
Captain Capitalism: The Money-Maker System

Born with the wrong kind of talent, shunned from his family, removed of his succession rights and made the guardian of the lowest of the low dungeon─the infamous, most terrible, dungeon that no one visits unless they have to...that was Moros' home. Until a certain wall crumbles, and a new realm sends out its deadly invitation with Moros name on it. It was a hell that was made for him. A hell he will soon call home...and best of all, there is a lot of money to be made.

Fearmongering · ファンタジー
103 Chs

An official apology.

Moros decided to do the only sensible thing one could do in such a situation. He committed blatant slaughter of any creature named Ballas that was closeby. The red dress was now covered in a tide of green guts and organs, giving it a fresh mint cover.

It was not like he had any reputation left to lose, this was just another chapter, another weird thing that people would claim for Moros to have done.

Most people did not bat an eye or could spare a thought about what Moros was doing.

New people would act shocked and tell it all around, but soon these rumours would die down and just become another thing the shame of the Terra family was supposed to have done.

Over the years this list had grown substantially ranging from things that he had done to things that he could have done and things that were against the laws of physics.

Moros apparently was to have stayed awake for three nights and days. Afterwards he beat a balla to death with his manhood.

Which, of course, was a total lie and slander, he had poked several Ballas to death.

The technique behind it was surprisingly easy as Moros had learned. First yet get rid of all of your clothes, can't exactly poke something to death if your weapon is sheathed.

Next you locate a candidate, which was done rather easily. Then ye waddle towards it, put your arms on the floor and take up position. Take a deep breath, think about money to get the "sharp" part done.

Afterwards its thrusting time, praying not to hit the floor with the weapon.

With enough practice Moros had bested enough Ballas in the more than questionable manner, it was a proud achievement that he yet to tell another soul.

The right situation to tell of such heroic feet never came to be. To him it was such a shame, since nobody knew about the beautiful thing he had done in his sleep-deprived state.

There were other feats born from Moros' boredom that were deemed the stuff of legends. Such is when he turned the dungeon into a slip and slide made of balla blood and guts.

Many days of work went into this senseless act of violence that served as questionable entertainment at best. It was the most fun he did have, but it was also the most cleaning up that needed to be done afterwards.

The cost of cleaning far surpassed the sense of enjoyment that he felt for a few blissful seconds.

That was the problem in Moros eyes, every fun one could have in life came alongside a ton of bills that needed to be paid. Growing up sucked.

The world seemed so innocent in his younger years, but it was just the other people that worked so that they could have fun. Now that Moros was responsible for earning his share…he realised just how much he hated sharing his money for the sake of others.

He gladly did so for the sake of his family, but he too did wish to kill them from time to time, seeing their expenses. If that was not true love, he did not know either.

Not everything was bad, he made new friends, learned a lot about life and the wonders of the world. Yet, there still was so much out there that he had yet to learn. Details, which seemed like the most common thing to most others.

All of this did not change the fact, about the account being banned, but it did distract him a bit from the fact that the account was indeed banned for insulting a dude, who deserved much harsher words for not being able to take a joke.

Imaging the poor Ballas to have the face of an ungly dude named 'I STAN MY QUEEN' did help alleviate the stress more than a bit.

It was just a coincidence for Moros to whisper "I will see you dead" as he crushed Balla after Balla into a pile of green blood.

He was usually a very timid guy that could hurt no soul. Moros convinced he was just your average guy, who happened to like money a bit more than the rest of the people. He could never have violent thoughts and tendencies about inflicting pain unto others.

It was just luck that he kept on repeating the same thing over and over again while murdering Ballas. This was just something that would happen from time to time until a certain debt had been repaid in full.

Until then the poor Ballas were promoted to Stans.

The notification of earned dollars flashed across his eyes, the only true thing that caused a smile on his face to appear. It was the only thing that rewarded him for his good, honest work of putting monsters to rest in his soft, loving, caring ways.

As Moros had discovered, one Dollar a monster was not as bad a deal as he had initially thought. Especially, if one took their sweet time to do the killing.

It might not be worthwhile in the long run, but it sure helped blow off some steam.

Though a certain ding caused Moros attention to rapidly shift. If the camera made a ding, Moros knew that something must have arrived.

The mod team of the Kinder streaming site must have responded. He took a deep breath, his future was in the balance. Whatever they had replied would decide his fate as the streamer or if I STAN MY QUEEN was about to get a second butthole.

Since if the message was not "Sorry, we were wrong…please forgive us, your ban has been reversed" a certain someone would not have a good time ahead of himself.

"Dear Chickwithbigdick we apologize profusely for this error," a pleasant male voice announced itself through the camera.

"The ban was a severe error on our side, as our intern did not see the genius strategy behind your persona."

Moros did not know what exactly was genius about a princess, with fake tits and chest hair, but he liked the vision of the guy that saw things that did not exist.

"Since your approach is unusual, we ask of you to forgive him. It should not be your harm if you decide to do so."

Forgive whom? Moros had already forgotten about everything. As they said the past is in the past, he would never hold a grudge over a simple mistake like that. How could he be a petty person like that?

Live and let live had been his motto for ages.

"The team of Kinder are in awe of your strategy to exploit the weakness of man, with low self-esteem and self-worth. We do question why no one has come up with such a concept before you"

"We officially unbanned you and as an act of our genuine reflection and apology, we have decided to advertise your stream to your target audience free of charge─a service that is normally restricted to our top earners."

Moros nodded, clearly acting like it was all part of his big plan to gain a lot of money.

"We hope that this treatment makes up for the injustice! We wish you a happy time with our streams and pray for your well-earned success with exploiting the rich and wealthy man on Elysium."

The voice cut-off, leaving Moros behind with eternal gratitude, but even more respect.

These guys, they were absolute pros. They had their business model down to utmost perfection. By sheer, dumb luck Moros had managed to gather their interest and already they had come up with a plan to connect him to the people most vulnerable to his sort of approach.

They were ruthless, calculative figures. Moros once again was deeply in love, wanting nothing more than to learn from the very best in this line of business.

As Moros continued to kill Ballas, he devised a plan in his head.

It would be stupid to start the stream right now. The circumstances just did not seem to work out in his favour. He needed the whole dungeon for himself.

As such he decided to wait till the night and start his stream then. Bonus points, a lot of men with low self-esteem would enjoy watching him at that moment too.

For now, he needed to hide the evidence and ensure that everything seemed normal. He could not allow people to realise just what his plans were. Even low self-esteem viewers might not react too kindly if they knew that their princess had balls.

Without thinking too much he threw Poppycock his blood covered dress with a big smile on his face…

"Friendo, would you do me a favour and get this thing cleaned? I can't exactly insult the people if I smell and look like them"

Poppycock rejoiced that Moros thought so much of him, not. He gave Moros the middle finger, ready to tell him to shove his small thing into his ass.

Alas the dress and the wig were already flying, landing perfectly atop his head.

Before the dwarf did have time to complain Moros had already run away to kill more Ballas and help customers out if they were not looking.

In the distance he heard a certain friend of his yelling around, insulting him in a language he did not speak. Moros did not feel responsible for the current mood of his friend and simply did as he had always done.

After all, he could only stay a good friend if he stayed alive.