
Can't win me back alpha

Bignedu · 都市
4 Chs

Chapter Three. the gift

I walk into my room and make my way towards my closet to change into my nightie when I hear the door open.

Asher walks in with a neutral face and approaches me. He spreads out his hands and mutters the one word I had never heard him say to anyone before. "I'm sorry, Claire." He kisses my head softly. My eyes widen because this is the first time he's been so affectionate towards me. Maybe he's truly sorry for hurting me… who knows?

"Hmm," I hum in response.

He nuzzles his chin on my head. "I'm sorry for being cold towards you a few minutes ago. It's just… I was angry because of matters relating to the pack. Forgive me for taking it out on you." He rubs a hand on my back, and I feel heat wash over me. I'm so glad that my face is hiding from him; if not, he would have seen my face.

"It's okay, as long as you promise not to let it happen again." I am so happy that I hug him tighter. I have never seen this side of him before so wouldn't be happy?

"Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is our anniversary, and I have a very big surprise for you." He ushers me gently towards the bed, and my heart warms with happiness. This will be the first time he's ever buying me a present, and I can't help with the way my heart races with happiness.

He lay down with me in his arms. Resting my head on his chest, I can't help but ask. "You got me a present? What is it?"

His hand moves gently on my hand, and he sighs. "You'll see, Claire, you'll see." That's the last thing he says before I hear his soft breathing.

I am so happy right now, and I know from the way he's behaving that our marriage has taken a new turn. A soft smile tugs at the corners of my lips just as I fall into a deep slumber.


My face breaks into a smile as I stare at my reflection in front of the mirror. I'm wearing a tight-fitted black dress with a tiny red rose in front of it. My neck is adorned with a beautiful jade necklace, with a pair of black earrings and red heels completing my outfit.

I rub my hands over my hips, nodding my head because the dress helps to accentuate my figure more.

It's almost time before I'm being called upon by the pack elders. It's always tradition for the pack elders to bless the union of the Alpha and the Luna. And after what happened between Asher and me last night, I can't help but smile because it's the right time for us to receive our blessing.

I hear a light knock on the door, and I mutter, "Come in." My mouth stretches into a smile when I see who is at the door. Beta Joshua stands at the door with a wide grin on his face. The cute glint in his eyes makes him more handsome, and I can't wait for the day when his fated mate will get blown away for his looks.

"Greetings, Luna," he bows slightly, and I wave it away. "You look really fabulous, Luna. I can't wait to catch Alpha's expression when he sees you in this dress." He comes to stand beside me, and I give him a playful nudge.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I point at his cream-colored blazer with black shoes. He looks like a young Duke.

"Ah, I have never looked bad," he laughs out hard.

I roll my eyes, "Don't get too high over yourself. There are still men who are more handsome than you are!"

"Well—" he mirrors my expression and tilts his head to his right. "Alpha Asher is a very handsome man, but after him, I'm next."

"Yeah, you can say that again," I hear him laugh more, and I reach out to take my black handbag before facing him again. "You should be at the party already! So what are you doing here?" I ask with a serious face. It's such an important day for the pack, and as the Beta of the pack, it's his responsibility to be beside his Alpha.

"Yeah, Alpha wanted me to escort you out." I frown at that. He's supposed to be the one doing the honors, but why did he have to pass the responsibility to his Beta? I wanted to ask him why, but I quickly changed my mind. I'm too excited to have my mood fouled.

Ice had been urging me to tell Asher that he's going to be a father soon. And that's my gift to him other than the gold watch that I actually bought for him. My heart warmed with love at the thought of my baby; he or she will be coming into a happy home. I can't help but be glad that our marriage took a good turn right after I learned that I was pregnant.

"Alright, we should go now. I do not like to keep the elders waiting," Joshua offers me a hand, and I slowly place my white small hand in his large one.

"My pleasure," he grins and lifts my hand to his lip, placing a light kiss on it.

I hit his shoulder and shake my head in feigned annoyance. "Stop flirting with your Luna!" He throws his head back, laughing so hard that I join him.

By the time we arrive at the party, I smile at the sight that greets me. Everyone is having a good time, and it tugs at my heart. Memories of the time I spent taking care of them flash before me. I make sure I'm a good mother figure to everyone; the children most times prefer to be with me than their own mothers. Women who had trouble in their relationship would bring it to me, and after I counsel them, I hear from the couple that everything has been sorted out.

"Claire, come over here," I hear someone shout to me, and I turn to see Miranda waving at me while beaming with smiles. She's standing beside a blonde whom I think looks familiar but can't place where I know her from.

I squeeze between people, smiling and nodding at people's greetings until I'm standing before Miranda and the blonde.

"Hey, how do you do?" I hug Miranda and I chuckle when she pats on my back. "You are so cheerful today. Care to explain the cause of it!" I move away from her and search her face.

"I'm always cheerful!" She snaps, rolling her eyes at me. She points at the blonde and winks at her. "Claire, meet Henley, my cousin. Henly, meet Luna Claire."

Henley smiles, "It's nice meeting you, Luna." She stretches out her hand, and I clasp mine over.

"It's Claire," I murmur, glancing at Miranda before focusing my gaze back on her. "Miranda's sister is mine as well, so there's no need to be too formal."

"I told you she's so cool," Miranda gushes at her cousin and tugs me at her side. "Happy anniversary to you, baby girl. Where's Asher?" She looks everywhere for him with her eyes before they land on me. "You two are supposed to be together before the main ceremony begins."

I sigh, realizing that I actually haven't seen him. I look around but can't find him. I make out Gamma Alex alone with a man I have never seen before. On the other side of the hall, Beta Joshua stands with a few Alphas that I'm able to recognize. Where the hell are you, Asher?

"I can't find him either," I say with a frown, "Maybe it's because there are too many people here."

Miranda gives me a warm smile, as if saying she's here for me. Sometimes it's her and the love I receive from my pack members that have kept me sane over the past three years.