

Finally, I'm free. Now that I'm in a university far from home, there is no mom or dad to tell me what to do and keep me locked at home all day.

Oops forgive me let me introduce myself. My name is Elle and I'm 19 years old. All through my live I have been living in a prison. Well let me not say prison but I am sure many people knows how it feels to have strict parents who are over protective. You can't leave the house, you can't invite a male friend, can't go on hangouts, can't even go to your school dinner. Well I have lived like that for 19 years and I know how it feels and to be honest I am not comfortable with it because I am a teenage and I can't do all the things that needs to be done at that age.

Little do my strict parent know that when they prevent a child from doing something, the curiosity of that child increases and the child will want to know why the parent is doing so. After 19 years being under my parents protection I have always wished for the day I will go to the university that is far from home so that I can enjoy the freedom I need. Little did I know that the university of my choice was different from their choice and then they asked me to go to a private school. No I shouted out loud. No one knew the reason I didn't agree. Going to that private university will also be another prison for me because of all the strict rules and regulations guilding the school.

Without much thinking my dad sent me to the school. Even though that was not my dream university, I was still happy because I wasn't at home and still I could make lots of friends. The first semester came and instead of me to focus on my book, I focused more on making new friends and finding a good boyfriend. Lol that is also part of what teenage life is all about right. After making friends decided to go out to get food that evening when one of my make friends Vincent met me outside that I should help him call my room mate. Since we were guys, I decided to go and call her. Me going back outside to tell Vincent that my room mate was coming, his own room mate came to me him. Vincent said to me "Ella this is my room mate Patrick and Patrick this is Ella". Firstly I was amazingly shocked because he was my spec. A 10 out of 10. But you know how girls can be, we like to act as if we are not moved by what we saw. Everything started from Vincent's introduction which made me helpless and now I can't stop thinking .