
Can't be yours

" Love hurts" "Is he love you or it's a obsession" "You don't need to find love love itself find whose to distroy" " Do you love me" Yess I do "But I can't be yours" Kim ten: I hate love ( crying hardly) Young Soo: I do love you young Soo is a daughter of the famous and dangerous mafia, his father kill her mom and treat her badly she is tired of her life and want to run away one day due to his father she run away she is injured badly in her way she meet a boy Kim ten. Kim ten is a simple boy with simple and happy life he took Young Soo to his house where his mother took care of her . They both feel in love with each other but young Soo nows that the faith will never let them together

Affifa_Tae · 都市
32 Chs

20_i will kill you:

Time skip :

At school:

young Soo pov:

I m sitting alone using my fone then Lisa come and shake me

Lisa: hello young Soo

young Soo: hello

Lisa: so fo you enjoy at party I left early

young Soo: you punk I want to kill you ( saying that I start slapping her play fully)

Lisa: what

young Soo: you know what happened to me yesterday

Lisa: what?

young Soo: I got badly drunk then

Lisa: then

young Soo: Kim ten took me to his home and ( Lisa stand up and started yelling you both slept togather)

young Soo: you paboo sit down some one might be hear you

Lisa: tell me you are lying

young Soo: I m not we sleep togather but not in that way

Lisa: I don't understand

young Soo: I mean I sleep in his house nothing happened between us

Lisa: ooo I think that you lost your virginity

young Soo: no paboo I m hundred percent virgin

Lisa: ok ok , did you do your project

young Soo: what project

Lisa: don't tell that you forget

young Soo: forget what?

Lisa: scince project

young Soo: ooo mmm ghg I forget I didn't complete it

Lisa: so get ready for your class

Lisa and young Soo are talking then jiwoo come

jiwoo: hello young Soo hello Lisa

young Soo and Lisa: hello jiwoo

jiwoo: you know Kim ten project is very good all the sir like it and we all think that he come in first rank

young Soo: really

jiwoo: don't you see it

young Soo: no

jiwoo: come he place it in library

young Soo: come on

time skip:

At library:

young Soo: oo mm gg it's really good

jiwoo: and experience too

Lisa: wow

young Soo go near the project and touch it but when she touch it the door brust open young Soo got startled and for mistake the project fell down and broke

Lisa: oo my goodness

young Soo: I didn't do it on purpose

Kim ten who is standing near the door come near her

Kim ten: I know you did it on purpose do you know who much it's important for me I wake up day and night and complete it but you

young Soo: I didn't do it on purpose I just

Kim ten: shut up just shut up ( he go from there )

young Soo: I fell really bad

Lisa: thats not your fault don't be sad

jiwoo: yep be easy

time skip:

At young Soo home:

young Soo pov:

all day Kim ten ignore me I fell bad arghh what should I do I m thinking about the mess I create then I got an idea I run toward kitchen and try to make brownies I know he like brownies after some time I m done I packed it and write a sorry note and paste it there

time skip:

young Soo pov:

I m standing outside his house I ring the bell

after sometime he open the door

young Soo: sorry this is for you

Kim ten: I don't want go from there

young Soo: let me in ( I back him off and go in )

young Soo: your house is pretty

Kim ten: to didn't see my house first time

young Soo: you are rude

Kim ten: I know now get lost

young Soo: no never I made those brownies let's eat togather

Kim ten: no ( he throw the brownies in dustbin)

young Soo: huhh why did you do this

Kim ten: plz get lost or

young Soo: or what

Kim ten: you want to know

young Soo: yess

Kim ten come near her and kiss her young Soo eyes went wide open