

He came to his room only to hear someone desperately asking for help. A girl was hanging on the pole attached to his hotel room window while trying to save a child's life, he saved both of them. but circumstances lead him to kiss her , and what do he get ........ a hand print on his left cheek. yes!! a slap like he never had. the girl hurled some curses and left. YES, not alone but taking his interest and left him intrigued. She is the heiress of SKYLARK GROUP, THE ANNA ROBINSON. She anything but arrogant, a successful doctor at the age 24. her life is revolves around her friends and people whom she take as her family. she is distant, cold and hard to talk. YES!! SHE IS AGAINST LOVE.BUT WHY??? He is the general manger of WORLD WIDE MANAGEMENT, THE EVAN WRIGHT. Born in a sliver spoon he is a successful businessman at the age of 25. He known to be extremely serious, ruthless and work to bones type workaholic. HE WANTS EVERYTHING BUT LOVE!!!! WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN BOTH THE STUBBORN PERSONALITIES WILL MEET?? WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN EVAN FIND HIMSELF GETTING INCREASINGLY INTRIGUED BY ANNA? WHY IS ANNA SO AGAINST LOVE, WHAT TURNED HER COLD??? WILL EVAN MAKE HER UNDERSTAND THE REAL MEANING OF LOVE????? COME AND JOIN WITH ME THE JOURNEY , IT IS NOT NOT ANY TYPICAL PRESIDENT AND EMPLOYER STORY ..its a realistic version of our fantasy of true love AND LIFE I'm a new writer ....please guide me . cover page is from PINTEREST.

miss_lemon · 都市
81 Chs

A Place only for us!!

****************Flashback Continues***************

Everyone was surprised and asked Joanna about the money, Joanna told them that she earned it online.

Alex believed Joanna instantly and explained how easy is it to earn money doing some programming tasks.

Everyone admired Joanna, everyone was of them was only 7 this year and their talents varies in different fields but that never made them feel inferior to one-another.

"Let's make a memory precious and unforgettable for ALL OF US!!!!!" Mark shouted and the six went for the beautiful start of their friendship.

"Joanna, where are we going?" James asked with curiosity.

"Outside the city, where no will recognize us and will not disturb us JUST BECAUSE WE ARE KIDS" Joanna replied with frustration filled in it.

"Seems like Ann doesn't like being called kid and treated like one." Jasmine said with a cute smile.

"Well, will you like it when they try to force you and wish to make you do things based on their likes?" Joanna said with a sharp tone.

"Damn them.!!" Jasmine and Mia shouted as they imagined themselves in horror by coerced to do things per those 'elders' liking.

"Good comprehension skills you both got." Joanna said with a smile threatening to spread on her lips from their reaction.

The boys laughed at their antics and keep seated on their seats enjoying the natural breeze as they reached the countryside.

"Where are we?" Everyone shouted in unison accept Joanna.

She just smiled and walked forward, having no answer made their curiosity rise by several levels and they followed her eagerly.

Alex was very vigilant during the whole time, well actually everyone was. They just try to prioritize the happiness around them.

Joanna stopped and gestured everyone to look at the front.

There lay the most beautiful scenary worth the praise for any real estate agent and inspirations for every artist in world. Though it was nothing but calmest form of nature.

All they saw was a plain ground surrounded by the mountain in north and trees in east and west with a river silently flowing in south. The buzzing of small creatures and humming of beautiful winds.

"How?" Mark suddenly asked breaking the faze. He was asking how did she find such place that too far from city.

"Adventure." Joanna answered as she breathes in the fresh air.

"It is so-so…" Mia was unable to form her words when James said. "Peaceful."

Everyone nodded at that.


Nothing else can describe the place other than that.

"A place that's only for me." Joanna said.

Turning to them she said with the first ever genuine smile and added.

"NOW, 'A place only for us'"

Everyone was dazzled with her smile and got excited when her words started to sink in.

********* End of the Flashback*******

Anna came downstairs in her gym outfit and tapped Mark's shoulder.

"We have to leave now, otherwise everyone will get busy." She said as she picks up her coffee with the free hand from table. While, Mark hastily stood up as he remembered his appointment with Anna.

"NO!!! Ann, please don't take him. I want to hear more of the story!!!" Ethan said in desperate tone.

Anna gave Mark a look. 'Handle what you've started'

Mark instantly nodded and turned to Ethan and Evan.

"Actually, I too want to share but todays appointment with Ann was made months ago." He said and sprinted off to get ready.

"Where you going dre-dressed like this??" Evan shuttered a little because Anna was looking to dazzling in her outfit.

Anna was wearing black sports shoes matched with black gym shorts letting her beautiful long legs on display. A mid-waisted sky-blue sports top which only has straps leaving the shoulders bare, lastly she tied her long dark-chocolate brown hairs in a high-pony tail which left her swan-like neck left open for his eyes to appreciate and make his thoughts run wild.

"Gym." Anna answered at the inquiry.

"Why?" Evan was confused because of her looks; he was going crazy because of those bangs of her which were fluttering in air which was coming from god know where.

"Well, the reason should be exercising." Anna was little puzzled by Evan's shuttering and then this blatant stare.

"Well, you can stop staring already." Anna lost her patience because this guy was staring at her since she came.

'Cough' Evan coughed in embarrassment as Ethan winked him with his naughty smile.

"You're right ANN!!!! How could you stare at her so blatantly, Brother??"

Evan glared at Ethan when Anna glared at him and pulled Ethan beside her.

Evan was speechless.

{'How many times do you want me to be embarrassed?' Evan said in his heart as he complained to Lemon.}

{Lemon: 'You are shameless yourself and stop blaming me!!!! HUMPH'}

{Ethan: Lemon, you're always right.'}

{Evan: .........….}(No use of having a brother)


long time no see!!!!!!!!!

sometime life will give you some cruel but important lessons, so here i'm after completeing a battle inside me...

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