
Can’t Help Falling

Being a newcomer was the last thing Princess Mason would ever wish for. But she was left with no choice when her father changed her school. She resumes Greenfield Academy and the only thing she planned to face was her studies. Things didn't go as planned when she meets Harry Carter, Greenfield's Brightest Star.

Osakuade_Dami · 若者
14 Chs

The Golden Seat.


We walked past the giant buildings.

They are so beautiful!   

"So, are you a Freshman?" Tasha asked.

No, I'm a sophomore. You guys?

"Same here!!!"

That's good to hear.

"Where do you stay?" Jane suddenly asked. She fixed her eyes on me.


"You don't stay far. Tasha and I are from Edmonton." She replied.



I smiled.

"Our school is fun though. We are free to do whatever we want. Hope you brought your phone?" Tasha questioned.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So...Do you have a boyfriend?" Jane asked.

That was fast.

"No, I don't."

"Well, almost everyone here is dating. Just wanted to let you know." Jane chuckled.

"That's quite a news." I replied.

Tasha laughed, revealing her beautiful dentition.

"When last was there a newcomer?" I asked.

"Talking about the whole school, I don't know, we are overpopulated, new faces show up daily, but in Sophomore year, It's Dave, the underage weirdo who doesn't talk to anyone."

I laughed.

"Why is that though?"

Jane came closer and whispered into my ears.

"Maybe you should ask him."

I laughed the more. They were funny.

"So, where is our hostel?"

"We are headed there," Tasha answered.


We walked towards a big compound. The fence was high and purple.

"GREENFIELD GIRLS" was designed boldly on the gate.

"Here we are," Tasha said as she led us inside.

"Four stay in a room. We are allowed to choose our roommates ourselves."



"I hope your roommates are as friendly as you guys are." I chuckled.

"We don't have a roommate." They said in unison.


"Yes, we liked the way our room was spacious. No trouble. Whenever any new girl arrives, we don't go to meet them like everyone else does.

"Hope I'm not going to be bringing trouble?"

"Naaaa!" Tasha yelled.

I smiled.

I hope so.

The compound was like an estate. Beautiful and magnificent.

"Our Hostel is big," Tasha said, looking at me.

I'm aware.

"Indeed," I replied.

"We reached a long corridor.

"This is for sophomores," Jane said.

"Our room number is 37," Tasha added.


We finally entered the room.

It was cluttered. Their bedspreads were not laid. There were food particles on the floor and a few books too.

Thought they had no other roommate?

"Oh, sorry about this sight. We were planning to arrange-"

"Tasha!" Jane suddenly cried.

"What?" Tasha replied

"It's time for lunch. We mustn't be late."


I checked my phone. It was 1:55 pm.

"Princess, let's go and eat. We'll sort the rest later."

I nodded.

"Ces is okay if you don't mind."

"Oh, fine." Let's go now, we mustn't be late."

Their school Cafeteria was big. If there was any name for extra-large- it was. It was divided into different parts, each for each grade.

There were servers and instructors for each grade. They all had their uniforms.

I looked at everyone. Some were gisting, some busy with their phones, Others awaiting their food.

We reached the sophomore's side. I felt people's stares but I wasn't moved. I knew I was pretty and I dressed well. I had nothing wrong! Jane walked to her seat.

"Ces, go and meet that woman, Her name is Mrs. Coker. She is the instructor for sophomores, she'll tell you where to sit." Tasha said.


I was about to move forward when Tasha pulled me back. She then said.

"Well, you might be lucky to be given the seat we've all been wishing to sit on," she whispered to me. 

"Is it made of gold?"

Tasha laughed.

"It's the seat facing Harry Carter."

"Who is he?"

"He's a sophomore too. The most handsome one though. He's intelligent, neat, and reserved. He sits alone so we've always wished to sit beside him. Don't dare fall for him, we are many on the queue!"

I beamed a smile.

"I don't fall in love easily."

"Let's wait and see Princess. We were all like that when he resumed too. But we  couldn't help it, we fell." She replied, patting me on my shoulders as she left for her seat.

"Whatever.. I'm sure the guy in my dream is still more handsome than your so-called Harry Carter." I said as I walked to our Instructor.

She welcomed me and registered my name.

"Everyone here sits in twos. My dear, You'll be sitting there." Mrs. Coker said as she pointed to an empty seat. It was a sit beside the wall and my soon-to-be partner bowed his head.

I thanked her and headed to the seat. On my way, I looked at Tasha. She smiled, winked and raised a thumb.

"What was that supposed to mean?" I whispered to myself.

I smiled back at her and moved on. Many eyes stared strangely at me. I didn't mind them. I walked gracefully to my seat. 

My soon-to-be partner was still bowing his head. As I was about sitting, I remembered Tasha talking about a handsome boy, neat freak, girls lining up to date him, sitting alone- bla bla bla.  I then remembered Tasha's expression when I walked here.

It then dawned on me.

Oh, the Golden seat. No wonder they were all staring at me like that.