
Can You Love Me Too?

KPopStan · 若者
1 Chs

Hey Mom hey Dad.

"Mom! Mom!"

She looks at me for a moment


"Look!Look!" I quickly show her my grades

"I got all A's! Isn't that great Mom?!"

"Huh? Yeah, great honey."

She doesn't seem in a good mood today.. I'll go show dad!!

I quickly run to his office

"Dad! Dad! Look! I'm a good kid right?!"

He looks at me looking mad

"Hey. Your siblings are sleeping!! No running!"

Soon we hear some screaming from my brother

"Dad!! Mommmmm!! It hurts! It really hurts!! P-Please!! Please come here!!"

"See what you did?! You woke up your brother!! Damn you!"

I get a slap to my face. I don't dare cry because he'll just slap me again

"B-But Dad..My grades came I-in.."

"Oh shush!!"

He runs off to see my brother and I'm left alone.


I decide to go to my room because I don't think my parents want to see me

My room is plain and dark other than my little lamp

I have to live with it though. Mom says it saves money and that the money is going to pay the hospital bills.

If it can cure my brothers I'll put up with it!!

My room may not be filled with stuffed animals or painted with bright colors, but it's my own little room! I've always wanted to have a room to myself!!

I'll do it for my family!!

Chapter 1 -END-


KPopStancreators' thoughts