
Can't win me back alpha

Bignedu · 都市
4 Chs

Chapter one. reality strikes

I will never forget the moment my world comes crashing down, threatening my peace. My life is simple as the Alpha's mate and the Luna of the Black Hills Pack. But then, in an instant, everything I know is torn apart, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.


"Congratulations, Luna," the doctor says, handing me a white envelope. "You are carrying the next Alpha!" She proudly exclaims.

I accept it with trembling hands, not quite believing her words. I'm pregnant. Am I really pregnant? Oh my gosh, I'm pregnant!

My heart beats as I caress the envelope that contains the information concerning my baby. My hands itch to pull it open and read what is there already, but before I can, my mouth opens and asks instead.

"How far along?" I look at the beaming face of the woman who is looking back at me with so much joy that I feel tears begin to fill my eyes. She's not only the pack's doctor but also my best friend. We have both clung together since our first meeting after I came to live in the pack.

"You are six weeks gone," she smiles warmly at me. Her eyes twinkle with amusement as she feels my body temperature with the back of her hand. "Your temperature is slightly high, and I advise that you take good care of yourself."

I slowly nod my head. "I will surely take care of myself, Miranda." I beam at her and she slaps me playfully on my cheek.

"I bet you will," she helps me stand from the bed and carefully tucks a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. "Or the Alpha will… how's the relationship between you two now?"

Her gaze holds mine, and I return it with a soft smile. I swallow back the lump in my throat and gently rub my hand on my tummy. "It's going well. Although I think he only feels a slight attraction towards me."

I avoid her gaze, knowing it will be filled with pity. Instead, I look down at my hands and start toying with my fingers.

"Well, that's because you still don't want to let him know that you are the one," Miranda sighs, her tone not accusing, making me know she truly understands the reason behind it. The corners of my mouth twitch with a smile, wondering silently how I got myself such a sweet and caring best friend.

The ride back home is silent as well as pleasant. All through the time I lean back in the car, my hand is placed carefully on my tummy, murmuring soothing words to my child. I can't wait for Asher's expression when I hand over the pregnancy result to him tomorrow.

When we arrive in front of the mansion that I live with Asher, the chauffeur puts the car to a halt and climbs down before quickly walking towards my side of the car and opening the door.

I walk gingerly inside and head straight for the bathroom. I quickly have a shower before sliding into a soft caramel dress that I know Asher likes. I check myself out in front of the mirror, and nod twice once I'm satisfied with my looks.

Glancing at the time on my phone, I see I have just three hours before Asher comes home. Slipping into my flip flops, I head into the kitchen to make a delicious dinner that we both like a lot, to celebrate the mood.

As I pull out the frying pan out of the cupboard, I hear the sound of footsteps and I look up to find Lilian, our housekeeper smiling warmly at me.

"Good afternoon, Luna." She bows her head in greeting.

I frown as I close the cupboard with my knee and place the pan on the sink. "Good afternoon, Lilian." I turn on the faucet of the tap and watch as water reaches the exact brim I want before I turn it off. "What are you doing here? You are not due back here until Friday, so…?" I trail off as I turn my full attention to her.

Lilian fumbles with her lower lip and palms her cheeks. "I wanted to help out for tomorrow since it's your anniversary." Her words instantly warm my heart at how much she truly cares.

"Don't trouble yourself over it. Asher doesn't want me to stress myself, so he hired a caterer to take care of it. And every other work would be done by the pack members." I assure her, and she bows before leaving.

Time goes by, and I'm already done cooking. I glance at the clock to see that it's almost time before Asher comes bursting through the door.

I have just turned on my data and started to browse the internet when I hear someone slam the front door close. My heart starts to beat wildly just as I jerk my head towards the door.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I rush towards the sitting room where I see him looking grim with a black suitcase in his hand.

Frowning, I walk up to him and quietly take up the suitcase from him and rub a hand over the new stubble that is growing on his chin.

"Asher…" I whisper as my eyes assess him. The air around him is surprisingly cold, or is it just in my head? I shake my head to clear off the silly thought, tip-toeing on my feet to give him a kiss on his mouth, but he moves his head away, before shoving me away from him.

I stumble on my feet but was able to quickly collect myself. "Asher… What's the meaning of that? What's wrong with you?" My mouth hangs open as the shock still overwhelms me. I reach out to him for more time, but the glare he passes to me makes me halt my movement.

Without a word, he snatches his suitcase out of my grasp and heads towards the staircase. I stay rooted on the floor, my right hand now to my chest as my eyes begin to water.

I had thought things were beginning to go well between us. I had thought disguising myself would make him love me for who I was. But it seems I had been living in illusion all along.