
Can I Be a Cultivator with Only Luck?

What is Cultivation? Why do people Cultivate? What is a Cultivator? The answer depends on the person who has reached the peak of CULTIVATION. To reach the peak of Cultivation there can be infinite factors that can either help or destroy the person who is trying to defy the natural orders of things. Luck is one of the most powerful and overlook factors. Destiny? Doesn't mean shit in front of heaven defying Luck. Technique? Doesn't matter, with Luck there is no need to worry. A person might not be able to reach the peak of Cultivation with pure power, with unending effort or even with a heaven defying destiny. But with Luck a person can blast through any obstacle as easy as snapping a finger. Just depends on when your Luck runs out. Ha Ha Haaa.

BlueSalmon · 東方
26 Chs

Dark Rabbit Village

Fang Yun followed the trail of dirt leading to the village, the further he walked the more gloomy his surroundings became. The surrounding trees from a healthy hue of green changed into a more darker and sinister color, the trees having less leaves and they seem to be withering with some kind of Rot.

"Wow, this is so fucking telling that I'm gonna get in trouble as soon as I saw these sinister trees, I bet all the people in that village will think I'm richer than them, better find a way to steal some clo- oops, I mean borrow hehehe"

On the way to the village Fang Yun haven't seen a single living thing in sight, only the dark and gloomy atmosphere, that seems to be the stench of death. After half an hour of walking further he found a corpse hung down from a tree. The corpse seems to be hung for quite a long time already, the body has almost fully decomposed and the clothes are all ragged.

Fang Yun sighs, he claps his hands and says "May Peace be with you skelly-belly". Then he slapped the belly of the skeleton like slapping a pack of rice *Pah Pah* "Ahhhhhh, why the hell is it so soft, Eeeeee?" Fang Pull the clothes off the corpse.

*chirp ratatat*

"What the fuck is that a rat living in a skeleton?, Holy shit what has this world become" Fang Yun was scared out of his mind. There was a dark blue rat that looked similar to a rabbit hanging around the skeleton ribcage. Its eyes were bright red as it was watching Fang Yun while nibbling on the bones.

As their eyes met, Fang Yun began to slowly walk away from the skeleton that was hanging by the tree, every step he took seems to attract the attention of the being living in the skeleton. "breathe in, breathe out, calm your heart, calm your mind, don't panic, don't panic"

As he took the 5th step, the rat started to scream and pounce on Fang Yun "AHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK OFF, YOU DIRTY MOTHERFUCKER I'm out of here"

Fang Yun turned around and ran with all his might, he ran past the dark forest, as he was getting closer to the village he noticed on a mountain not so far from the tree that the corpse was hanged, was a cave that was bright red like piecing eyes looking down on all creation.


[Transmigrated Creature Detected]

[Dark Fiend Rabbit Demon]

[Status: Injured]

[Creature energy level: Forth level of qi condensation]

[Threat Level: High]

"Fuck is it that demon in the cave over there?, Thank fucking god I ran away from that demonic hell spawn, whew" Fang Yun turned around and kept running for another hour before arriving in front of a village.

The village seems to have a dark and bleak aura, In front of the village is a small gate of around 2 meters wide and 4 meters tall. In front of the gate are 2 guards. The guards have swords hanging on their left waist and a bottle that seems to be alcohol on their right.

"Finally, some people I've been through a lot, even if I don't have money they should at least treat me well right? hahahahaha how can a handsome bastard like me be mistreated"

Fang Yun walked to the guards, tapped their shoulders and said "Good job guys keep all those demons spawn out of here" As he was going through the gates the guards raised their swords and said "Saba bin jiki Po" they shouted it several times, each time louder than the time before.

"Fuck what are they saying" Realization hits Fang Yun "Fuck they speak different languages?, why have I never see other stories be like this, Now what the fuck am I going to do? shit shit shit they look strong too, I'm screwed"

Fang Yun smiled at the guards and moved both his arms and hand together, then he kneeled down and raised his arm while saying "Please have mercy Daddy~"

*Pah Pah Pah*

The two guards beat Fang Yun with the back of their swords. After Fang Yun became unconscious he was brought to the slave trading house, The slave trading house has 3 floors including the underground cellar. The first floor was the reception, the atmosphere was the same as the whole town dark and gloomy. The slaves of the cellar are mostly low quality while the slaves on the second floor are of better quality.

*2 hours later*

"huff huff Fuck I even scream and told them to give me mercy, I even call the guards daddy how could they do this? wait until I'm strong enough you fucking bastards, I'll show you what a real beating is, by the way where am I? why is it so dark here, are these steel bars?"

Fang Yun was locked up in a steel cage in the cellar. He shouted for around an hour before someone came in. The room was lit up with a small torch that has a red flame burning on top. The person who walked in was a petite girl whose body was completely covered in dark black cloth, in contrast to her clothes her skin is beautiful jade white. Her face was covered with a mask. Only her purple eyes were visible to see. Fang Yun was dazzled by the petite figure "Loli goddess, care to let me out of here so we can have some fun?" the girl look at Fang Yun with her expressionless eyes, she seems to not even heard him talking. The girl stare for sometime then call someone and point at Fang Yun.


The steel door of the cage opens. A man that looks like some sort of guard dragged Fang Yun out and sign some paper of some sort. Fang Yun was puzzled "Wait am I being sold, well atleast I'm being sold to this pretty lass, sigh when will I get to go and do something more refreshing"


"Ahhhhhhhhh, that fucking hurts"

A whip hit Fang Yun, the on holding the whip was the petite lady, she walk closer to Fang Yun and whisper "No one will understand your language little one, hehe you're all mine now" with that she dragged Fang Yun to a nearby inn. Fang Yun glared at the petite cloack individual "Why you gotta whip me, I just got injured from a wolf and I had to run from a demon rabbit, you heartless woman"


"Shut up let's go to the inn first then talk" As the lady was saying this she lick her own lips at the end of the sentence. 'Damn what a dominatrix, I guess it's okay once in a while'.

"Hey lady why can I read the sign of the village but I can't understand what they are saying?" Fang Yun was wondering why he can't understand, what the guards were talking about, when he can read the sign.

"I have no idea, but the language you're speaking right now is the language of the mages"

As Fang Yun was about to asks more question he was tossed on the bed of the inn, the door behind him closed and the petite figure in front of him started to ties his hands and feet on the bottom and top of the bed with a rope.