
Chapter 100 Moravian Cavalry Finally Arrives

At the same time, at the Tenth Army Group Corps Command.

General Boke suddenly heard the sound of hooves outside.

He turned his head in confusion, "So many hoofbeats, doesn't sound like a transport unit."

The Prussian Army's logistical units still maintained a large number of mules and horses as a supplement to the Opel trucks. However, a mule and horse transport team would not produce such a dense sound of hoofbeats.

At nearly sixty years old, General Boke had certainly experienced the era before mechanization; he knew that only a cavalry brigade on the march could make such a racket.

"Where are the cavalry from?" he turned and asked his chief of staff.

"The Moravian Cavalry Troops, they were supposed to have arrived a week ago, but due to the Ant Air Force bombing the train stations, they only just made it. The original intention of High Command was to reinforce us with these cavalry troops to counter the Ante Army's cavalry."