
Chapter 110 Captain Vasily Slightly Understands Deception

Several minutes later.

Captain Hans looked at the company commander, "Where's Rocossov?"

The company commander shook his head, "We didn't catch him; the enemy scattered all at once, but we found the body of a high-ranking officer."

As he spoke, he stepped back, and two soldiers carried the stretcher bearing the badly mangled corpse.

Looking at the rank, it was a Lieutenant Colonel, his map case still hanging intact on his body, but the document case was nowhere to be found.

Hans asked, "What happened? Where's the document case? That's the most important thing!"

The company commander turned his head and shouted, and soon someone brought over the document case, which appeared to have its strap cut by shrapnel or something similar.

Hans snatched the document case, opened it, and quickly flipped through it, finding many messy documents.

Hans didn't understand Antenese and couldn't make out what was written.

But he vaguely felt that it was very important!