It's fine but I will rather stay alone". Callie replied folding her hands.

"I'm running late and you still haven't made up your mind". She said while Callie huffed looking away.

"Mum, you need to understand something, what if..."

"He is harsh, or wicked. You don't have to worry about that. He is a cool guy and besides....."

"It's okay... I'll try my best not to beat him up". Callie interrupted sharply before running off to her room.

"Hurry up so I can drop you off". She yelled taking her seat.

"Won't I go to school?". Callie yelled from her room.

"Of course, you will just drop your things before going to school". She replied as she made her way to her room.

"Why is your room so disorganized?". She asked and Callie shrugged.

"Are you here to help me out?". Callie sked and she nod.

"You are the best!". Callie said bringing out her suitcase.



<GRADE 12>

"Settle down everyone". Mr Shane said as he made his way in.

"Greet". A guy hit his hand on the table while they all stood to their feet.


"There is no need for that". He replied bluntly while they all murmured as they sat down.

"Three students are absent, why?". He asked moving round the class.

"They are part of those representing our school in the aspect of sports". Nellie replied and he nod.

"So today, I've not come here to teach but to place you all in groups...."

"What for?". Drome asked sharply.

"Project and each group contains....lemme see. Total number of students?". He asked looking around.

"35". Rebel answered and he nod.

"Each group contains five students and your project should be ready three days after the competition". He said and they all grumbled.

"Silence!". He yelled giving them a scary face.

"Failure to do that, then say good bye to your trip to the woods". He blurted and they all gasped.


"No more questions. Check your class notice board for the list and topics after lunch. Once you see it, gather yourselves and select a group leader to conduct you all". He said and they all nod.

"No questions, if you don't understand, see me in my office". He said and they all nod again.

"So in that case, class dismissed". He said and walked out of the class.



"Phewwwwwwwww!!!!!". Coach Jake blew the whistle and they all stopped what they are doing.

"Flute, Archie, Callie, Vergo and Martins, the five of you are the main players so don't screw it or else no trip for you all. Ensure you all attempt extra practice"

"The court is open, you can make use of it anytime. I'll dismiss you all now to take a good rest. It's in three days time and I don't wanna stress you all to much. Keep building up the courage in you and keep chanting the word "I can do it". Self determination matters a lot". He said and they all nod.

"Substitute players, you all as well shouldn't relent. You all serve as back up which is very important. The number of players could reduce or increase. I'm not the main coach for the day, I'm only a coach for Shadow high". He said and they all nod.

"Success!". He said and they all dismissed.

"It was so tiring". Callie said as she fell to the floor.

"You chose to play. No one forced you". Archie replied taking his seat beside her.

"I couldn't run from it. It has been my dream duhhhh". She snapped and he groaned as he saw Flute approaching them.

"Hey sweet girl". He said taking his seat beside her as well.

"Hey bitter boy". She replied rolling her eyes.

"Why don't we keep practicing". Archie suggested and she nod.

"Right!". She said standing to her feet while Flute threw him an angry glare.

"It's gonna be a rough practice sweet girl". Flute said bouncing the ball hard.

"I don't mind homeless boy". She said cracking her knuckles.

"Hey everyone". Tessy screamed as she entered with Raggy.

"What's up kid". Callie asked bouncing the ball.

"I wasn't talking to you". Tessy snapped.

"You should have just said hey boys and not everyone". Callie replied rolling her eyes.

"Blah, blah, blah". Tessy said blocking her ear as she made her way towards Flute.

"Hey, told my sister to make this for you". She said stretching a small lunch box containing four heart shaped sandwich with a packet of cold milk.

"I don't need it". He replied pushing her hand away.

"I'll take that then". Callie said snatching the box from her.

"Fine have it and die". Tessy yelled rolling her eyes.

"Have you cleaned the restroom today?". Flute asked while Callie chuckled.

"She can't reply that. It's so embarrassing". Raggy replied stretching another small bag towards her.

"Thank you Rag. I'll get to eat all this alone". She said clutching bother bag to her chest.

"Want some?". She asked stretching a bag towards Archie.

"Nah, I'll pass". He said pulling off his hand gloves.

"Okay then". She replied taking her sit on the floor.

"Why are you both here?". Flute asked folding his arms.

"Came to drop this notification. We are all paired in a group. Mr Shane organised it". Raggy said and Callie gasped looking up.

"Really? This is gonna be so stressful". She muttered taking a bite from the sandwich.

"When is the deadline?". Archie asked shooting the ball.

"Three days after the competition". Tessy replied while Archie whimpered holding his stomach while his lips suddenly went numb.

"Are you okay?". Callie asked as he began sweating profusely.

"Archie?". Callie called as she crawled towards him.

She tried touching his forehead head but he hurriedly moved away from her.

They heard a beeping sound coming from him and Flute grabbed his shoulder.

"What's that sound?". He asked trying to trace where it's coming from.

Archie hit his hand off as he ran out of the court in full speed still holding his stomach as a mighty headache struck him. He fell on his knees placing one hand on his head.

"Archie!!!!!". Milky screamed as he made his way towards him.

He tried touching him but Archie hit his hand off breathing heavily.

"You are..."

He hasn't completed his statement when Archie stood up and ran off towards the school gate.

"Is that the symptoms of his sickness? He is so much pain and he still doesn't want me to touch him. Gosh!". Milky muttered as he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hi". Tatiana said and he smiled standing to his feet.

"Oh, how are you?". He asked and she nod.

"I brought you this". She smiled stretching a small bag towards him.

"That smile looks familiar". He wondered as he stared at her.

"Why are you suddenly giving me this?". He asked taking it from her.

"It's from my aunt. She made it for you since I couldn't think of a way to say a proper thank you yesterday". She said and he nod tucking one hand into his pocket.

"There is no need in saying thank you. The sight of students being bullied by their seniors or peers irritates me a lot". He said and she nod.

"So off to class, lunch is almost over". He said and she nod before running off.

"I don't think I'll be needing this". He said and was about trashing it when he suddenly felt like eating it.

"What the heck! This has never happened before". He looked at the food and sighs before walking back to the classroom.



"It's a dream come through. I was paired with Drome, Blaire and some others". Nellie said and Callie nod.

"That makes me suspicious". She said and Rebel nod.

They stopped at the lot while Callie turned towards the gate.

"See you tomorrow babies". Callie said as she waved at Nellie and Rebel before walking out of the school.

"Time to stay with a boy I don't know for two weeks. So crazy". She said as she flag down a taxi. She gave him the address before entering.



She came down from the cab after settling the driver before staring at the huge gate.

The gate open and she quickly hide herself behind the flowers, a car drove out and she wondered why she hid herself when she is not a thief.

She came out of her hiding place before walking in. She made her way to the door and pressed the bell while a maid opened the door.

She stepped aside for her to come in, she walked in and saw a male figure backing her. He slowly turned and she gasped.

"What the fuck!!!!!!". They both screamed.


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I 🤍 Y'all