
Meeting him

On getting to school, everyone was looking different

"Something is wrong,have they forgotten that it's Monday?why are they smiling"Anissa asked looking confused

"Hey A's",we both turned back to see Sarah our lovely friend

They call us A's cos they can't stress themselves by saying our names

"Sup Sarah"Anissa asked "Am good and happy Monday"she replied winking

We both rolled our eyes."Anyways, why's everyone different, like they're happy about something"I asked "You guys don't know?" she asked back raising her eyebrows

"Our principal is dead?" Anissa asked

I and Sarah glared at her

"Nope" Sarah replied shaking her head

"Then it's not good news"Anissa said pretending to be sad

"Theo Kavinskey is going to resume back"Sarah said cheering

Me and Anissa looked at each other

"Who is Theo Kavinskey"we both asked together

"O my God,Theo Kavinskey, the son of the wealthiest man in New York, one of the best basketball players in New York"

"So why is he coming back"Anissa asked

"The tournament is over and he's ready to come back to school".Then Anissa asked"Why haven't we seen him?"

"Because you just resumed here last two years"

"Ohhhh"we both said same time

"And one more thing,he is Liya's boyfriend"

"What!!!???"Anissa and I were both shocked

"Yea yea".....

OMG He's finally here!!King Theo!!

We three heard screams coming from the entrance

Boom!!Theo Kavinskey walked in with some guys I think friends

I must say he's handsome, very tall,I think 6 feet with broad shoulders

Fuck me!!

I've met a lot of handsome guys so whatever

Theo walked pass us giving me a dirty smirk

"Okay now,the show is over let's head to class"Anissa shouted loud enough for everyone in the hallway to hear.I love my sister

We all got to class and..

O no!

The show isn't over.Girls and boys were all gathered in my seat and I heard Liya's voice

"O Theo"then she giggled. So it's Theo

Nice. "Hey!!!" I yelled but nobody heard me. A lot of guys backs were facing me so it was difficult for me to see Theo. "Hey!!"I yelled again but still got no one attention. Then suddenly

Boom!! "Hey!"Anissa barked hitting the teacher's desk hard. Am sure that table is broken.

"What?"Finally someone asked from the crowd

"Finally got the attention of you block heads"I said rolling my eyes. "Kindly get your ass of my sister's seat"Anissa yelled pointing her finger at Theo. He was so confused

"Your sisters seat?" he asked "Yes my seat"I replied

He looked at me with shocked eyes then at my sister.I rolled my eyes,I know what he's thinking

"You're not seeing things, we're identical"I said

"Wow that's great" he said

"Now get your ass off my seat" I said raising my eyebrows

"Gosh Anika, just go find another seat you bitch"Liya said blinking her eyes foolishly.

God help me,I hate this girl

"Good morning Liya,bad makeup again and just mind your business cos Anissa gat a scissors to cut that bushy eyelashes of yours"I said smiling putting my face in front of her

"You bitch"she shouted getting up from Theo's laps

"Okay okay, I'll get up and find another seat"Theo said trying to stop whatever would have happened between us

"Good"I said smiling

They all left my seat and Theo got the seat behind me

"So introduce yourself"I heard Theo voice from the back "Anika Phillips"I just replied

"Anika Phillips nice.."then there was silence "Wait do you mean Anika Phillips the daughter of Mr Hallwart Phillips the second richest man in New York"he shouted looking surprised

"Yea and who's first?"I asked finally turning my head to face him. "of course it's us The Kavinskeys"I said proudly,I just rolled my eyes.

"Is he disturbing you? unfortunately I don't have the size of his coffin yet"Anissa said taking a seat beside me,now we were both facing Theo

"No he isn't disturbing me for now so you still have enough time to prepare his coffin"I replied smirking at Theo

"Wow you two look so great together but how do I differentiate between you two?"he asked looking at us

"Ummm we don't know" I bluntly replied because I really don't have an answer to that question