
Childhood 2

When Maddie was 12 she got her first menses and panicked, she didn't know what to do.

Even Master Li was clueless about how to advise her.

Although he is familiar with women having their menses he had no clue how to help Maddie, so he decided to call his friend who is a physician who sometimes helps treat some wounds for the assassins in the underworld.

When Dr. Cuevas arrived, he assisted and advised Maddie on how to use a napkin.

He even described how the ovulation cycle worked.

Dr. Cuevas was surprised that she asked lots of questions that normal teenagers wouldn't normally ask.

What made him even more surprised was that she wanted to learn about medicine and wanted him to teach her.

He agreed readily because he knew she was a bright kid.

Within a month she already read all his medical books so he referred her to other doctors from different fields which she would be able to learn from.

All of the physicians were surprised by how easily she consumed knowledge and her skills were impeccable.

She was even able to perform medical miracles in the operating room, even though it was against the rules they just sneaked her in to help with their patients.

But what Maddie was most interested in was research since she knew this was the field her biological father was in.

For a few years, she assisted in different research facilities in her free time.

But due to her identity, she wasn't able to stay at one facility for too long as to not to raise suspicion.

The research was very important in the field of medicine because without these so-called researchers, medicine wouldn't be able to develop.

This way new drugs and medical devices can be created to improve human lives.

During this time Maddie got very good in the art of disguise and got very good at changing her identity.

This helped her when she needed to go undercover for some top-secret missions.

Soon Maddie was shaped to become the top assassin in the underworld.

Maddie would never show any mercy to her targets.

Even though she never killed a person personally, she would make sure they wished they were dead.

Whenever she made a shot, she would avoid any vital vessels and organs making them agonize in pain.

Maddie always felt it too cruel to take a life, so she would let the rest of her team to finish them off.

This also made it easier for her team to gather information from the injured enemy.

But Maddie was excellent with poisons and would usually coat her bullets which made her victims agonize in pain or hallucinate.

During training with her master, she would always be so close to defeating her master in a match. Maybe in few more months, he knows that Maddie will surpass him.

This was when he decided that by next year, he needed to leave Maddie to fight the world on her own because he can't always be there to protect her.

Maddie was turning 18 next year, so she was old enough to discover the world on her own.

She was well aware of her masters plan to have her leave her life in the underworld, she was both sad and excited about this because for one she was finally happy to explore the world and see new places but at the same time, she knew she will miss being by her masters' side.